Da Tian Ting regretted leaving in an emotional state, because she didn’t have anywhere to go.

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Da Tian Ting had saved up money over the years for her honeymoon. Since she wasn’t getting married, she could use her honeymoon money to find an apartment to rent.

Da Tian Ting tilted her head back to let the sun dry her tears. She wasn’t going to cry. She was going to move on with her life, starting with finding an apartment to rent and going to work in the morning. She was always a punctual employee, and didn’t take sick leave.

Da Tian Ting walked around the streets. She felt comfortable not having Shang Duan Hua around. Looking back, he was a burden to her. She always put his needs before her needs.

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Da Tian Ting compared the way she dressed and the way strangers her age dressed on the streets. Because she prioritised saving money for her future with Shang Duan Hua, she neglected herself.

Da Tian Ting looked like an old woman in her old baggy clothes. While the women her age wore trendy fitted clothes.

Da Tian Ting put her suitcase on the pavement, and looked at her reflection in a shop window. She saw a young woman dressed like an old woman. It shouldn’t surprise her that her fiance had an affair with her cousin who only cared about looking good.

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‘Da Tian Ting, you’re a fool!’ Da Tian Ting said to herself. ‘You wasted your youth on a lowlife.’

‘Aunty, your suitcase is in the way,’ a young man said.

‘Aunty, move your suitcase,’ a young woman said.

Da Tian Ting looked at the young couple. They were about the same age as her, but they called her aunty. The way the young couple talked sweetly to each other made her nauseous. She never talked sweetly to Shang Duan Hua. It was a good thing she found out Shang Duan Hua was a fraud, and never cared about her.

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Da Tian Ting accepted how naive she was. Lowlife men like Shang Duan Hua didn’t want sincere love. They wanted someone who talked sweetly to them, and who looked good.

‘Aunty, your suitcase,’ the young man said.

‘Let’s go somewhere else,’ the young woman said. ‘This old maid must be deaf.’

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Old maid? Da Tian Ting was only a twenty-eight-year-old woman. She had her whole life ahead of her. She sighed. Finding an apartment to rent was more important than arguing with the ignorant young couple.


End of Chapter Twelve

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