Lam Shu Pan walked into the dining room, and heard her husband and son arguing.

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‘Duan Hua, why are you fighting with your dad?’ Lam Shu Pan asked.

‘Your lowlife son said he hates Tian Ting and wants to end their engagement,’ Shang Ming said.

‘Mum, it’s Tian Ting who ended our engagement,’ Shang Duan Hua said.

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‘You better find a way to fix this,’ Shang Ming said. ‘If you don’t marry Tian Ting, you can forget about managing the company.’

‘Dad!’ Shang Duan Hua called.

Shang Duan Hua hated being forced to marry someone he didn’t want to.

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‘Duan Hua, tell me what happened,’ Lam Shu Pan said.

‘Mum, I hate Tian Ting,’ Shang Duan Hua said. ‘If everyone forces me to marry Tian Ting, I’ll go crazy. The wedding is still happening except the bride is Ming Sheng. Mum, dad, don’t you want me to be happy? I’ll be miserable if I marry Tian Ting.’

‘Look at your son,’ Shang Ming said. ‘Look at what your son turned into because you coddled him.’

‘I don’t think Duan Hua is doing anything wrong,’ Lam Shu Pan said. ‘I’ve known years ago that Duan Hua hates Tian Ting. Don’t you care about your son wants?’

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‘Lam Shu Ran, you sure know how to forget a debt after Tian Ting’s father died,’ Shang Ming said.

‘I haven’t forgotten,’ Lam Shu Pan said. ‘But we don’t need to sacrifice our son to repay a debt. If you care about Tian Ting, don’t force Duan Hua to marry Tian Ting. If you do, Tian Ting will suffer in a loveless marriage.’

Shang Ming agreed with his wife. He didn’t want their son and Da Tian Ting to have a loveless marriage.

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‘If you don’t know what a loveless marriage looks like, turn on the TV,’ Lam Shu Pan said. ‘You’ll see in drama series, couples who have a loveless marriage have sad endings.’

Shang Ming promised Da Tian Ting’s father on his deathbed that Shang Duan Hua would marry Da Tian Ting. Shang Duan Hua was together with Da Tian Ting for ten years so Shang Ming reasoned he kept his promise.


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