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After listening to the theories of how Duan Li came up with the modifications to the breathing technique, Wang Guozhi became even more convinced that it would be suitable for even Qi Condensation realm students to practice this change as long as the proper meridians and acupoints along the body are stimulated correctly.

"Then, have you already cultivate according to this breathing method?" asked Wang Guozhi.

"No.. not yet.. I had only just finished modifying the breathing technique from the book a few moments ago with the help of my memories.." replied Duan Li in a small voice.

If it had been any other students who came up with such a theory and told him that they hadn't practiced the method yet while telling others to do it, he would've whacked that student to half-death.

Fortunately, the student in front of him is Duan Li who had already reached the highest pinnacle of power in the future. Thus, he was confident that he wouldn't risk any form of Qi deviation.

"Alright then, you should start to cultivate it and enter the first stage of Qi Condensation realm to walk the path of both martial artist and cultivator! I shall guard you, so you don't need to worry!" gestured Wang Guozhi as he stood up straight.

Duan Li nodded.

"Then, I will start..!"

Duan Li closed his eyes as his breathing slowed down.


The All-Seeing eye activated.

After observing his body conditions internally and found nothing out of place, he began to breath in spiritual Qi using his pores.

Due to the experience he had from breathing in spiritual Qi using his pores from the millennium Yidara tree and the help from his memories, it was easy for him to do it again. Before long, spiritual Qi from the surrounding area began to converge together in a spiral motion with him as the center.

"T-this.. the spiritual Qi in the area are being dragged forcefully!" exclaimed Wang Guozhi in a shock.

Even the students that were playing football at the field and the cheering female students stopped what they were doing as their attention shifted onto the strange phenomenal event happening currently atop of the hills where Duan Li and Wang Guozhi are located.

"Guys! Look at the sky above there! What is happening?!" cried one of the girls.

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"I can feel the surrounding spiritual Qi were being sucked and centered over there!" said one of the foundation establishment students.

"Let's have a look!"


The students flew over to the sky as they watched at a distance, not daring to get closer due to their gut instinct was telling them it's dangerous.

Furthermore, with Wang Guozhi standing guard, who would even be brazen enough to be near?

The grasses and leaves were swaying back and forth rapidly as the blue sky suddenly became cloudy and turned dark within just a few moments.

"This phenomena.. it cannot be!" exclaimed Wang Guozhi as he observed the sky with grim expression.



Thunder and flashes of lightning crackled the sky above. Wang Guozhi's expression turned ugly as his premonitions came true.

"A thunder tribulation!"

For a student that haven't yet to have any sort of cultivation or even realm to already be undergoing the thunder tribulation meant only for one to ascend to the foundation establishment realm and higher, is an evidence that the heavens itself were alerted by him!

After all, walking down the cultivator path and practicing cultivation is an act of defying against the heavens itself as it is a process whereby the mortals are striving to become an immortal.

However, at the Qi condensation realm, the heavens have never sent down any sorts of tribulations at all and that has been the iron law since the beginning of time!

Yet now, for one to appear when Duan Li was just trying to enter the first step towards immortality and the heavens was already provoked, shows how heaven-defying Duan Li actually is.

"Kuh.. ! I can't help him to tide through this tribulation!" said Wang Guozhi with gritted teeth as he clenched his hands into a fist.

He was helpless in this kind of situation!

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After all, a thunder tribulation is a form of judgement sent down from the heavens and anyone else besides the cultivator themselves are not allowed to interrupt or help the cultivator at all, lest they would be immediately struck down by the thunder too.

The crowd of boys and girls who were watching from afar broke into a commotion.

"This is a thunder tribulation! But this is even intense than when I was trying to ascend to the foundation establishment realm!"

"I know right! Is he advancing to the core formation realm?"

"No! I have seen the core formation realm tribulation, this is a little more intense than that as well!"

"W-What? Then.. is he going to ascend the golden core realm stage?"

"I don't know! Let's just watch! This is pretty interesting!"

The clouds continued to rumble as it got bigger and darker. Wang Guozhi had already contacted Ling Yu and the principal about this matter as soon as his premonitions came true. Currently, they were already underway and should arrive shortly.


"Wang Guozhi! Tell us what happened!" asked the principal as soon as he arrives along with Ling Yu, their expressions grim when they look at the dark sky and coiling thunder seeming to recharge itself before striking at full power.

Wang Guozhi then quickly retells them the events that were happening.

After the principal heard the details, he quickly informed numerous senior teachers using the blue jade slips to position themselves along the four cardinal directions of the academy to seal the space around it by using spatial magic.

His purpose of doing so isn't to try and help reduce Duan Li's tribulation as that was something impossible, but instead, to limit the public from being able to see this peculiar events.

After all, if cultivators on the nascent soul realm outside the academy's jurisdiction were to witness this scene, they would immediately found out that Duan Li hadn't even yet to step into the Qi Condensation realm and had already attracted the thunder tribulation.

From that alone, they would be able to conjecture that Duan Li would become someone big in the future and some would even be threatened. As a result from that, some may decide to eliminate him or even use him in one way or another to fulfill their own agenda.

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That is a risk he is not willing to take as Duan Li hadn't yet matured in terms of his cultivation and battle prowess.



"It's almost starting!" they exclaimed worriedly.

While everyone else was worrying, the person that became the object of worry himself was as calm as the ocean below the tumultuous waves above. Totally oblivious as to what was happening outside as he continued to immerse himself in absorbing spiritual Qi at a rapid rate.

"Hmm.. I think I have been absorbing spiritual Qi for a while already.. but my dantian is still not fully ready..?" thought Duan Li as he found the situation to be weird.

In his memories, although his potential was very vast at the sky grade, back when he tried to first reach the Qi Condensation realm, it didn't even took this long.

Outside Duan Li..



"I-impossible.. each of those thunders were already as big as a tree trunk! This tribulation is already way beyond what a core formation tribulation is like!" said the principal in hoarse voice.

Will he survive?

Even if they wanted to help, it would be futile. Furthermore, not only that it wouldn't be able to help at all, it might provoke an even bigger disaster for Duan Li. Thus, they could only hope for the best.



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The first thunder struck down on Duan Li.



"HUH?!" cried the trio with stupefied expression.

Did we just saw wrongly?

They wiped their eyes quickly as they focused their gazes once more.

Even the thunder tribulation seemed to be quite startled by something that it went mute for a few seconds before recharging once more.

This time, even more furiously!

"T-the tribulation was upgraded!" cried Ling Yu as she felt horrified.

The tribulation right now was similar to one that are undergoing the golden core tribulation!


The thunder struck a second time. This time, it sent down three strokes of thunder simultaneously.





"…" everyone.

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