Sleep With Me Tonight (1)

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Lin Yu He explained, “A friend asked me to do it.”

Lin Yu He started practising calligraphy with his grandfather when he was young and began receiving business drafts in high school. He met a friend and since then they began to work together often, building up a long-term partnership. This partner was very young, thoughtful and active. Outside of the traditional flat manuscripts, he had many novel ideas. He was also the one who suggested that Lin Yu He create social media accounts.

“This design exhibition was created as a cooperative effort with the mall. In addition to creating publicity for a few Han-style stores, it attracts customers to visit and take photos,” Lin Yu He explained.

“My friend told me that recently, the exhibition has become a very popular spot, especially for taking photos to post online. I’ve been busy with classes, though, so I haven’t had much time. Today is the first time I’ve seen the effects of this exhibit.”

Lu Nan gazed at the giant screen in front of him and sighed silently. “Ning Ning is really amazing,” he sincerely complimented.

The man’s aura was quite complicated and Lin Yu He could not understand it. However, if you looked at it with the perspective of someone who had a better relationship with family, the meaning of the man’s expression became easily clear—

It was the type who wanted to give the best for his child, only to find that his child no longer needed his help. It was the proud, yet sad expression of an old father.

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Lin Yu He didn’t understand this, and only felt embarrassed at this praise. He said, “I’m not the one that’s good at this. It’s the friend that did a better job.”

However, Lu Nan disagreed. “If you can persist in doing what you enjoy and also do it well, then you are good at it.”

Lin Yu He was stunned for a while, then looked up at the man.

He generally was able to control his emotions very well, and treated people gently, rarely being surprised at changes. So, when he displayed such an ignorant expression, it made people quite irritated.

Lin Yu He was still thinking about that statement when he felt a warm touch on his jaw. The man had extended a hand and was lightly squeezing his chin.

Mr. Lu seemed to enjoy touching other people’s chins – Lin Yu He was contemplating this when there was movement next to him. He looked up, and saw a few youngsters holding phones that had been stopped by Lu Nan’s people.

They only stood a few steps away from the two of them, and so the conversation could be clearly overheard.

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After listening to their conversation, Lin Yu He realised that someone had been filming him and Lu Nan, but had been politely stopped by Fang Mu Sen’s people, who asked them to delete the video.

Some of the youngsters were quite embarrassed, and explained, “We had no malicious intentions, we just thought they were very handsome and their interactions were cute, so we wanted to take a quick video. If you mind, though, then we will delete them all.”

Lin Yu He was a little surprised, as he had just heard the makeup artists talk about videos being taken by passersby this morning, but didn’t expect for this to actually happen to himself.

He was too busy when he took classes, and never had much time to go shopping, only went out for a meal with roommates. It was indeed the first time he paid attention to this type of thing. “It turns out people would really take videos like this.”

Lu Nan paid no attention to the passersby until Lin Yu He opened his mouth, and he asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lin Yu He repeated the words of the makeup artists to him.

After Lu Nan heard this, he showed no reaction except to express his agreement. “Well, they probably believe we are a good match, so they would take videos of us.”

Lin Yu He: “...?”

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He initially believed that people like Mr. Lu, who held the position of a group director, would pay lots of attention to privacy protection. Looking at the actions of the Hong Kong media, it was clear to the people that Mr. Lu did not enjoy being randomly photographed and talked about.

But now, why was it that he felt Mr. Lu enjoyed what had just been filmed?

This minor incident didn’t delay much of their time, however, and the two enjoyed the ink pen exhibition for a little longer before wandering to other places.

One of the key features of this mall was that there were many cultural and artistic stores in the mall, and Lu Nan asked Lin Yu He if he wanted to visit a specific store.

However, the first thing that caught Lin Yu He’s attention was a sports store.

Because it was the weekend, most of the stores were crowded, and some even had long queues waiting to enter.

There were too many people and it became inconvenient to ask Mr. Lu to accompany him shopping, so Lin Yu He did not enter any stores. However, he couldn’t help looking back longingly at a store with a long line at the door.

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When he turned around again, the man next to him stopped.


Lin Yu He was wondering who it was when Lu Nan pulled him aside.

“Which store do you want to visit?” Glancing at the direction of Lin Yu He’s line of sight, Lu Nan asked, “That skateboard shop?”

Lin Yu He hesitated, and said, “There’s no need, I was just looking. If I bought a skateboard, I would have no use for it.”

“Why would you have no use for it?” Lu Nan asked. “Because of asthma?”

Lin Yu He was unsurprised that he knew this information, since he knew that the other had probably seen his profile. “Yes.”

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