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Lin Yu He left the study and let out a long breath.

He realised that he had just made a big fuss. He had no need to rush here at all. It was impossible for people like Mr. Lu to misunderstand.

Lin Yu He gathered his emotions, controlled himself to not overthink, and began to think about his own job.

The disease diagrams needed to be memorised, the key points of the patients sorted out, the pharmacological drug names needed to be memorised, and there was a new question bank for immunisations to be downloaded…

Listing things off in his head, the magazine with the cover of Mr. Lu was driven out of his head, with only the graceful figure of blue life and death remaining.

Medical professional textbooks were all sealed in blue, each with hundreds of pages, and every word had the possibility of being a key point. They were given a nickname by the students — The love for blue life and death.

Just as Lin Yu He had calmed down a bit, he heard someone call him.

“Ning Ning!”

Lin Yu He paused and turned around.

Mr. Lu?

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He had already reached the door of the bedroom, and was two corridors away from the study. But the voice was still clear, without fading, and the man who called him had already appeared at the end of the corridor.

Lu Nan strode towards him, walking too fast. Lin Yu He blinked, and the man was already standing in front of him, reaching out and grabbing his forearm.

Lin Yu He was shocked, wondering why the other party was in such a hurry.

“Ning Ning.”

Lu Nan called him again, chest heaving twice, eyes fixated on him.

The man seemed to be suppressing something with this sound, but Lin Yu He took no notice, only having a feeling of being caught.

He hesitantly asked, “…Elder brother?”

Lu Nan took a breath, and when he spoke again, his voice had calmed down. It was no different from before, with the exception of being slightly hoarse.

“Were those samples given by the magazine company, or did you buy them yourself?”

Lin Yu He was at a loss for words.

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The question was too spot-on, and he couldn’t be as vague as he was earlier.

Yes, samples could also be bought.

He could only honestly admit: “I bought it.”

Lu Nan grabbed the palm of the forearm he held, burning it slightly. “You bought this many?”

This time, even “the love for blue life and death” couldn’t make one calm down anymore.

Being singled out so directly, Lin Yu He had no idea how to answer.

“It wasn’t that much…”

Lu Nan changed his attitude a bit, becoming more patient. He didn’t ask any further questions, just looking at him.

If Lin Yu He hadn’t been guilty, this would have been an easy question to answer, even a little boring.

Unfortunately, he knew the answer in his heart.

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“I was thinking,” Lin Yu He tried hard to select his words, but his mind was frozen. “I didn’t do as well previously, but I remember what elder brother said that I would get used to it after looking at it more, so I took more to study…”

Lu Nan lowered his head to look at him, closing the distance further between the two. They were so close that even breathing could be heard.
“Isn’t it more convenient to see in person?”

Lin Yu He unconsciously stepped back a little.

His power… was too strong.

Before he could back away too much, the back of his head was held in place by a large palm.

There was no escape.

“So, do you want to get used to it a little more?” Lu Nan asked him in a low voice, his gaze deep.

“…Well.” Lin Yu He explained, “I was worried about not doing well at the wedding…”

Before he could finish speaking, he was kissed on his nervously trembling eyelashes.

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“You’ve been doing well.”

Lu Nan said in a hoarse voice.

Kissing the eyes seemed to have become a warning signal. Lin Yu He was pulled into the bedroom. It was a private space, safe and quiet. It belonged to the two of them alone, and many things could happen freely.

Lin Yu He unconsciously felt a little nervous, as he knew what would happen next, something unfamiliar and out of his control. He didn’t relax a bit until he saw that the man didn’t head towards the bed, instead choosing the sofa next to it.

The next second, he was pulled onto the man’s lap.

Lu Nan was sitting on the sofa, and with Lin Yu He on his lap, his eyes were basically at the same level as the man’s, and he no longer had to hold his chin up to meet his eyes. If Lin Yu He sat up straight, he would even look down at Lu Nan.

This position seemed to have a larger degree of freedom than the last time, and it was no longer as inescapable. But it was merely an illusion. When they actually touched, Lin Yu He still felt the illusion of being completely immersed.

He had no other experience to compare this with, and he was not interested in this sort of thing, so he had no idea if everyone’s kisses were like this. However, Mr. Lu had always been like this, so no matter how gentle his movements are, it would give one a strong sense of danger.

It was as if there was something huge and ferocious hidden under the gentle touch. It seemed as if you were not careful, it would burst out and engulf Lin Yu He completely. Devouring, leaving not even a bone left.

Lin Yu He didn’t understand where this sense of danger had come from. It was obvious that Mr. Lu’s movements were very light, his intrusion being gentler than last time. He didn’t search every corner inch by inch, didn’t go deeper to leave his mark on every inch he could touch.

There was still a numbness in the back of his neck, and the inadvertent flow of air gave him a chill.

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