---- There was a weak, fragile girl.

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That weak girl, one day, who lost her dearest friends. 

That weak girl, who cannot protect her own life. 

That weak girl, who was saved by a guy with cold body. 

Ever since that time, that girl, was determined that she will become stronger. 


That girl whose name became well known inside the kingdom, while growing up within the continent, but she never opened up her heart to anyone else. 

That girl, despite being human, she was chasing after a freak. 

That girl kept searching for that man, kept searching, kept searching, and wished for him. 

Until her appearance closely resembled that of a sick person.





Before she realized it, the girl, bearing only one wish inside her mind, 

this girl was human,

however, the one she held dear for was not a human.

The chance of the two to be married, by no means, was zero.

That's what, she thought.

Deep down inside of her heart, to the extent that she herself didn't realized it.



She wished to become, a non-human being.







Inside the corridor of the villa with red carpet covered-floor, Merlan quietly moved forward.

In the first place, she was a hunter who hunt the monsters within the forest.

Therefore, she has a slight superiority in her skills of hiding, the sound of her footsteps was silent and of course, she had also totally killed the sound of her breathing and the rustle of her clothes.

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For someone who didn't focused enough, surely wouldn't be able to realize even if she walked passed right beside them.

Her figure, became that of thin air. 





 [ ... ... ... ] 




"Fuh" Merlan stopped and lowered her sight. 

Up ahead, there was a guard who must be on duty lying on the ground.


She slowly crouched down, she then touched the nape of the guard.

From the transmitted body temperature and a firm pulse. 

It will seem that he only fainted. 




[(Possibly it was one hit on the back of the nape. With a quick hand blade, the one who did it skillfully will then be able to give enough impact for it to work. It doesn’t even leave a bruise, heh.)]



Her whole battle experience that she had accumulated, gave her the precise information of what has happened. 

It was totally refined work, showing the basis of assassination technique.

Even assassins from dark guild, wouldn’t have this level of skill.




 [(... It's been almost one year, heh)] 


Piled up together with her memories of losing her two best friends, that she will always believe for her entire life, a meeting with a bit of bitterness. 

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With just that, that memories were burned into her head, so that she will never ever forget about it.

A black-haired zombie, that she didn't know its name. 

... He himself said it, that he doesn’t remember his own name. 


The face that guy, Merlan will never be able to forget about it. 

An expression mixed of sorrow and loneliness, with a bewildered expression.   

That's because a name is something like the proof of who you really are. 

But he had none, he didn't remember it.

She wondered how much he will remember.


Merlan once again stood up, killing the sound that she made and once again continued forward. 

The fact that the guard has fainted at that place, meaning that there's some abnormality happening. 

Thus, in other words, he who plunged into this mansion before her, surely, he had also passed by this way. 

This mansion was not that big. 

It'll be soon before they will meet again. 

With her heartrate rising, Merlan slightly raised her speed. 








[ ... ... ... ... ... ]




In front of a sturdy door, Merlan stopped. 

The door was slightly opened. 

The lock was twisted and broken, fell lying beside her.



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*Gulp* She swallowed her saliva.

...  There's no doubt. 

Beyond this door, must be him. 



For the second time, they passed by each other.

Just a little more, she seemed to be able to about to reach him, but in the end, she couldn’t. 

Her heart tightened, it felt like it's going to burn.


This time, this time for sure.

She tightened her fist. 

Merlan, put her hands on the door. 




[ Kh! ] 




However, she quickly retracted her hands.

That door which was made from steel, was coated with unbelievable coldness. 

If she pushed it with her palm a little more, surely her skin would have peeled off. 




While feeling uneased, she put on her gloves. 

And then, she pushed the door with all her might. 





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*Crack .... crack, crack .... * 



The iron door that opened heavily.

The sound that clearly transmitted into her ears ... the sound of ice breaking? 

The door that seperated that room and the corridor finally opened, the spectacle inside of that room reflected into Merlan's eye. 



The moment she saw those spectacle, both her eyes opened wide. 



[ Wha ...] 





It was a showroom 20 meters wide. 

Lots of work of art, it must be the collections of the mayor's hobby.

The whole room was turned to ice, the whole surface was glowing silver. 




The girl who moved her eyes to the center of the room. She raised voice .... "Ah"



It’s there.

The man that she had always been searching for all this time.

His back was facing towards her, looking like he's at a loss.




The silver-haired man who was holding a piece of mirror in his hands, was there.

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