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At first, when you told us that you had cultivated your second dantian, we were already shocked to death.

Then, when you told us how you did it, our sincere excitement turned into helpless dejection at the impossibility and impracticalability of your solution.

And just as we tried to recompose ourselves and accept the fact that you are unique, you bombed us yet with an even more confounding truth that you had cultivated your third dantian!

What's that you said?

Twirl around your spiritual Qi flow inside your brain until you found the exact location of the dantian?






The trio spatted out a mouthful of blood each as they found their body grew weak and fell to the ground.




Several of their lifesaving talismans broke down and crumbled to pieces simultaneously one after another as it replaced their mental trauma from Duan Li's savagery.

To think that their very mental fortitude were assaulted relentlessly to the critical level from Duan Li's sentence alone!

You dared to play around with your Qi flow inside your brain..

Are you tired of living?

What, do you disdained life so much that you tried to find creative ways to commit suicide?!

Brother, you should take the first place for the title of courting-death expert!

Not even knowing where the third dantian was located..

Why haven't you died yet?

The trio struggled to get up from the ground as Duan Li hurriedly ran forward to help them up.

"W-what happened? Was there enemy?!" exclaimed Duan Li in shock as he put on his guard while looking around in full alert.

"N-no.. that's not it.." answered Ling Yu with heavy breaths.

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"T-then..." Duan Li was trying to said something else as he continued to make another speculation before the principal gestured towards him to stop.


A whip materialized on the principal's right hand.

"You don't have to know!" he yelled with gritted teeth.

"Y-yes!" answered Duan Li in a fright as he stood up straight like a soldier in the army, afraid of being whipped.

The principal was quite upset right now.

Not only that the other party's solution was not feasible to them after giving such a high hope, even his dignity as the principal was broken to pieces as his expressions contorted into many faces..

His previous mighty and awe-inspiring disposition crumbled into a wretched state.



The whip dematerialized as it was put back into his storage ring. He then sighed many times as he looked towards the sky in a 45 degrees angle with his hands clasped behind his back.

Just as he was contemplating on what sentences should he spout out that were filled with wisdom in order to salvage back his dignity as the principal, his face suddenly froze as he caught something by the corner of his eyes.

There were some students watching them from afar..


"Stay here!" he shouted towards Duan Li, Wang Guozhi and Ling Yu causing them to jumped up in a fright seeing that deranged face of their principal as they nodded like a bunch of chickens pecking rapidly at the ground.


The principal flew towards the students..


"Huh.. guys the principal is coming over!" shouted a female student as her face contorted in horror.

"Do you think.. he is here to eradicate all witnesses..?" said another student as he felt his butt to tightened mysteriously.

The students then look towards each other as their faces turned pale immediately.


They shrieked together as they scrambled towards many different directions.


"Where are you brats trying to run off to?!" the principal shouted from afar as his hands moved to create a series of complex incantation gesture.

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'Space Magic: Spatial Lock!'

"STAY!" he howled out.


"Wha-what! My body.. I couldn't move!"

"Nooo! the principal is getting nearer!"

"I shouldn't have been here..! Oh fate.. why must thee be so cruel..!"

The students roared to the sky in indignance!

From afar, Wang Guozhi swallowed his saliva.

"H-hey.. do you think.. the principal.. would.. " he said slowly, not daring to finish his sentence.

Ling Yu and Duan Li hide their faces with their hands as they peeked through the gaps in-between their fingers at the horrifying scene.


The students and the principal disappeared..

The last scene they saw was that the principal had materialized his whip..

"They are done for.."


After a while..



All the students were laying on the ground now convulsing with streak marks along their body like how Wang Guozhi was previously.

"Hmph! You brats had better not mention a thing about what just happened! Otherwise, with my influence.. I could catch you anytime as long as you are within the empire!" harrumphed the principal as he reprimanded the punished students.

On his hands were several jade slips of differing colors that he seemed to confiscate.

"I'll take this contrabands away too! You brats dared to have these illegal things with you and should be glad that I am quite lenient with my punishment this time around!"

"Now scram!!" shouted the principal as he made a terrifying face like a pubescent gangster.

"Y-yes!" replied the students as they struggled to get up and flew away very quickly while quivering in fear.

That whipping session they experienced was extremely horrifying to the point that the terror from it has been etched deeply into their soul..

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After this, even if they were to be beaten to death while naked, they swore to never tell a soul about what had transpired here!


