“Do you think my technique is poor?” (2) – unedited

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Lin Yuhe thought about it seriously after hearing the words.

He has his own reasons, but that reason is too subjective and has personal feelings. Lin Yuhe felt that it seemed strange to discuss this kind of matter with Mr. Lu, so he changed the term and found a more straightforward one.

“Maybe it’s because Mr. Lu and I are from two worlds?”

Lin Yuhe tried his best to speak euphemistically: “That is, we are very different…”

Lu Nan was not in a good mood today, no matter how dull Lin Yuhe was, he could feel it a little bit, but when he finished explaining the somewhat too realistic reasons, he found that Lu Nan’s expression suddenly eased, and the corners of his lips even faintly appeared. There was a little delusion-like smile.

Lin Yuhe was startled: “…Mr. Lu?”

Lu Nan rarely corrected the way he addressed him.

The man slowed down his voice: “I once heard a conversation similar to what you said.”

Lin Yuhe blinked and asked, “What conversation?”

“Someone said to another person: ‘I am different from you and everyone around you. I am from two worlds with you. Go home and don’t come to me again.'”

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Lu Nan expressed that cold tone quite truthfully, perhaps because he has a very cold personality.

But when Lu Nan said the next sentence, his tone obviously softened, even with a bit of hidden deep nostalgia and tenderness.

“Another person answered him: ‘But aren’t we in the same world? Look, I can touch you as soon as I reach out.'”

“‘I’ve got you.'”

Lin Yuhe froze for a moment.

I don’t know if it’s because of the conversation, or because of Mr. Lu’s expression at the moment.

Being able to remember this conversation so clearly, even imitating the tone so vividly, probably this conversation happened between people who are very important to Mr. Lu.

Lin Yuhe thought about it, and heard Lu Nan: “The agreement will last for a while. During this period, I hope you don’t think about it too much.”

“This is not only easy to see through, but also a burden for you.”

The man explained patiently.

“For you now, forgetting about it is the best way to accomplish it.”

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Lin and He nodded.

This may be the reason why Mr. Lu was able to enter the drama so quickly. In order to complete the agreement, he wrote it down very carefully.

“it is good.”

After the two finished chatting, Lu Nan handed the cold porridge bowl to Lin Yuhe. Lin Yuhe drank a little and the food entered his stomach, only then did he realize that his stomach was rumbling.

He glanced at the time, it was already afternoon, no wonder he was so hungry.

The porridge is just for warming the stomach, and the two of them have to go out to eat. It just so happened that it was time to go out. Lin Yuhe contacted his friends and found that they had already formed a group and went to the scenic spot to check in and have fun. Only he, the wedding party, slept until the afternoon.

Lin Yuhe felt a little guilty, he quickly washed himself, changed his clothes, and prepared to go out with Mr. Lu.

Although the clothes were specially changed to a looser style, Lin Yuhe still felt the sequelae of last night – he really realized what it means to “walk in a different posture than usual”.

Not to mention walking, even if you just stand up, the inner sides of your ravaged legs rub together, that feeling will still make the back of your neck numb and feel sore.

So… so weird.

At this moment, Lin Yuhe finally remembered a question that he had missed – he asked before whether there would be a mission like last night in the future, but he hadn’t gotten an answer from Mr. Lu yet.

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The feeling between the legs is really hard to ignore, especially when Lin Yuhe took a few steps, he found in despair that even the seam of his back buttocks was painful, so he had to bite the bullet and call Lu Nan again .

“elder brother.”

The man who was wearing a tie looked up at him: “What’s wrong?”

“Did you miss the Lu family today? Then if there is a similar situation, the task of last night…” Lin Yuhe took a deep breath, trying to suppress the strangeness behind him, and asked, “Do you want to do it again in the future?” ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lu Nan stop his movements and narrowed his eyes.

Lin Yuhe swallowed unconsciously.

Although the numbness under his body still existed, he suddenly regretted it.

But this kind of emotion seemed to arise too late, before Lin Yuhe could change the subject, he saw the man walking towards him.

The untied tie was directly torn off by the man, and it was held in the slender and powerful palm. It no longer looked like a gentleman’s accessory, but more like a very convenient bondage tool.

Lin Yuhe took a step back subconsciously, but he hadn’t moved far when he suddenly felt a very light and cool wind blowing in front of him.

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Before he could see the opponent’s movements clearly, Lu Nan had already walked in front of him.

“elder brother……”

The intimate salutation that has always had an obvious effect only had time to call out halfway. In the next second, the back of Lin Yuhe’s neck was gently covered by a big palm, and the whole person was pinched in the palm.

“Ning Ning.”

Lu Nan’s voice was very low, not cold, and even had some hot magnetism.

“I just wanted to ask you.”

The man’s deep gaze shrouded from above, as if he was staring at the prey under his palm.

With the other hand, he easily grasped Lin Yuhe’s two wrists. The dark tie was placed on the slender wrist bones, covering the teeth marks that were originally branded on it, but could not hide them. It’s kind of sentimental and astringent, but because of the contrast with the white and fair complexion, it looks more and more lingering.

“Why do you keep saying that last night was a mission?”

As soon as Lu Nan lowered his head, his lips touched the tip of the ear that had already been dyed thin red.

He almost pressed his delicate ear to ask.

“Is it because you think my skills are poor?”

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