Chapter 024 - Chapter 7

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The first thing that I saw right after I opened my eyes what I saw was long golden eyelashes.

After I racked my brain for a moment, I realized that there's something warm creeping inside my mouth.

As I by reflex tried to swipe it, but I can't move my arms.


No, that's wrong.

It's not like I can't move it, but they are not there.

From my neck below, there's nothing there



I remembered while I was surpassing my confused mind, then right before I lost consciousness, my head got severed.

That's right. my neck should already have been severed from my body.


.................... Is this it.

I am already.

becoming an existence that wouldn't be broken even if my neck was separated from my body.


But well, right now that thing is not important.

Just before I opened my eyes, the thing that I saw in that 'world'.

If I have already regained my consciousness, it meant that thing also regained its consciousness.

Quickly, I have to do something quickly.


My body ..... Where's my body.

...... Before that, I have to do something about this situation.

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Perhaps the sister didn't realize that I have already conscious, she kept wholeheartedly indulge in her lust while closing her eyes.

Almost all of my vision got covered by her face, well this is can't be helped.

For now, so that she realized that her opponent has already woken up, I brush aside her tongue with mine.

As expected it seems that it was completely an unexpected thing, for a moment her shoulders trembled with shock


Slowly, the sister opened her eyes.

Inside her amethyst eyes that got clouded with zeal, my face reflected in it.


I thought that she will drop me out of surprise, but on the contrary, she hugged me tightly in her chest.

While the saliva was still drooling down from her mouth, she inclined her head confusedly



- Eh ....  What, so you still alive huh? -



After muttering that, in her hand was the knife from before.

She raised it above her head, without any hesitation, she slashed down the knife pointing at my neck






I don't want my face to be full of holes.

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So, while somehow matching the timing, I caught the knife with my teeth.

Though she was able to barely mercilessly push it into my mouth, I am, while weaken is still a monster.

My jaw power is stronger than a shark.

I wasn’t able to push it even more or even take it out, in the end that thick knife, make a high pithed sound then it broke


- ............. A~h - 



The sister made a dejected voice.

With that I thought that she calmed down a little bit.


But the next moment, she vigorously slammed me into the ground.

There was no pain, but my vision got blurred due to the shock


...... This not good, I will get crushed,

With she was still smiling, she started stomping her raised foot.

If I got my head crushed, I wouldn't have any self confidence that I will remain safe.

Even if I tried to evade, with just my head I cannot move around


There's nothing that can be done.

But something crossed my mind.


Her boots with hard heels attached to it was approaching my head with a force to trample me down.

Then, at that moment when that heels was about to hit my face that lied sideways.

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-KYaaa ! ? -



Along with shout of surprise, the sister lost her balance and then fell down.

.... What was that?

It was just right at my blind spot, I don't know what just happened.

But that question, immediately became clear.


Kneeling on the ground, that thing that picked up myself ..... my head. 

Wearing a tattered school uniform on its body, it was my own body.


Why, why did it move?

Without minding myself which held such very appropriate question at this situation, my body held me up with both of my hands, then slowly put it back on my neck.

Immediately, the area around my neck froze.

A few seconds later, the ice fell to piece, the neck that was once separated turned back as if nothing was ever happened.

What a convenient thing.



- ....... Then .......What are you trying to say? – The sister



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Perhaps she got thrust away quite strongly, the sister who stood up staggering, she muttered such words that was mixed together with her emotion.

With her reddened cheeks, and while she breathed out hot sigh that seems able to make a scald.


- No matter how many times .....  I will keep kill you, okay? -  The sis



She extended her white finger, and her red tongue crawl around her lips.

With staggering step, the sister walked closer to me.



- If you run I'll chase you, you know? If you reject me I'll hold you down, you know? if you hate me I'll restrain you, you know? - 



Her figure, in madness sense was beautiful.

I felt, that it was something similar with nee-san.






----- But then, at that moment.

At this worst moment.


The [darkness] inside myself.

Raised its voice of birth.

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