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"If we are talking about balance.. then how about advance payment?" Duan Li suggested.

The voice went silent for a while before it responded, "Explain."

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Duan Li nodded as he cupped his chin.

Seems like they were quite sensible and reasonable bunch after all!

"How about you give me the thunder tribulation for the Core formation realm here in advance? In exchange, I get to keep this spiritual Qi within my spatial ring!" Duan Li said with eagerness.

He had to bet himself on this!


Hearing this, the Heaven's will was dumbstruck.

Did I just hear him right?

Who in the world would want an advance thunder tribulation when their realm wasn't even complete yet?

That was not something that one can get struck by on a whim. Not only that a failure to withstand it would cause one's cultivation to regress back to zero, in the worst case scenario, it could even lead to one's own death!

Is this man looking to die?

"T-This brat is crazy!" the principal exclaimed with utter disbelief.

He had never heard of anyone to be eager of being struck by the thunder tribulation in all his life before, much less wanted it in advance!

Even with his powerful cultivation state, the principal would still shudder whenever he remembered about his thunder tribulations.

If there was a way to avoid it at all, he would definitely not hesitate to do so even if it costed him a fortune!

But to think that this fella would want it in advance?


That was something only those who wanted to court death would do!

The expression of the four students behind him was also not that far off from him.

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"M-My Lord.. what are you thinking?" Wang Xiolun gasped, horrified.

He had felt the prowess of the thunder tribulation for the Core formation realm before and it was absolutely terrifying!

At that time, he almost failed in withstanding the tribulation. Thankfully, he had an artifact with him that activated during the last moment and fortified his recovery speed!

But even that was not enough. He had to spent quite a fortune to buy all sorts of pills in preparation, and used them all during the tribulation. Had it not been for these, he would already turned crippled or six feet below ground right now.

The Heaven's will right now was just silent and still, but Duan Li could guess that the 'committee' or the sorts behind that door were having a heated discussion right now.

Gritting his teeth, Duan Li shouted out to push the advantage to him further.

"Don't forget that you guys haven't yet to balance out the unfair thunder tribulations that you sent me when I was at the Qi condensation realm back then! I don't think it would be good for the heavens to accumulate such negative karma without readressing it."


High above the nine firmaments, in a dimensional realm was a vast room filled with two groups of people discussing in a heated debate. But when they heard from that last sentence of Duan Li, they could not help but to turn mute.

These people all wore golden robes and their cultivation states was heaven-defying. If even just a single one of them were to descend down to the Tian continent, every single living creature there would have to prostrate on the ground before them.

Right now, an elder with a vicious temperament spoke out in his heart, seething with rage. "Damned ant! You should just shut your mouth and let me kill you!"

"Elder Xiqong, what the kid just said was right. After all, we as the Heaven's will committee were tasked in keeping the balance of the lower realm and avoid karma!" an elderly man said.

"En! I support elder Jun! Furthermore, we have already accumulated karma when we judged him unfairly. For us, the Heaven's Will committee, even a single karma attached to our name has already attracted the attention from the one above!" said another elder.

"Yeah! If the upper echelons were to come here personally and saw that we still had not resolve it, who would take responsibility for that?!" an elder pressed on.

Elder Xiqong and the rest of his group were silent. Some of the people on his side began to nod their heads in agreement with what the other party just said.

Observing the situation to slowly turn away from his favor, elder Xiqong gritted his teeth as he looked up at the woman sitting atop of the throne.

This woman wore similar loose gold robes, but it had actually acentuates her sexiness instead. Sitting while crossing her leg ontop of the other, she was playing with her emerald hair playfully. Her ravishing face were like that of an angel and a lot of men here were drooling silently when they looked at her, as if a bunch of ants attracted to a golden honey.

"Empress Luo, I am firm with my decision to smite that mortal into non-existence with the Heavenly Severing Existence axe, as stipulated by the guidelines. I am just following the necessary actions for those who had violated the rules laid down by the heavens." elder Xiqong spoke out.

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He then continued, "However, Empress Luo have the final say in this matter."

Empress Luo shot a look at elder Xiqong for a while before moving her gaze towards the holographic screen before her.

She then spoke out.

"Both sides are right in this case, elder Jun wanted to resolve our Karma while elder Xiqong was just trying to follow the guidelines."

"However, elder Xiqong, this problem was first started by you. As part of this committee, you lost your composure which was unbecoming of you towards the unknown."

"For us of the Heaven's Will committee, mysterious existence and the such was, but a common occurrence. At that time, you disregarded the guidelines entirely and struck away to kill a mere mortal. But now, you followed the guidelines and still vehemently wanted to kill him too."

"Tell me elder Xiqong, was there something about that boy that we do not know about except you?" she said with a weird smile on her face.

Other than her looks, Empress Luo was known far and wide to have an unrestrained personality. Even her sentence just now had made elder Xiqong entirely uncomfortable.

"N-No! How can that be? It was just a moment of my carelessness that I did what I did before." elder Xiqong spoke out as his back was drenched in sweat.

In his heart, he could not help but to curse out at the woman before him for being too sharp with both her insights and tongue.

"Hmph! That had better be the case! Just for the fact that your misjudgement before had caused our reputation among the heavens to drop slightly, you should be glad that I allowed you to keep that pathetic life of yours!" said Empress Luo directly to elder Xiqong, not giving the latter any face at all.

She then turned her attention towards elder Jun, "Go and tell that boy that his request has been granted."

"Thank you Empress Luo!" said elder Jun as he bowed.

The Empress continued to sat down leisurely on her throne as she looked at the holographic screen with Duan Li's face on it.

"Just what are you?" she said to herself.

A mortal that does not have any single records by the system at all was something that had never happened before. Until she could firmly understood Duan Li's background, she wouldn't let elder Xiqong kill him.

After all, if it turned out that Duan Li was related to someone that they could not afford to offend, there would be hell to pay!


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Elder Xiqong excused himself as he walked down the corridor.

"Damn it! I was so close! If I kill him, I would be able to obtain that golden mysterious pearl!" he cursed out in his heart.

He could still not forget the event that he had witnessed.

One day, elder Xiqong was bored and decided to randomly peer into the life of a mortal and Duan Li came up on his screen.

At that time, Duan Li was chopping down a tree and elder Xiqong laughed out in disdain towards Duan Li's pitiful life. This was his favorite activity in his free time, to badmouth the life of a mortal.

Just as he was about to find someone else to peek, a scene happened that attracted his attention. Duan Li's axe flew away as if it had come into contact with something.

It was then that he found out about Duan Li possessing the golden mysterious pearl!

To him, that pearl contained some mystic force that even he could not peer through its secrets. Thus, he conjectured that pearl to have a power far beyond his imagination and turned greed.

But as someone from the Heaven's Will committee, there was no way that he could descend down to the mortal realm and take things into his own hands.

After all, killing a mortal would directly alarm the system, and he would be found out in an instant, tagged by the system and executed for it.

Unless Duan Li were to die naturally, by someone else's hands or by the thunder tribulations from them, only then he could secretly search the body without anyone noticing.

That was why the anomaly behind Duan Li's background was a chance for him to kill the latter. But who could have thought that it would not work?

However, his greed was fueled even further by that mysterious power that protected Duan Li. He knew the origin of where such a power came from.

The golden mysterious pearl!

Thus, today's event was another chance for him, but again as before, it was foiled.

"Just you wait, Empress Luo! One fine day, I will get my hands on it. At that time, let's see if you could act so high and mighty in front of me when I deflower you!"

Elder Xiqong then grinned in a twisted manner, as he continued to walk along the corridor.


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