The principal cleared his throat as he flew back to Duan Li and the rest.

"Now.. where was I.."

"Ahh yes! Duan Li, you have opened my eyes with these miracles you have performed today!" complemented the principal with a weird smile.

"T-thank you principal!" replied Duan Li hurriedly.

Afraid that the principal would do something to him too, he immediately remembered about how he had modified the spiritual efficiency level before.

"Also, I have modified the spiritual Qi absorption efficiency method!"

Hearing this, the principal's brows were raised as he became interested.

"Ohh? Explain!" he beckoned.


After Duan Li had finished explaining, the principal contemplated for a while before sitting down cross-legged to cultivate his spiritual Qi according to the method that Duan Li had mentioned.

Before long, a series of 'kacha' sound could be heard as the principal's aura rose to another level.

"Hmm interesting indeed! It does increase my spiritual Qi absorption by at least 10 percent!" he said with a satisfied nod.

He himself had already reached the pinnacle of the nascent soul realm. Thus, further increasing his spiritual Qi absorption anymore was naturally extremely difficult.

Yet, with just listening to the modifications theory made by Duan Li, he had achieved it quite easily!

"Is this practical for every level in every realm as you have said?" asked the principal in excitement.

Duan Li nodded quickly as he answered, "It does!"

Hearing the positive response, naturally, the principal became quite happy.

10 percent increase for every level is quite significant and can dramatically increase the empire's strength by many folds if it accumulates!

"Alright! After you exitted the eternal maze tomorrow, I want you to compile me a book that could increase the spiritual Qi absorption for every level in the Qi condensation realm!"

"Furthermore, you will be rewarded handsomely for this merit!" said the principal.

They then discussed a few things related to the modification techniques.


After a while, Duan Li decided to head back to his room at the dorm to rest for the day as they split up.

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The trio needed to report this findings to the research and development division so that Duan Li could get the copyright for it.

Before they split up though, the principal gave Duan Li some of his personal martial arts manual books back when the former was still at the Qi condensation realm.

He sat in front of the study table as he pondered while looking at the manual books.

'Nine fists shattering meteor'

'Nine palm slapping ocean'

'Nine swordplay thunder strike'

These three martial arts manual were part of the Nine legends edition that were famous back then from a certain martial artists.

They are extremely expensive and the principal had warned Duan Li to never lost them or borrow them to someone else.

In Duan Li's memories, he had never been imparted with any of these three manual books before and would only knew about them after he reached the core formation realm, which at that time was already quite useless for him to practice this low-level technique.

After all, these were the skills used only by those at the Qi condensation realm. Although its prowess makes them top notch, against skills of the higher realm, they aren't even worth a mention.

The reason why the principal had loaned on to him these three expensive manual books was because of the sudden leap in Duan Li's level from nothing to level nine in an instant.

Even if Duan Li had the spiritual capacity of a level nine condensation realm, his foundation in this level could be summed up to as zero, because he had learned nothing yet.

Not to mention that Duan Li hadn't undergone any physical body tempering before. Thus, his abundance of spiritual Qi inside his body is pretty much useless as well.

Furthermore, in order for his still-weak meridians and blood vessels to not rupture due to the excess amount of spiritual Qi, he had to suppress his level down to the level one of the Qi condensation realm so that only a minimal amount are cycled throughout his body.

If others were to know about this, they would find Duan Li's situation to be quite peculiar.

According to the natural order, one must temper themselves up to the requisite condition before levelling up, and this has been so since the ancient times. Yet, Duan Li is currently doing the opposite!

It is not to say that Duan Li had no advantage whatsoever in levelling himself up straight to the level nine at all.

In fact, he does have the one most significant benefit to be in this peculiar condition!

Spiritual Qi efficiency!

His spiritual Qi was far more efficient at 90 percent more than others of the same level and realm, even when he now had to suppress himself back to the level 1 state as the effect is permanent.

A single breath is all it took to recover his spiritual Qi back to 100 percent. Therefore, as long as he was still breathing, technically, his Qi would be practically infinite at the level 1 until the level 5 state!

Through level 6 to level 9, only two breaths were required to completely recuperate the spiritual Qi inside his body to 100 percent!

The principal had also realized this as well being an expert. Thus, the three manual books that he loaned to Duan Li while undoubtedly are very powerful in the condensation realm, are also demanding in spiritual Qi usage at the same time.

"Hmm.. let's see which one should I learn first... "


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