Fortunately, nothing went wrong. Lin Yu He was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard a cry of exclamation from the reception.

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Immediately, his eyes darkened.

The scalded area became a flap.

The familiar, aggressive scent of agarwood permeated the air, and the body that was used to it accepted the accident earlier than the startled consciousness. But it is precisely because of the habit of the body that people realised more quickly that this kiss is different from the previous one.

It was no longer the gentleness and restraint during practise, but more as if it had been suppressed for a long time. It was aggressive, fierce and eager.

However, this aggressive intent was short-lived, and when it touched the lips, it disappeared silently like melting ice and snow.

It was as if the long-held desire finally broke out of the shackles, out of control, yet was comforted at the moment of touch, so easily satisfied.

In the eyes of others, this was just a kiss like a touch of water, ordinary and common.

But only the body that was touched was to know just how turbulent and dangerous it was  underwater, with rapids lying beneath the undulating sea.

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Lin Yu He was stunned by this kiss and did not react at all.

Until he was kissed, he was still stunned, thinking dully: Isn’t the kissing part after putting on the ring?

But the man who kissed him looked no different. The master of ceremonies said, “Let us bless the newlyweds.” The old couple who witnessed the wedding also looked at them with a smile, applauding with the guests and sending their blessings.

Everything seemed logical, and Lin Yu He had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart.

He also tried his best to restrain his beating heart.

Perhaps the sequence of the kissing was changed and moved to the front without notifying him.

Lin Yu He thought this way, and continued to complete the next steps obediently.

The two took out the rings from the brocade box in the hands of the old woman and put them on for each other.

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The rings were tailor-made and the size was very suitable. When wearing it on the ring finger, in addition to the cool touch, there was also a feeling of being really encircled.

Lin Yu He calmed down, and when he looked at the pair of rings again, he realised that the rings seemed familiar.

He thought of the old wedding photo he had seen last night.

In the photo, Lu Hongji and his wife were wearing this pair of jade rings.

Mr. Lu seems to be obsessed, repeating many of the details of his parents’ wedding in their own wedding.

Lin Yu He lowered his head to look at the ring he had put on. Their fingers were equally slender, but Lu Nan’s hand was a size larger than his, and when he reached out, he easily covered his hand.

Then came the voice of the master of ceremonies.

“Please hug and kiss the groom!”

Lin Yu He was stunned: “…?!”

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Hadn’t they just kissed? Why did they want them to kiss again?

But the master of ceremonies plausibly said, “Mr. Lu took the initiative just now. Let’s invite the other groom, Mr. Lin, this time.”

Lin Yu He: “…”

Lin Yuhe finally found that not only did this task not change to be completed ahead of schedule, but the difficulty had increased.

Although the two had practised earlier, it was always Lu Nan who took the initiative. Lin Yu He was inexperienced, and he was stiff even when being kissed, let alone taking the initiative to kiss someone.

It’s just that he couldn’t be hesitant in this situation, and could only bite the bullet.

Lin Yu He took a breath and held Mr. Lu’s shoulder with his hand. His movements were so jerky that he nearly stepped on his toes.

Mr. Lu was too tall to kiss him even when he raised his head.

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Lin Yu He noticed the smile on the corner of the man’s lips, but he was too nervous to be sure.

He only knew that Lu Nan didn’t embarrass him, taking the initiative to lower his body a little and let him kiss him smoothly.

This kiss was light and innocent, and it didn’t look like the previous, it was more like a formal gesture, the lips touching lightly, and then they parted.

However, Mr. Lu seemed to be more satisfied with this than after the deep kisses during the previous practises.

After Lin Yu He kissed him and backed away, the man lowered his head and touched his lips again, kissing him back.

It was very light but very satisfying.

Applause sounded from the audience.

Lin Yu He breathed a sigh of relief, he had completed the task without error. He had gotten used to the pounding of his heart, but he felt that the weather of Xiangjiang was indeed a little warmer. His profile, ears, and even his permanently-cold fingertips seemed a bit warm.

After the exchanging of rings, the next step was very easy. After saying blessings according to tradition and giving gifts to the guests, the wedding ceremony was successfully completed.

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