Undead Seeks Warmth

Chapter 19

 Undead Seeks Warmth Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

…… Before I came to this world.
I was raised in a peaceful country without wars. Me, who saw people dying only on television, can such me kill something so similar to human?
Originally, I thought about this before hunting, but I put that question aside.
The reason is simple. I did not want to find the answer easily, and above all, the『Labyrinth of Everlasting Darkness』doesn’t have any humanoid monsters.
You could say that the Rotting Corpse Zombie was once humanoid, but it clearly is just a corpse.
However…… This is different.

The Raven Harpy girl in her late teens who fell to the ground doesn’t try to attack me again, she just stares at me with a frightened face.
Harpy species…… No, the overall intelligence of all pseudo-humans is high. There are individuals who can understand human language among them.
Therefore, they have rich feelings and a strong fear of death.
Up until now, I have been slaughtering Solder Skeletons and Departed Souls. They are totally different.

What to do?
What should I do?
It would be easy to twist this Harpy’s neck right now. It would be over in one second.

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But, is it the right thing to do?
If I do it, would I be able to live as I was until now?

I understand that I no longer am a human, I accepted it.
However, still, it doesn’t mean that I threw away my human heart.
I don’t want to kill people.
Although my true feelings come from an emotionally-charged argument, a simple word comes to my mind『Unnecessary』.
Even if I kill a human being, I won’t get any Magic Power. Thus, it’s unnecessary, therefore, I won’t kill you.
Isn’t that a logical thinking?
But, ‘that’ in the first place is not a human. It only looks similar to a human.
If I kill it, I will obtain Magic Power. Moreover, several times more than from a Skeleton.

However, but. Isn’t this child frightened?
Obviously. Everyone is afraid of death. ‘This’ is only easier to understand.
But, doesn’t that mean that it has a mind?
An existence with a presence of mind, even if it’s not a human, even if it’s only close to a human, am I able to put an end to it?

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Doesn’t that mean I was killing mindless opponents until now?
Skeleton, Zombie even a Ghost. Perhaps all of them had a presence of a mind, I just simply couldn’t understand.
After killing them all with a calm face, why am I hesitating now?
It’s something I must prepare for eventually.
I have decided that I won’t stop.
Wasn’t I going to regain a living body?
For that reason, many sacrifices are necessary.

‘That’ is not a human. It’s clear.
It’s only similar in shape, it’s clearly only a monster.
This isn’t a world I can live in with such lukewarm attitude.
It’s a world only the strong, clever and lucky ones survive.
Because I am strong, I was able to step over the Skeletons and Zombies.
Because I am smart, I was able to separate Black Salamander’s head from its body.
Because I am lucky, I survived the encounter with Lesser Evil and Hannibal.
But, this Harpy is different.

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This fellow is a fool who challenged someone stronger that itself.
Nobody can’t complain even if it dies.
Therefore, kill it. The same way you killed until now.
And obtain the nourishment.
With the nourishment gain the power in order to get a life.
Make a resolution to kill every monster apart from Nee-san right now!

…… In the end, I wasn’t able to kill the Harpy.
I turned by back on her sobbing and trembling figure.
I faintly told her to「Go」. And left like that.

Standing in the middle of the plains, I gazed at the rising red moon.
It wasn’t hypocrisy.
It wasn’t compassion either.
I just wasn’t able to kill something so similar to a human, I couldn’t finish off my prey.
It was selfish of me.

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Killing monsters so thoroughly in order to evolve, and yet to hesitate to deal the finishing blow.

…… What to do from now on I wonder?

That every life is equal, I don’t possess such saintly thoughts.
Rather I think that human life is not equal, I don’t think the ordinary person’s life is equal to that of Hero’s.
Even though I have decided to trample over the difference in value.
This is the result.
There’s a limit to being miserable.

While feeling such feelings, something ran towards me from behind.
A wolf the size of a big dog…… I check it with Magic Profess. It seems this is 『Night Wolf』, a well known monster in this area.
I jump over the wolf and gift my handsword to its neck.
Dumbfounded at how easily it went through, the Night Wolf died.

…… I can kill a beast so easily.
If this was the Harpy, I couldn’t even point the handsword.

I couldn’t even ridicule my own selfishness.

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