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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

My father?

Is mother finally willing to talk about dad?

Duan Li's eyes flashed in surprise, evidently taken aback that his mother was the one that took the initiative this time.

All these while, whenever he wanted to touch about the subject, his mother would just answer the same thing time and again; 'your father is a great man'. Such that he never bothered to ask anymore, afraid that it would bring his mother some memories that she did not want to recall.

"It was during the night of the 3rd full moon, when I decided to just end my life before I lose myself and transformed into a monster.." his mother began to tell the story with a tinge of loneliness in her voice.


On the night of the 3rd full moon, the wind was cold, the air dry. It was as if this particular night was a darkness full of emptiness.

Inside a dilapidated-looking house, located far away at the outskirts of the Xuan village, a young maiden in her 20s had her cheeks drenched in her tears.

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"Perhaps the Heavens has given me enough time to enjoy my life to the fullest before.. and now, all this tragedy is a sign.. a sign that my lifetime's fortune has ran out.."

Meng Yue was staring at the full moon by the window of her room, her expression saddened by the fact that there was nothing else she could do to reverse the situation around.

Firstly, she was infected by the Demiruke's virus and although Liu Sheng Juan has cut off her infected meridian channels and pathways, reducing the rate of infection inside her body down to the minimal amount, it was still only a matter of time before the inevitable would come.

Furthermore, she had to refrain herself from using any sorts of cultivation arts, as whenever she agitate her spiritual Qi and cycle it throughout her body, she found out that the rate of infection would quickly increase!

Secondly, was that Liu Sheng Juan's intention to save her from becoming a creature of monstrosity had her feeling the utmost amount of gratitude towards the latter. Therefore, she could not possibly blame the other party for causing her to be unable to conceive any future children as the side-effect.

She understood that in such a situation before, there was nothing else the other party could do. However, had she been conscious of what was about to come, perhaps she would chose the option for her life to be ended instead..

"If I can no longer cultivate nor have a children of my own, my fate is already sealed.. I guess it is time to go.."

Meng Yue exit her house, went to the wooden pier atop of the lake and sat down cross-legged. She stared hard at the reflection of the moon on the calm surface of the lake as she shook her head.

"It seems that only this full moon would be the sole witness of my ending.. to think that I would die this way.. who would have thought?" she sighed out deeply, such that when her breath touches the water, it created small ripples that disturbed the previous calmness of the lake.

"It doesn't matter anymore.."

Moving both her hands to form the diamond hand incantation atop of her dantian, a single outburst of spiritual Qi trapped in this lower meridians would cause spontaneous implosion from the inside, disintegrating her bodily cells in a matter of instant which would immediately end her life.

Her body would then turn into ashes, before eventually disappearing altogether, carried along by the wind.

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"Farewell.. everyone.."

She closed her eyes tightly and two drops of tears flowed down her cheek.


Spiritual Qi flowed out from her dantian and began to cycle. But because of her hand incantation, it was rerouted into a loop in the lower meridians and seethed vigorously.

When these spiritual Qi finally reached the critical point, the meridians would be unable to contain it which would then cause it to collapse. Next, the spiritual Qi would collide, resulting in a single burst of momentary fusion implosion that would quickly snuff out her life!

Suddenly, just as her tears were about to fall off from her cheeks, she could feel a hand touching her chin, before the tears suddenly evaporated and her seething spiritual Qi calmed down.


Meng Yue opened her eyes and the sight before her had her dazed.

Who is this man?

She was surprised to see that a man, possibly in his early 20s as well, was suddenly touching her chin!

This man was extremely handsome, his robe was pure white and his hair long, reaching down to his back!

Furthermore, one could tell that this young man was far from ordinary, judging from the fact of that inviolable disposition radiating out of him, such that even the previous emptiness in her surroundings was affected and replaced with a tranquil vibe!

Even the night felt colourful instead of just a shade of darkness and shadows, as if rainbows had suddenly appeared during the night!

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Such a scene was just far too inconceivable for her!

"Young lady, why do you look so gloomy? Why do you have this much sadness in your eyes?" the man spoke gently, and suddenly, the whole world seemed to bloom even more colorfully than ever before!

Meng Yue was utterly dumbstrucked by this. She had never heard a voice from a man that was so enchanting before in her whole life!

"I..I.." she was about to open her mouth and reply, before snapping back to her senses and violently patted away the man's hand that was touching her chin so casually.


"Wh-Who are you?! How dare you touch me like that!" Meng Yue bellowed out angrily, her face reddened in embarrassment.


Feeling a little bit taken aback that his hand was patted so forcefully by the young lady before him, this man looked at his hand, smiled and then said, "Your hand is beautiful, marry me, oh young lady.."


Meng Yue could not help but to choke herself!

What is wrong with this man?!

Here I am trying to end my life and you just suddenly appeared out of nowhere touching me like that?

And then saying you want me to marry you?

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What gal!

"Gasp!" Meng Yue retreated back as she thought of something, her countenance pale.

Could it be.. that this man is a pervert?!


Realizing that the young man was suddenly taking a step forward towards her, she shouted out, "D-Don't come near me, you perv-.."

Just as she was about to finish her sentence, as if unbounded by the space and time, the young man suddenly appeared before her, grasping her by the waist and lifting her up towards his eye-level.

At this moment, Meng Yue found herself to be in a state of dazed once more, as when she stared into that black pupils of his, she could see that it was as if the pair of eyes were like the reflection of the starry night sky, encompassing the many stars in the universe!

"How.. beautiful.." she said subconsciously in awe.

The man chuckled when he heard this and pulled her closer to him until both of their nose touched each other.

He then continued, "How is it? Will you be my wife?"


A soothing breeze blew by the lake, causing the trees to rustle gently, sending flakes of leaves flying around them, as if dancing in celebration!

This scene, coupled with the backdrop of the full moon and its reflection on the lake, as well as their's on the wooden pier, was the beginning of a story that will eventually change the entire fate of the universe!


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