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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

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D-Damn it..!

Cao Tengfei was so stifled that he almost ended up puking his innards to the ground when Duan Li mentioned his 'new' name that they had come up with before a while ago instead of using his real name.

How dare you say that as if my actual name is truly as such?!

I am Cao Tengfei!

Cao Tengfei!!

"F*cked by the heavens? Such a simple riddle! Let's see.. Cao Tengfei?" the Emperor said with an indifferent expression, making it sounds like there was only one outcome for such a name.


Cao Tengfei choked on himself.

H-How did you managed to guess my real name from that, much less on your first guess?!

Are you guys actually conspiring against me?

And that indifferent facial expression of your's when you guessed my name correctly just from that interpretation alone..

Are you trying to imply here that my name actually translates to that and no other?!

To hell with all of you!!

"Oh? To think that your majesty could actually backtrack and guessed his real name from the meaning alone! Indeed, your majesty is truly unparalleled!" Duan Li said out loud, full of respect towards the Emperor.

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"Your majesty is truly unparalleled!" everyone repeated the same phrase after Duan Li and their synchronous voice was reminiscent to that of a patriotic assembly.


"S-Stop it.." Cao Tengfei found his lungs to suddenly stop functioning. He had taken a critical damage to his self-esteem!

"Hah! Of course his majesty is unparalleled! Such a simple riddle is nothing but a child's play before his majesty!" Fei Jin Fang scoffed and then turned towards Cao Tengfei while pointing his long sword towards the latter with a darkened face.

"And you! How dare you make your name as such! To think that you would have the audacity to sully the holiness of his majesty from that atrocious name of your's! That alone, deserves you the highest form of capital punishment for forcing his majesty to speak of your dirty name, and that is, death!!"


Cao Tengfei could no longer hold himself steady as his knees started to buckle up by themselves.

"T-this is bad.. I'm going to faint!" thus he had to quickly slap his own face.


His left cheek was now swelling red after that slap, but he was spared from falling into unconsciousness due to the continuous compounding mental attack on him.

How could he have thought that just by his enemies playing around with his name, his inner self was already injured to such a degree?

The old prophecy was truly wise, as tongue were indeed sharper than anything else in this world!

"Enough playing with my name!!" he bellowed out loud at the top of his lungs, his face was entirely red and his hair dishevelled, while his breath became haggard.

Never before had he ever experienced being driven into the corner in such a way, not even in his wildest dream!

After all, he found himself to be on the verge of going insane!

He was a member of the most evil of all sect in the whole Tian continent!

Yet, instead of being properly feared and revered to by his enemies which he usually gets from his evil reputation, he was being ridiculed to no end instead!

This is not how the world is supposed to work!

Something must've been broken somewhere!

"While I admit that you guys have done splendidly and managed to have your way with me just by playing with my name, everyone here will pay dearly for that." he said, focusing his mind back to the real matter at hand.

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First, I need to delay more time!

The longer they took to attack me, the more energy I can reserve for myself to use during my escape later on!

The Emperor furrowed his brows when he heard this.

"Is that a threat? You are threatening my people in front of me? Courting death." the Emperor then unleashed his full cultivation prowess.


Pinnacle stage Nascent Soul realm expert!

At this moment, the Emperor seemed to be reminiscent of an undying phoenix with the golden aura he was letting out right now, blazing like the hot flames of the sun!

His entire disposition showcased the true prowess and air of an Emperor!

"Wahhhh!" the intense pressure combined with the solemn majesty of the Emperor's aura had the crowd's adrenaline shot up through their roofs and became a riled up mobs!


Everyone then began to unleash their full cultivation state, and even though their combined aura was still nothing in the eyes of a Nascent Soul realm expert, similar to the passing empty air, their large numbers would still be a headache if these people decided to fight without regards to their life!

As the saying goes, a King that was brave enough to stood at the forefront of his people, was a King worth dying for!

"Tsk!" Cao Tengfei narrowed his eyes as he decided to kill all these ants later on.

Meanwhile, Fei Jin Fang, the Supreme Knight and also the left hand of the Emperor, also started to feel the thirst of battle in him burning wildly!

"It has been a very long time that I've ever gotten serious in a fight, but against a scum like you who view human life as nothing but power vials to suck in, I'll gladly display to you the extent of my full power today." Fei Jin Fang said with a cold tone as he released his cultivation state to the pinnacle as well.


"Hmph! Big talk, plenty have said the same thing to me, and I am still well and alive 500 years later! Let me see just how powerful the top expert of the Jiu Empire are!" Cao Tengfei replied with a disdainful snort and let his cultivation realm run amok.


