"..." Shen Murong and Wei Wang could not believe their eyes.

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To think that Wang Dong would be able to lay his hands on the legendary Ten Commandment sword by just playing around in the sand..

Just what kind of lucky charm did he swallow?!

"Is this really the sword?" Wang Dong continued to check the body of the sword with scrutiny in order to determine its authenticity.

"Eiyakk!!" Wang Dong hand chopped the sword in the middle of its spine, producing a crisp banging sound.

Mmm.. it seems tough enough to withstand my mighty hand chop..

"Brother Wang Dong, this should be the sword judging by the aura it was emitting but, why was it buried under the sand below us?" Shen Murong replied after giving the sword a thorough look as well.

They were deeply perplexed.

Even though the both of them were no appraisal expert, just the unique aura of an Ultimate graded weapon was enough to tell them that it was the one they were looking for!

Just that, how could it be this easy?

They had imagined their exploration to be long and arduous, full of danger where monsters will be lurking behind every corner, ready to ambush and devour them whole!

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Yet, before their adventure could even began, the item in question was already found!

This anticlimactic experience would trouble even the best story teller in trying to exaggerate it!

Wei Wang however, after snapping out from his daze, became elated upon seeing that they had obtained thei sword.

This meant that they only had to find the exit now!

However, just when this thought crossed his mind, a screeching howl of a monster could be heard from above them!


"Desert Centipede King!" the three of them were no stranger to this infamous monster of the desert!

The Desert Centipede King could be considered as a three star monster, and in terms of a human cultivator strength, unless the three of them were a pinnacle Golden Core realm cultivator themselves, they have no way of trying to even contend with it!


Furiously cycling their spiritual Qi within their body, they put their all into enhancing their flight speed and dashed to escape.


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The Desert Centipede King seemed to be furious about something and chased after them closely from behind. Its elongated body of almost reaching 60 meters long and its countless hairy legs slithered along the tunnel they were escaping into.

"Argh! This stupid monster, how dare you make me run like this, eat my punch!" Shen Murong turned his back and delivered one devastating punch attack!

Dragon Fist!

This fist art made the howling of a dragon as it traversed and split the air, reminiscing of an angry dragon charging head on to its enemies!

"With my majestic skill attack, this dumb monster should turn tail to run to its momma and suck-" before he could finish grinning, the sound of his fist art hitting like an iron door echoed when it hit the centipede's head.


"KREEE!!" the Desert Centipede King became even more furious as it spitted out an acid attack from its mouth, immediately melting even the sand around it into a jelly goo!

"Stupid human, my exoskeleton will not be penetrated by your puny fist!" the Desert Centipede King scoffed and continued to shoot his acid attack in rapid fire style!

As this chasing scene went on, the distance between them gradually decreased, such that their clothes started to melt from the splashes of acid!

After all, in terms of speed, no matter how slow the centipede was when compared to the human cultivators, it still has a higher realm than them. Eventually, its speed will be able to catch up to them.

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"Hahahaha! Foolish humans, where do you think you are going? Surrender your life and return my treasure!" the Desert Centipede King screeched out.

Meanwhile, Wang Dong that was now shirtless with only his underwear left, which was somehow immune to the acid could no longer take it and felt like the centipede was harassing them with its own language.

"You dare to besmirch this great body of mine with your nasty saliva! Curse your son!" Wang Dong bellowed.

Abs Flexing Technique: Supreme Turtle's Crust!


Wang Dong stopped trying to escape and fully focused his spiritual Qi into his defenses. After all, he was the slowest when compared to Shen Murong and Wei Wang.

Since he will eventually get caught, why run then?

"Brother Wang Dong, what are you doing? Come back!" Shen Murong felt his heart clenching together when Wang Dong heroically turned his back to face the monster behind them with nothing but his underwear!

This is what you call as trying to scale Mount Tai!

Contrary to his expectation that Wang Dong would be badly pummeled by the Desert Centipede King like a dirty ragdoll, something unexpected happened instead!

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"Eh?" the legendary Ten Commandment Sword glowed brightly like the second sun, engulfing him in white light!

This shocking sight even halted the centipede in its track, becoming wary of Wang Dong.

What is this human doing now?

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Sounds of metal clanking together as if innumerable metal pieces were joining together echoed for a moment before the light basking Wang Dong dimmed.


A figure draped in cold metallic armor with a large turtle shell on his back appeared!

"..." Shen Murong and Wei Wang.

"..." Desert Centipede King.


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