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Suddenly the atmosphere inside the bar became out of control after his arrival. He was tall and his handsome face was very atractive , anyone who saw him would think he was a famous actor. With his cold eyes he was able to make all the woman inside bar to be his sleepmates . Many woman in the bar intentionally want to steal his attention but they're blocked by his guard.hihihihi...

" What a luck to be sat beside the handsome man like you !" Shiren deliberately herself to take invitation first. She grab his collar and closer her face to him with seductive smile then put her hands around hos neck withouth his permission.The guards ready to pulled of her from their bos but immedietally stoped by the wave hands their boss. " Handsome, Lets make a deal. How about i give you my body then in exchange you gave me a baby. Deal ?" Shiren spoke in a drunken state but she still very clear about her said.The handsome man in front her became annoyed and push her to stay away for him.

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Being pushed and feel rejected Shiren turn around then wave her hand , she said " it's okay, i can look another handsome man. Sorry to bother you ,Sir !"

The handsome man and the five man behind him dumbfound when their heard what Shiren said.The woman dare to provoke their boss. The handsome man feel iritated , he caught her hands then pull her up into his embrace .

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"Woman , you will have a baby soon !" he whispered in her ears accidentally.


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"You start a fire first . Don't blame me !" he said while carrying out Shiren from the bar.

"Oh... Then don't disappointed me ! "

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The middle at night , in Grands Hotel .

Two soul became ones under the sky . The scene of them being intimate make the moon blushed

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