Underdog Versus Boss

Chapter 122

Hong Shi Na’s arrogant attitude turned sweet after she noticed Feng Kai Ze standing in the shop.

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‘Kai Ze, what a coincidence, you’re here too,’ Hong Shi Na said.

Hong Shi Na thought she was fated to see Feng Kai Ze again at a jewellery shop. She dismissed Da Tian Ting standing next to him, because she was going to make Da Tian Ting disappear before hers and Feng Kai Ze’s wedding day.

Feng Kai Ze dismissed Hong Shi Na. He only wanted to buy the necklace for Da Tian Ting.

Da Tian Ting sensed that Hong Shi Na had feelings for Feng Kai Ze. But Da Tian Ting wasn’t the same pushover Da Tian Ting in the past, she wasn’t going to let anyone steal her little monkey from her.

Feng Kai Ze felt Da Tian Ting held his hand tighter. He was happy Da Tian Ting wanted to protect their relationship.

Hong Shi Na was hurt Feng Kai Ze ignored her.

‘Miss Hong, you’re here,’ the shop assistant said. ‘I’ll wrap up your necklace for you.’

‘I want to take another look at the necklace before you wrap it,’ Hong Shi Na said.

‘Yes Miss Hong,’ the shop assistant said and took out the necklace from the display cabinet. ‘Miss Hong, this is a one of a kind custom made necklace.’

Da Tian Ting’s curiosity was satisfied. She understood why the shop assistant didn’t accept Feng Kai Ze’s offer, because it was Hong Shi Na who reserved the necklace.

‘Little monkey, I don’t want this necklace,’ Da Tian Ting said. ‘Let’s leave.’

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‘The necklace is contaminated,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘Tomorrow I’ll take you shopping to buy a prettier necklace.’

‘Little monkey, you promised me so you have to keep your promise,’ Da Tian Ting said.

‘Have I ever lied to you?’ Feng Kai Ze asked.

Feng Kai Ze held onto Da Tian Ting’s hand, and they walked out of the jewellery shop.

Hong Shi Na abandoned the necklace and chased Feng Kai Ze.

‘Miss Hong, don’t you want to buy the necklace?’ the shop assistant asked. ‘Miss Hong…’

Hong Shi Na didn’t look back at the jewellery shop, and kept running. She stood in front of Feng Kai Ze, and blocked his way.

‘Kai Ze, why are you avoiding me?’ Hong Shi Na asked.

Feng Kai Ze wrapped an arm around Da Tian Ting’s waist protectively.

‘Miss Hong, you and I aren’t close,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘You should remember to call me Mr Feng.’

Da Tian Ting heard from Feng Kai Ze’s cold tone of voice matched the look of contempt in Feng Kai Ze’s eyes. Her little monkey hated Hong Shi Na more than he hated Mac Kai An.

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Da Tian Ting thought if Hong Shi Chi was a vile man then his little sister Hong Shi Na wouldn’t be little miss sunshine either.

Hong Shi Na endured Feng Kai Ze’s contempt.

‘Kai Ze, I’m sorry for being impulsive the last time we met,’ Hong Shi Na said. ‘Can’t you forgive me, and give us a fresh start?’

‘There is nothing between you and me,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘Go home and tell Hong Shi Chi if he dares hurt my woman again, I’ll make his family pay a high price.’

One look at Hong Shi Na reminded Feng Kai Ze about how Hong Shi Chi kidnapped Da Tian Ting, and Hong Shi Chi’s men would have gang raped Da Tian Ting if Feng Kai Ze didn’t save Da Tian Ting in time.

Lately Feng Kai Ze spent his time comforting Da Tian Ting to help her recover from the kidnapping trauma. Seeing Hong Shi Na reminded him to take revenge on Hong Shi Chi.

Da Tian Ting heard Hong Shi Chi’s name, and she hugged Feng Kai Ze’s waist to feel safe. She was traumatized about what almost happened to her at the bar that day. She couldn’t forget how Hong Shi Chi’s men ripped her clothes, and threatened to assault her body.

‘No…’ Da Tian Ting murmured.

Feng Kai Ze heard Da Tian Ting’s trembling voice. He gently held her face, and comforted her.

‘Tian Ting, it’s over,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘Don’t be scared. In the future, I won’t let him lay a finger on you.’

‘I believe you,’ Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting clutched Feng Kai Ze’s shirt. His protectiveness eased her anxiety. She told herself to forget what happened at the bar. Her little monkey saved her, and she was safe in his arms.

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Hong Shi Na was startled to see Da Tian Ting’s face paled at the mention of Hong Shi Chi’s name.

‘Did my big brother do something to her?’ Hong Shi Na asked.

‘Go home and ask him yourself,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

Feng Kai Ze held Da Tian Ting’s waist, and they walked around Hong Shi Na.

Hong Shi Na caught up to Feng Kai Ze.

‘Tell me what my big brother did,’ Hong Shi Na said.

‘You and your big brother are a pair of siblings who makes me want to vomit,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘Don’t let me see your face again. If you show your face, I don’t mind hitting a vile person like you and your big brother.’

Feng Kai Ze didn’t want Da Tian Ting to be reminded of that day at the bar so he didn’t want to recount what happened that day.

‘Why do you hate me?’ Hong Shi Na asked.

Hong Shi Na cried pitifully, and attracted the attention of other people at the shopping mall. But her tears were annoying in Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting’s eyes.

‘Tian Ting, ignore her and let’s go home,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

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‘OK,’ Da Tian Ting said. ‘Little monkey, let’s go home.’

Da Tian Ting wasn’t going to pity Hong Shi Na. If she was soft hearted toward Hong Shi Na then Hong Shi Na would use it against her to get closer to Feng Kai Ze.

Hong Shi Na cried in hope of Feng Kai Ze comforting her. She didn’t expect he would walk away from her with another woman.

‘Feng Kai Ze, I’m not going to give up on you!’ Hong Shi Na screeched. ‘No one else can have you, because you belong to me!’

Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting pretended they didn’t hear Hong Shi Na screeching, and they walked toward the car.

People walked past Hong Shi Na, and recognised her.

‘Isn’t that Hong Shi’s company’s heiress, Hong Shi Na?’ a woman asked.

‘Yes,’ a man said. ‘What is she doing crying and screeching in the middle of a shopping mall?’

‘Keep your voice down,’ the woman said. ‘If she hears you, she’ll make our lives hell.’

No one dared to go near Hong Shi Na like she was a dangerous wild animal.

Hong Shi Na dismissed the people around her. She couldn’t accept Feng Kai Ze loving another woman. She was seen as a gentle princess in everyone’s eyes, Feng Kai Ze wasn’t allowed to reject her! She always got what she wanted. If she wanted Feng Kai Ze, she was going to have him. On her wedding day, she was determined to make Feng Kai Ze her groom.


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