I’ll Give You Everything (4)

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Ezet quickly avoided the look, but when Edmond’s big hand touched the spot where she turned his head, she gasped and swallowed.


“That’s right. It certainly looks a little small.”

“Yeah, yes. Because the gown is small…….”

“Will you take it off for me, please?”

“What are you talking about…..!”

“Because it’s dark. I can’t see the knot well, so I can’t untie it.”

With no indication of what he was thinking, the excuse naturally flowed out, and Ezet casually believed it.

“Well, you can just tear it off. That’s what you usually do…..”

“It’s an imperial palace, so it’s not good for me to destroy it. There is a limit to the number of daily use of restoration magic tools. It’s a disaster if you waste the restoration tools on these little things and don’t use them when you need them.”

How many excuses has he prepared? Every single word he says makes excuses. If he were making it up on the spot, not pre-arranged, he would have made a fortune even if he had become a street performer, not a mercenary.

It was obvious that it was an excuse, but Ezet, who had nothing to refute, eventually reached out and untied Edmond’s belt knot. Slick.

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As the string untied, the gown opened, and the body of a solid man was revealed.

‘Oh, my God…’

The perfect body of a man who was captivated by the light of a dim surface was beautiful. She had no talent not to be distracted by his muscular body.

Ezet sighed casually, scouring Edmond’s body.

“As expected, you were ready to do it.”

“Oh, Oh, you said it was not!”

Ezet hurriedly denied and pushed Edmond’s chest away. The skin touching the palm of her hand was hot and elastic. At the moment, her face was filled with heat, and Ezet quickly shook her head from side to side. It wasn’t even hot, but her face was burning.

“So, what did you mean by wanting to have sex all day?”

“No, it’s… I mean… ”

Ezet desperately sought an excuse. Edmond made a prepared excuse as if she had waited for anything, and Ezet was embarrassed that Edmond had nothing to say every time he hit the nail on the head.

Is there any tool that automatically creates excuses?

“Hey, talk to me! I said the wrong words! I want to talk to Edmond!”

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“Sex is the body’s body conversation.”

The hands of a vicious man who never missed an opportunity came creeping up on her. After taking a bath, I was wearing only a gown, so the feeling of my hands digging into the clothes was clear.

Ezet shook his head left and right as he breathed in.

“Ed, no… ”

“Do not you have enough time for it?”

“It’s, uh… ”

“Have you lost your heart to do it?”

That was the most straightforward answer. Edmond never touched her if Ezet refuses. She can lie that she has changed her mind and that she doesn’t want to have sex.

Yeah, she can lie and make excuses as Edmond did.

“It’s not gone.”

She didn’t want to lie and deceive herself. It’s not that she doesn’t like Edmond. It’s not that she doesn’t like having sex with her husband. Even though she has mixed her body like that, she feels better when he touches her.


“I’d love to. But I can’t do it.”

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“Nothing has been resolved yet.”

Neither did they catch the culprit who caused Countess Harrington harm, nor did they find out what road the Empress set on fire in the underground tea chamber.

Most of all, Edmond has yet to teach Ezet what to do to be recognized as the “Real Duchess of Jaxen,” not as a substitute for Erit.

She couldn’t just indulge in the pleasures of sex when there were still problems left to be solved.

“When I was depressed, you made me feel better, so I relied on it. I don’t think we should avoid it this way.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Ezet.”

“But still…”

Edmond stayed still for a while and pulled up his upper body as Ezet closed her legs in embarrassment.

“May I give the Countess Harrington some medicine?”

“What? That’s a precious medicine!”

“What good is the family’s leap when my wife is depressed. We don’t have to save much anyway.”

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Edmund is probably the only one who treats the elixir worth a few castles as if they come and go like a perfume sold by a street vendor.

“No, Edmond. Don’t do that.”

“You want to save Countess Harrington. My wife wants it so badly. There’s no reason for me to disagree.”

“I want to save it, but not this way.”

She thought there was no priority over saving people. She thought it would be better to wake Countess Harrington up if she could save her in any way and then find the culprit.

But after listening to Edmond, she changed her mind when she saw the fire this afternoon. Nothing is solved in the end by just sticking to saving the person in front of oneself. After an accident, one can’t stop it by sticking to saving people.

It is the job of those in power to eradicate the cause of accidents.

“Okay, then do it the way you want it. What can I do for you?”

“I’ll… think about it and tell you.”

“Sure. Is there anything else that bothers you more?”

“The fire of the day. No one was seriously injured, but the other ladies were shocked. Countess Devon and Marchioness Barth said they’d be fine, but it’s true that they inhaled enough smoke to make them unconscious.”

Is it okay to say that the Empress set the fire for a while? Ezet pondered. The Empress is a prime suspect, but she was not a definite criminal, so she had to be careful in her expression.

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