As soon as Cao Tengfei released his cultivation state, the vivid dark tendrils around him became visible to everyone, and the intensity of it increased to at least more than 20 times!


More people puked out their innards as Cao Tengfei's vile aura had their minds reeling, an instinctive human reaction to something unholy and grotesque!

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Seeing this, the Emperor's eyes flashed in alarm.

"Everyone who cannot stand their ground, retreat for as far as possible! Please forgive your Emperor here for not letting you guys out from this barrier, or we risk this criminal escaping as well, I hope everyone understands." the Emperor said.

Hearing this, everyone held out their right hand onto their chest and kneeled once more, "We hear and obey his majesty's decree!"

Pshew! Pshew!

They swiftly retreated after hearing the direct command from the Emperor and no one dared to pull their weight around to stay, not even Duan Li's party whom was practically stronger than most of the people there.

Only three people stayed from the student's side; Zhuge Liang, Sui Shunyuan and Duan Li.

"Hmm? He is able to withstand the full pressure of 3 Nascent Soul realm expert?" Fei Jin Fang threw a surprised look onto Duan Li, whom seemingly was not affected by their might at all.

Just the pressure from a single Nascent Soul realm expert unleashing their cultivation state to the maximum will leave anyone lower than their realm within the range of 30 meter to rattle their knees, much less remaining unaffected.

Perhaps if the other party was a pinnacle Golden core realm, it wouldn't be that hard to believe, but this fellow was just at the pinnacle Foundation establishment realm!

For example, the student beside him could barely even stand!

"Sui Shunyuan, will you be fine like that?" Duan Li said, feeling concerned that the other party would pass out anytime soon.

"I.. I want to fight him!" Sui Shunyuan gritted his teeth as he said this.

When the Emperor heard his name, and the look of conviction in the latter's eye, the Emperor swiftly understood something.

"So he is from the annihilated Sui clan.. there were records of the Dark Sect having something to do with it, so I guess he wanted revenge because he knew about it?"

Meanwhile, Duan Li tried to persuade Sui Shunyuan, "I know he own you blood, but in this state.."

But before Duan Li could finish his sentence, the Emperor interjected, "Lend him one of your Guardian Knight Puppet. Since he is from the Sui clan, they are masters of the puppeteer art."

"Ohh yeah! How could I not think of that!" Duan Li said, feeling awed on how quick-witted the Emperor was.

Truly a wise Emperor indeed!


With a wave of his hand, a Guardian Knight Puppet appeared before Sui Shunyuan.

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"T-This..!" Sui Shunyuan was surprised to see such an exquisitely designed puppet!

Just from a single glance, that chrome-plated armor and the golden cloak behind it was already enough to show how impressive of a quality this puppet was!

However, no matter how excited he was of such a formidable puppet being lended to him, he soon realized the major problem.

"I could definitely control this with no problem, but I need a powerful energy source as well.. if only I have a High quality spirit stone right now or something equivalent.." Sui Shunyuan clenched his fist tight in frustration.

The purest spirit stone that he has right now was just a couple of Medium quality spirit stones. If inserted into this puppet, it would only display some subpar abilities that was not worth a mention.

Seemingly to understand the other party's predicament, Duan Li chuckled, "Here use this, I'll lend you one." he said as he gave Sui Shunyuan the highest purity of spirit stone that he has, of which the latter was strucked in bedazzlement.

Even Cao Tengfei, who were just waiting passively for them to waste time, was utterly surprised as well!

Superior Quality Spirit Stone!


"T-This.. I will never forget your kindness for lending me this spirit stone!" Sui Shunyuan said in agitation.

To think that the other party would be so kind to him that was practically still a stranger, so as to lend him a national grade treasure so casually, it was totally a first for him!

If spirit stones were to be depicted as plants, then Low Quality spirit stones would be like weeds growing non-stop, no matter how many times it was plucked out.

But Superior quality spirit stone? That was like the world tree in terms of rarity!

"Its no problem at all!" Duan Li waved his hand dismissively.

Sui Shunyuan could be said to have an excellent eye to know whether someone was pretending or not, but he was truly surprised to see that Duan Li was not even bothered the slightest, as if he had plenty of them at his disposal!

But how could that even be?

Sui Shunyuan then shook his head to cast away such miscellaneous thoughts and quickly inserted the Superior quality spirit stone into the core of the puppet.


The Guardian Knight puppet swiftly came alive, and when it felt the colossal amount of power coursing through its body, as if having a consciousness of its own, it did the 'eureka' pose with both hands thrown into the air!

"..." the Emperor and Fei Jin Fang.

The puppet seemed to be like those on drugs!


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