“Two in One” (4) – unedited

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Mr. Lu is so busy all day that he doesn’t even have enough time to rest, how can he think about these things to others.

Fortunately, Lu Nan didn’t notice this abnormality, so he only asked, “Has the medicine been applied?”

Lin Yuhe responded obediently: “Okay.”

After tidying up, the two were ready to rest.

They also stayed in the presidential suite prepared for the newlyweds last night. Because he was busy completing the task yesterday and was not distracted, Lin Yuhe didn’t realize until tonight that there was only one quilt in such a luxurious room.

However, there is really no reason for the newlyweds to sleep separately in the bridal suite.

Fortunately, the quilt was big and fluffy enough, and when Lin Yuhe lay down, it only took up a small piece.

Not long after, his back sank, and Lu Nan, who came back from the bathroom, also went to bed.

Lin Yuhe finished wrapping up the quilt: “Brother, good night.”

The quilt was tucked away with help, and the man’s voice was low.

“Good night, sweet dreams.”

The light dimmed, and the room sank into darkness.

Lin Yuhe let go of his thoughts and tried his best to fall asleep as soon as possible.

Go to bed early and don’t disturb Mr. Lu’s rest.

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Perhaps these efforts really worked, Lin Yuhe soon fell asleep.

But he fell asleep for a long time during the day, and after an unknown amount of time, Lin Yuhe suddenly woke up.

He was in a drowsy sleep, and he didn’t know what time it was, but he felt that the surrounding was very warm and he slept very comfortably.

However, Lin Yuhe didn’t sleep too deeply after all, and soon realized something was wrong.

How can it be so warm?

Lin Yuhe suddenly opened his eyes, the surroundings were dark, and he couldn’t see the specific situation clearly, but he clearly heard the light breathing above his head.

He didn’t know when he ran into Mr. Lu’s arms.

Lin and He froze for a moment.

He didn’t know if he had disturbed Mr. Lu, and he didn’t know if he would wake him up if he backed away. When he was in a dilemma and dared not move, Lin Yuhe suddenly felt an arm stretched out and patted his back lightly.

The movement was very gentle, comforting, gently coaxing him to sleep.

Before Lin Yuhe had time to think about why the opponent’s movements were so proficient, he was completely froze in place by another movement of the man.

While patting him with his arm, the high temperature on Lin Yuhe’s legs moved back a little, probably the man moved away by himself.

Lin Yuhe hadn’t reacted before, but when the other party made such a move, he suddenly realized what the temperature was.

——that outline was all too familiar to him.

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Just yesterday, Lin Yuhe was tossed hard three times, but he couldn’t get the thing to hand over the task. Now it is only one day apart, and the impression is so deep that Lin Yuhe immediately recognized it.

But why…?

Lin Yuhe’s thoughts were a little dazed.

Why did it suddenly change for no reason?

He was so surprised that he couldn’t hide his stiff body and breathing. It wasn’t until he heard the other party’s voice that Lin Yuhe suddenly realized that Mr. Lu was still awake.

Lu Nan asked, “Did you sleep well?”

The bedside night light was on, and the light was very soft, and it didn’t make Lin Yuhe feel dazzling. He was slightly dazed, and was about to speak, but the man surrounding him had already retracted his arms, got up and got off the bed directly.

“Go to sleep, it’s okay.” Lu Nan’s voice was very low, and he couldn’t hear any emotion, “I’m going to rush.”

Lin Yuhe had been in a daze before, but now he suddenly understood.

Mr. Lu is going to take a shower.

He knew he had found out.

Lin Yuhe suddenly thought of the big hand that tucked himself in the quilt before going to bed. On the palm that was always warm, there was a lingering chill.

Not just the palms, but the body too.

Sleeping in the same quilt, Lin and He still felt the coolness even though they were separated by a certain distance.

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Before going to bed, Mr. Lu had already washed himself in cold water.

Lin Yuhe didn’t know what he was thinking, or maybe he didn’t think about anything. When he realized it, “brother” had already blurted out.

Lu Nan stopped and turned to look at him.

The night light at the head of the bed has limited light, and it is difficult to clearly illuminate each other’s expressions. The hazy light like tulle seemed to make up for the last bit of courage, allowing Lin Yuhe to say that sentence smoothly.

“Let me help you, brother.”

He’s a medical student and a man, and he knows that.

“Showing at low temperatures all the time…is not good for your health.”

There was a brief silence in the room.

Lin Yuhe could only hear the sound of his own heartbeat, thumping, as if it was about to shake from his chest all the way to his throat.

It seemed that after a long time, he heard another voice.

Not an answer, but the sound of footsteps from far to near.

Even though there was a carpet on the ground, the footsteps sounded like stepping on the tip of a person’s heart, or a countdown.

Lin Yuhe tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see each other’s expression clearly, but the light of the night light was too limited, and Mr. Lu was too tall, until the man approached, Lin and He could only vaguely look at each other in the darkness In the middle of the meeting, I vaguely saw a little helplessness in the other party.

The back of the neck was pinched, it didn’t hurt very much, but it was like an electric shock, and it made people lose strength in an instant.

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Lin Yuhe was forced to raise his head, and felt a heat on his lips, followed by a sharp pain.

The biting kiss seems to be too suppressed, but also seems to be helpless. Something that couldn’t be restrained passed through the lips, and it seemed that what was uncovered was only the tip of the iceberg.

It wasn’t until Lin Yuhe’s jaws became sore and his eyes were wet that he was finally let go. In this almost suffocating deep touch, he found a chance to relax.

He looked up at the man in front of him with tears in his eyes, but only heard a curse-like click.

The slender wrist was suddenly clamped, and the thin palm was directly pressed against the thing that had just awakened him.

Lin Yuhe, who was a little drowsy from the lack of oxygen, suddenly opened his eyes wide.


There was an obvious change there than when he felt it just now.

how can that be……? Obviously it was already very…

Lin Yuhe was so shocked that he could barely function his mind.

Why, just swapping the oxygen will…

In the hazy darkness, he heard Lu Nan sigh.

“Did you feel it, Ningning?”

“You help me, it may be worse.”

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