Feng Kai Ze opened Da Tian Ting’s diary, and read a couple of pages.

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20th May xxxx

Today little monkey fainted during P.E. The teachers carried him to the nurse’s office. I followed the teachers. Outside the nurse’s office, I overheard the doctor said little monkey fainted because he’s malnourished.

21st May xxxx

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Today I took two milk cartons from the fridge to school. I drank one, and snuck the second one in little monkey’s bag. After school, I was happy to see little monkey drank the whole milk carton because I didn’t want little monkey to faint again.

Feng Kai Ze closed Da Tian Ting’s diary, and smiled. He thought it was ironic the crazy woman he kept meeting was his fierce apple.

Feng Kai Ze spent years looking for his fierce apple. He finally found his fierce apple.

Feng Kai Ze looked at Da Tian Ting’s personnel file.

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‘Fierce apple, your little monkey is back,’ Feng Kai Ze said to the photo of Da Tian Ting. ‘Did you miss me?’

When Feng Kai Ze was a little boy, he was skinny. Da Tian Ting nicknamed him little monkey. Da Tian Ting was fierce and had an apple face. He nicknamed her fierce apple.

Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting knew they were fire and water since the first day they met each other. They fought every time they saw each other. When they were children, he thought she hated him and looked down on him like their classmates because he didn’t have a father.

Feng Kai Ze didn’t know Da Tian Ting secretly protected and cared about him. When their classmates picked on him, she fought with them and warned them to leave him alone. She was injured but she didn’t regret protecting him. Since that day, their classmates didn’t pick on him and occasionally he and Da Tian Ting had arguments. It made him misunderstand that she hated him.

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Feng Kai Ze found out the truth after he stole Da Tian Ting’s diary. If she didn’t secretly protected him, put food in his bag and exchanged lunch boxes with him then he would have been a miserable malnourished little boy.

‘Fierce apple, this time let your little monkey protect you,’ Feng Kai Ze said to the photo of Da Tian Ting.

Feng Kai Ze thought it was fated he reunited with Da Tian Ting on the day she was dumped by her fiance Shang Duan Hua.

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Feng Kai Ze called Yang Fei’s phone.

‘Yang Fei, you have two hours to find out about Shang Duan Hua’s background,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

Yang Fei didn’t know what Feng Kai Ze was thinking. Out of the blue Feng Kai Ze asked him to audit all of Tian Chen’s company’s employees’ files. Then Feng Kai Ze wanted him to investigate Shang Duan Hua’s background within two hours.


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