Lin Yu He instinctively sensed danger.

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The man beside him was much too close, and he could easily be suppressed by a wave of his hand. He didn’t know how to answer to be safe, so he could only bite the bullet in the end.

“….A little.”

It’s just that this sentence had been repeatedly weighted but was still falling into the man’s trap.

“That requires more practice.”

A low voice fell on his ears, and Lin Yu He, in hindsight, finally remembered the true meaning of “practice” — practicing the wedding’s hugs and kisses.

The attitude of serious cooperation was real, and the tension was inevitable.

Some words didn’t need to be said clearly, and things had silently developed to where they were now.

He didn’t speak, but the other man who had pushed the situation here now opened his mouth.

“Are you against this kind of thing?”

Lin Yu He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. “No.”

The agreement had already been written that cooperation for physical contact was required when necessary, and even the precise definitions of “when necessary” and “physical contact” had been listed in detail.

Lin Yu He had long known that there would be such things, and didn’t want to breach the contact.

He explained, “I had only choked on the milk before…”

Suddenly there was a slight, rough, warm touch on his lips, and the man’s fingertips lightly rubbed the corners of his lips.

“Because you’re still young.”

Lin Yu He’s movements stopped.

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Still young.

It wasn’t the first time, the strange and wonderful feeling— Lin Yu He found that Mr. Lu seemed to be treating him as a child, one who could make mistakes and needed to be loved.

Unexpectedly, he actually got the feeling of being cared for in this agreement.

Lin Yu He heard Lu Nan asked, “Is it ok?”

He nodded.

I will listen to you, and I will cooperate. Lin Yu He kept thinking about it until his chin was pinched and his head raised.

This was the man’s usual action. Lin Yu He had experienced it many times, but he couldn’t help but hold his breath still.

The control in this action was too strong, and even if he held his breath, the smell of wood in such close proximity surrounded him from all directions, wrapping his body completely, and leaving no gaps.

Lin Yu He had kept the piece of ebony by his side for so long, taking it out to rub it carefully from time to time, but there was never a moment more fragrant than the present.

He lowered his gaze and unconsciously pursed his thin lips, almost forming a line.

The heartbeat was getting faster and faster, like a countdown.

Lin Yu He forcibly prepared himself psychologically, but the first place where the warm touch arrived was his eyes.

He couldn’t help but freeze.

Lin Yu He didn’t even know what kind of scene his trembling eyelashes had made in the other’s line of sight that would tempt him to kiss his eyes first. The kiss was very light, like a warm wind blowing. Lin Yu He blinked subconsciously, and as soon as he raised his eyes, he met the man’s bottomless gaze.

He froze, then pinched the back of his neck.

Lin Yu He’s lips easily dried out, and the usual memory that his lips had was pain. But now, it seemed as if those deep, frequent memories had been erased.

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Only the touch of this moment was left.

Lu Nan was a very cold person, but his body temperature was always unexpectedly high, as if he could burn someone at any time. The heat was a dangerous warning, alerting people, but at the same time, a deadly temptation, attracting moths to the flames.

Only then did Lin Yu He know that people with a naturally cold body seemed to have a craving for warmth.

The reckless effort to get closer to the heat source seemed to have been ingrained into his blood and bones, and since he couldn’t pull his body back, he could only sink deeper into it.

It made people forget that at first, everything had actually been gentle.

At first, the range of the probing movement was not large, and the intensity was very gentle. The first thing that spread was a light mint smell, cool like mouthwash, nice and fresh.

Although the chin and back of the neck were pinched, the real action was not as strong as expected, and it seemed that there was enough room for Lin Yu He to adapt.

However, there really was no such thing as “adaptation.”

It turned out that the actual feelings were completely different from the thousands of possibilities that Lin Yu He had imagined. He only felt that he was very hot, and the person with the cold body had finally found the warmth in the source of heat.

In the end, it was on fire.

Desire. Hope was ignored, and indulgence was silent.

Lin Yu He didn’t even have to think about it to guess that his skin was definitely red.

He naturally didn’t have the pigment, but now it was an extravagant red.

He was losing control. The physical contact that was the most inadvertent at first had now become the most confusing. Lin Yu He was submerged by raging waves and could barely regain a little sanity in between.

He wanted to escape, but there was no chance.

The targeted prey could not escape, and would definitely be pushed back down.

Fleeing had also become a way to wake the beast.

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The back of the neck was firmly pressed, with a force that couldn’t be rejected. It gave one the illusion of being pressed under claws.

But it was even more aggressive in front.


Unable to hold himself back, Lin Yu He let out a small nasal sound. It was extremely light but also extremely arousing.

He was unaware of the consequences of his own reaction, so he was caught off guard, panicking more and more every time.

The storm had been going on for so long.

It wasn’t until the back was patted lightly, and hazy eyes wiped, that Lin Yu He barely recovered from the trembling. He heard a hoarse, low male voice beside his ears.

“It’s alright.”


He sniffed.

It was impossible to be alright, with the numb tip of the tongue disagreeing, the sore back of the neck disagreeing. There were still shadows between the lips and teeth after the attack, and every breath was full of evidence to protest.

From childhood to adulthood, Lin Yu He had always achieved excellent results, with a positive attitude, studying hard. But when he heard the man holding him say, “Slow down, wait a bit to get used to it and we will practise again,” it was the first time that he had obviously negative emotions.

He didn’t want to learn to kiss.

He hid his face.

He didn’t want to practise anymore.

The appeasement afterwards didn’t help much, and the man’s voice was still a little too hoarse, sounding a bit fierce.

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Lin Yu He, who had just been shadowed by said fierceness, slowed down for a while and managed to gather his emotions.

He hastily packed a few books and returned to the bedroom to study alone.

After washing his face and taking another shower, he came out to read, do problems, soak in hot water, and prepared to sleep.

The lip balm wasn’t applied as his lips wasn’t dry anymore.

It hurt to touch, though.

Lin Yu He followed everything step by step meticulously, and completed everything before going to bed, making no mistakes or omissions.

But when the bedroom door was pushed open, he unconsciously froze.

The man walked in, not approaching the bed or forcing Lin Yu He, who had his back to him, to turn around. He merely placed a glass of warm water on the bedside cabinet, saying, “Rest early.”

His voice was still hoarse.

It was just that Lin Yu He was too busy to take care of himself, and so his instinctive perception of danger had long been exhausted, so he noticed nothing unusual.

He also rubbed his face, persuading himself to adjust his mind, and tried to respond normally.

Before Lin Yu He could speak, he heard the man speak.

“I still have an online meeting, and it will end very late, so I will rest in the study.”

“Go to sleep first.”

Lin Yu He was stunned for a moment, but when he turned around, he saw only the gently closed door.

All that was left was the words “good night,” said before closing the door.

A touch of ice-cold water vapour was left in the air when the man passed by.

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