Underdog Versus Boss

Chapter 101

Da Tian Ting dreamt she was a princess standing next to a rose bush waiting for Prince Feng Kai Ze. She saw him on a white horse riding toward her. She raised her arms for him to carry her onto the white horse, but a faceless woman appeared on the horse behind him and he rode off with the faceless woman.

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Da Tian Ting chased after Feng Kai Ze.

‘Come back,’ Da Tian Ting screamed. ‘Come back. Don’t leave me.’

Da Tian Ting woke up when Feng Kai Ze disappeared with the faceless woman. Was it a dream or premonition?

Feng Kai Ze heard Da Tian Ting’s scream. He jumped out of bed and ran to her apartment hotel room next to his. He didn’t have a key to her room so he kicked the door open.

Feng Kai Ze ran to Da Tian Ting’s bedroom. He thought someone intruded into her room, but she was sitting upright on the bed and taking deep breaths. He sighed in relief, and sat next to her on the bed.

‘Did you have a nightmare?’ Feng Kai Ze asked.

Da Tian Ting’s dream of Feng Kai Ze leaving her with another woman was vivid in her mind. In her hazy state she hugged Feng Kai Ze.

‘Don’t leave me,’ Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting’s dream perpetuated her fear of Feng Kai Ze leaving her.

‘I’ll never leave you,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

Feng Kai Ze didn’t know what Da Tian Ting dreamt of, but he was happy she wanted to hug him for comfort.

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‘Little monkey, you can’t lie to me,’ Da Tian Ting said. ‘You promised you won’t leave me so you can’t leave me.’

‘Trust me,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘I won’t break my promise to you, I won’t leave you.’

Da Tian Ting looked into Feng Kai Ze’s eyes. She believed he wouldn’t leave her. During the time they’ve spent together, he’d shown her that he kept all the promises he made to her. If she trusted him, did it mean she gave her heart to him?

‘Are you lost in my eyes?’ Feng Kai Ze asked.

‘Little monkey, I think I love you,’ Da Tian Ting said. ‘What do I do now?’

‘I’ve been waiting for this moment,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

‘But I’m scared,’ Da Tian Ting said.

‘You have me,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘You have nothing to fear. I’ll be here to protect you even if the sky falls down.’

‘I’m not beautiful or gentle,’ Da Tian Ting said. ‘Will you leave me heartlessly like how Shang Duan Hua left me?’

Da Tian Ting was abandoned by everyone she cared about. If Feng Kai Ze left her too, she would have nothing left and didn’t know if she could recover.

‘I’ve seen you at your ugliest and I still love you,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘You have nothing to worry about. You only need to do one thing, and we’ll always be happy together.’

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Feng Kai Ze was happy his dream came true after sixteen years, Da Tian Ting loved him and he wanted to give her a happy life.

‘What do I need to do?’ Da Tian Ting asked.

Da Tian Ting thought if it was something she could do, she would do it so she and Feng Kai Ze would always be happy together.

Feng Kai Ze caressed Da Tian Ting’s face.

‘Love me and trust me,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

‘Love and trust you?’ Da Tian Ting asked.

‘Yes,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘Love me, and trust me that I won’t do anything to hurt you.’ He held Da Tian Ting’s hand over his heart. ‘Because for sixteen years, you’ve been living in my heart. There’s only room for you in my heart.’

‘I don’t know if it’ll be enough,’ Da Tian Ting said. ‘But I’ll love you and trust you so we can be together.’

Da Tian Ting was grateful Shang Duan Hua and Da Ming Sheng betrayed her. She didn’t love Shang Duan Hua, she took care of him out of duty to honor her father’s wish for her to marry Shang Duan Hua before her father died.

‘All you need to do is stay with me and build a future together with me,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

Feng Kai Ze was willing to wait his whole life for Da Tian Ting to fall madly in love with him like how he loved her.

‘I will,’ Da Tian Ting said.

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‘It’s past two o’clock in the morning,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘You need to sleep.’

Da Tian Ting let Feng Kai Ze tuck her in bed. She didn’t close her eyes, because she was scared it was all a dream, and he would disappear after she closed her eyes.

‘Sleep,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘I’m sleeping in the room next to your room. If anything happens, just scream and I’ll run to you.’

‘OK,’ Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting was reassured, and closed her eyes. She felt the distance between her and Feng Kai Ze shortened, and that they had a strong chance to be together.

Feng Kai Ze waited for Da Tian Ting to fall asleep. Then he turned off the lights, and returned to his room.

Da Tian Ting had another dream. She dreamt Prince Feng Kai Ze came back to her, and carried her onto his white horse. It was only the two of them on the white horse.

Da Tian Ting was unaware that danger was lurking while she dreamt.

Hong Shi Chi had commissioned a sketch artist to sketch a portrait of Da Tian Ting, and sent his men to find her.

‘Young master Hong, we’ve found the woman you’re looking for,’ a man said. ‘She’s staying at an apartment hotel in Gu Wen with her boyfriend.’

‘I’m going to get even with her for hitting me with her suitcase and insulting me,’ Hong Shi Chi said.

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Hong Shi Chi walked downstairs and bumped into Hong Shi Na.

‘Big brother, where are you going?’ Hong Shi Na asked.

‘To teach someone a lesson,’ Hong Shi Chi said.

‘Big brother, I need your help,’ Hong Shi Na said.

‘Tell me and I’ll help you,’ Hong Shi Chi said.

‘I don’t know where Kai Ze is,’ Hong Shi Na said. ‘I asked Yang Fei, and he said he didn’t know where Kai Ze is either. I think Kai Ze is avoiding me. Big brother, help me find Kai Ze.’

‘When I find Feng Kai Ze, I’m going to teach him a lesson for neglecting my little sister,’ Hong Shi Chi said.

‘Big brother, I only want you to find Kai Ze,’ Hong Shi Na said. ‘Don’t hurt him.’

‘Don’t worry,’ Hong Shi Chi said. ‘Wait here, I’ll find him for you.’

‘Yes big brother,’ Hong Shi Na said.

Hong Shi Na was going to use a softer approach to capture Feng Kai Ze’s heart.


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