"Run!!" Princess Meixiu and her expedition party retreated into a tunnel as they were chased by the undead skeletons.

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She struck out a fist and collapsed the entrance of the tunnel in order to cut off the undead skeletons, however..


Seeming unfazed by the obstruction, as if mere water, they passed right through it!

"Damn it, its not working! What are you guys doing standing around? Go now!" she shouted to the soldiers for them to continue their retreat.

Due to the protracted engagement, her expedition party incurred heavy losses and there were only a few of her soldiers left and most were injured.

The undead skeletons, remaining true to their name, was truly undead. Even if their bones were shattered, they will still be able to regenerate their bones and stood back to fight mindlessly again and again!

Realizing this, the princess's personal maid, Elder Cheng Chao adviced for the princess to fall back. After all, even if she could flip her palm to destroy every single skeletons out there being someone in the Nascent Soul realm, the curse on the undead skeleton was far too strong for it to be even effective as they will just raise themselves from the ground repeatedly!

As the personal maid of the princess, her main role was naturally to protect the princess at all costs. Wasting spiritual Qi on useless endeavor would be a foolish decision knowing that they were inside an uncharted territory right now.

Additionally, the spiritual Qi underground was far too limited due to the absence of many living environment when compared to the surface ground. If she continued to expend her spiritual Qi needlessly, and somehow encountered even stronger monsters, they would be in deep trouble!

Thus, with solemn expression, she could only try to kill those that managed to get close to them.

"Is there nothing we can do princess? A-At this rate, we would be cornered!" Ruo Hen spoke out with a pale face. He, someone who would always try to save his face by acting just and rightful could no longer keep his calm in front of the expedition party. He was far too afraid for his life now.

"Shut up! I'm thinking!" Princess Meixiu lashed out, cursing the other party as a useless deadweight.

At the same time, she could not help but to wonder on where on earth was the three people that entered before them right now.

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How did they not stumble upon them? Were they already killed? But that's impossible! There were not even signs of fighting when the arrived!

Could it be that they were sent to another location?

Damn it!

"Focus on escaping and save your spiritual Qi! These undead skeletons are weaklings but they will kill you if you are careless!" Ling Shin instructed the soldiers as he led the way forward.


"Sh*t! They are also in front of us! We are surrounded!" a soldier cried out, sending shivers to the rest of them.

Seeing this, most of the soldiers were now in despair. Thus, Elder Cheng Chao, with a disdainful snort, struck a punch forward!


Jab of obliteration!


And as expected of an attack from a Nascent Soul realm expert, this single attack of hers had wiped out all the undead skeletons while burrowing the tunnel and making it bigger to make it easier for them to traverse.

Crack! Crack!

"Move it! They are already regenerating. Go!" Princess Meixiu ordered as they continued their escape.

At this rate, would we find the sword first or would death come to us first?

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"Hahahaha! I love this sword! It feels like I was born solely to obtain it! What a good sword!" Wang Dong laughed out loud in his turtle outfit.

While the Desert Centipede King had tough defenses, the relentless 'Justice Dash' from Wang Dong using the turtle shell on his back was enough to send the monster into a series of concussions, finally knocking the giant centipede into a coma!

"Good job Brother Wang Dong! Hahahaha! But we should go now while its still down! It will wake up very soon with its insane recovery speed!" Shen Murong said as he laughed out loud as well, impressed with the fighting style of his sworn brother.

"Ahahahaha! It's fine, I'll just knock it back to sleep and- eh?" Wang Dong suddenly felt his sight to shudder before his entire body turning weak as he plummeted from the air.


"Brother Wang Dong!"

Shen Murong and Wei Wang rushed to their fallen companion, only to see the later naked with only his underwear on.

"Huff.. huff.. My stamina.. its almost out.." Wang Dong said as he breathed heavily.

"It seems like the Legendary Ten Commandment Sword takes a huge toll for its user. We should not use it carelessly in this situation." Wei Wang said, scribbling on the air this time using his spiritual Qi to voice out his concerns.

"That.. that seems to be the case.. huff.." Wang Dong nodded in agreement.

Not only that the transformation into an armored turtle had already expended half of his spiritual Qi, it had also drained his stamina to rock bottom!

Lifting the exhausted Wang Dong and carrying him on his back with a fireman's carry lift, the trio then proceeded to enter a tunnel nearby.

Tap! Tap!

"There is an opening over there!"

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"Is it an exit? Finally!"

The sound of several people rushing with exhausted breath sounded out from the opposite tunnel just right after the trio left.

It was Princess Meixiu's expedition party!


"So this village is called the Spring Blossom village? Makes sense!" Wei Shang nodded in realization after finally getting to know the name of the village they were in right now.

According to the villagers, they have a lot of trees around the village that will blossom into pink leaves during the Spring season called the Sakurai trees!

Apparently, every Spring season, their village will be able to make an extra income from the influx of people from the surrounding villages visiting them to watch the trees blossom!

"Stop talking and work more." Fei Longwei by the side said with a frown as he stared at the chit-chatting group.

"Y-Yes!" knowing that their savior was displeased, these villagers immediately ran back to what they were doing before, dispersing the crowd around Wei Shang.

"Heyy, that's not nice! We need to give them a little break!" Wei Shang complained.

Fei Longwei ignored him as he continued chopping hundreds of wood into planks with his sword art in one go.

"I feel that something here was amiss. Why were the bandits attacking this village?" he finally said something after a long while.

"Ah? Isn't it to sell these villagers as slaves and looting the area for valuables? What more could mere bandits like them want other than money?" Wei Shang replied as he scratched his head and threw hundreds of nails into a wooden structure held by several people at the same time with a scary level of precision!

Tak! Tak! Tak!

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Just like that, another house was built!

"They make it look so easy..." the villagers could not help but sighed when they saw this sight.

Chopping trees into tens of planks and nailing structures to make a complete house with a single breath..

It would have taken them half a day the fastest just to rebuilt a single home, yet they completed it in less than ten breaths!

Cultivators are truly people with miracles!


Hearing his answer, Fei Longwei shook his head before continuing to do his work.

That would be best if it were true...


"Someone called Na Zem Xi wanted to meet us? Who is that?" Xu Rong raised her brows and turned to look at both Xiahou Yu and Di Rou, only to see them shaking their head.

"Yes. He claims that he is working under your Lord and there was something that he needed help with to accomplish his task!" a servant of the Seven Saints Culinary restaurant said.

"Hmm.." Xu Rong cupped her chin for a while.

"Very well! Let him in!"


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