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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

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"Hahaha! As expected! Since the Fire element is more abundant here, having more fire would boost my cultivation speed even further!" Duan Li laughed out in satisfaction.

When he was meditating before, while the speed of absorption and accumulation of spiritual Qi increased dramatically with the help of his two Elemental dragons, it would still take him quite a while to reach the Pinnacle stage of the Core formation realm!

However, one of the two volcanoes suddenly exploded, spewing out molten magma rocks onto its surroundings, and quite a bit of the natural vegetation got burnt down as a result.

That scene had him a little bit surprised, but what truly shocked him after that was the fact that his cultivation suddenly sped up!

Zhulong the Fire dragon then explained to him that because the amount of Fire element in the area increased, he could absorb more and transferred it to Duan Li even rapidly, and this sparked an inspiration inside Duan Li's creative mind..

Light the whole island on fire!

"Master, while it is good that you have reached your goal now, that's a little bit unfair for Dilong! I want to be of use to master too!" Dilong pouted.

Realizing what she meant, Zhulong butted in, "Heh, these volcanic islands are my territory, as you can see, the fire element tipped the scale here!"

"Hmph! Fine, but when its my territory next time, don't think that I would allow you to do as you pleased!" Dilong replied with a snort.

Dragons were territorial by nature, and while they don't have their exact territory right now, they had already decided that their territory would be based on what kind of element were the most abundant in that place.

"Alright, don't argue now. Let's think of a way to cross from this rocky island to one of those volcanic islands over there!" Duan Li pointed to the smaller volcano.

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If possible, he would like to avoid another swim in the ocean. After all, his gut instinct was telling him that lurking under these deep water was some terrible sea monsters that laid in wait for their prey!

Could I use Komodo as a boat?


Out of curiosity, Duan Li summoned the Komodosaurus that he had long kept in his spatial ring.

"Eh? This place.. this smell.." the Komodo that had suddenly found itself in another location was blank at first.

But as soon as he took a good look around, his eyes brightened!

He knew where this place was!

"Hahaha! I'm back! I am finally back!" he wiggled his tail emotionally.

How many long years has it been since he could breath in this fresh air? These sands.. and the tropical heat!

Ahh.. my Heaven!

"Oh? So this is where you come from? No wonder you have such a high heat tolerance!" Duan Li remarked with a nod.

"Yes! Specifically, I live in an area of that smaller volcano over there!" Komodo replied with excitement, pointing the way with its tail.

Duan Li then shot up his brows, "Eh? Coincidentally, I'm also planning to go over there! But this place sure is strange.. not only was my stamina became as low as a mortal, I can't even fly too!"

Hearing this, Komodo soon remembered the peculiarities of this place and nodded before explaining;

"Indeed, human cultivator would not be able to fly here, and the spiritual Qi is also very thin than normal. However, if there is one thing that this island could provide, its that every flora and fauna.. is incredibly nutritious!"

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Duan Li immediately looked around, and upon seeing a coconut laying on the ground half-cooked due to the area being burned by him before, he casts his Tetra Soul Sense on it!


[Medium Rare Coconut Balm, highly nutritious and rare.]

[Has the effects of increasing..]

[If combined with the ingredients..]


After hearing the various comments his ability made on a mere coconut, Duan Li's mood quickly became elated.

It's true!

Even a random coconut has the 'rare' tag and some powerful descriptions!

"Hahaha! I've strucked it rich!"

Waving his hand, he summoned up Daelius the wolf cub


"Woof!! Woof!!" the wolf cub barked out excitedly, for it has been such a long time since it came outside of the spatial ring.


"Hey Daelius, when did you grow this big?" Duan Li asked in disbelief.

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If the previous size of this baby wolf was around the size of his head, right now it was the size of one of his arm fully extended!

"Woof! Woof!" Daelius replied.

"Eh? What's that? You have been cultivating with the Lightning essence inside my dantian all these while because you were bored?" Duan Li's mouth turned wide agape.

How did he managed to do that?

I did not even notice..

Wait a moment!

"All-Seeing Eye ability activate!"

After looking through his body, Duan Li finally found and realized that the lightning tribulation he had absorbed before which coagulated inside his right arm, had merged completely with the lightning essence that Milvia, the mother wolf gave him before!

Opening his eyes back to look again at this growned up wolf in front of him, Duan Li also noticed that its pure white coat from before has now a slight golden pattern on its head, and he did not remember that its mother Milvia, has such a pattern on her.

Could it be.. mutations?

Because the wolf had cultivate using the combined lightning elements of the two, it was highly possible that such an outcome would be the end result.

But from this point onwards, Daelius would only start to grow even bigger..

Eh whatever, I'll think about all these later, for now, its time to reap the rewards here!

"Daelius, go and grab every coconut you could find on this island!" Duan Li instructed the other party.

"Woof! Woof!"

Wiggling its tail and roaring out with zeal, with a loud 'Bzzttt!!' Daelius turned into a trail of blue lightning before disappearing into the distance.

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"F-Fast!!" Duan Li was once again astonished by that Fenrir.

"It seems that Daelius would be extremely useful in the future!" he nodded in approval.

Alright, time for another one to come out and do some useful stuff as well!



A big chicken silhouette slowly emerged from his shadow!


With a proud air, Cucko opened up its chest and flung both of his chicken wings out wide, its eyes showing his haughty look towards its surroundings.

It was as if this chicken was saying, "Hmph! What is up with all these sands!!"

Pointing forward towards the direction where Daelius had just gone to, Duan Li instructed the other party;

"Cucko, go and help Daelius to fetch some coconuts!"

"..." Cucko.

"..." Komodo.

"..." Dilong and Zhulong.

Master, a chicken does not have the ability to fetch a coconut!


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