Da Tian Ting didn’t expect to see Shang Duan Hua and Da Ming Sheng to barge into her hospital room.

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Da Tian Ting didn’t want Shang Duan Hua to be the man who saved her last night. She didn’t want a man who betrayed her to touch her lips.

‘Why are you two here?’ Da Tian Ting asked.

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‘Big sister, this is your bag,’ Da Ming Sheng said. ‘We came here to return your bag.’

Da Ming Sheng gave the bag to Da Tian Ting, and she linked arms with Shang Duan Hua.

Da Tian Ting’s eyes were wide opened. She saw Da Ming Sheng’s true colors behind Da Ming Sheng’s innocent facade.

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Da Tian Ting looked at her bag, and felt disgust. She didn’t want Shang Duan Hua to be the man who saved her. She got a headache thinking about her life being saved by the man who betrayed her.

Da Tian Ting laid back on the bed, and used the bedsheet to cover her body. She didn’t want to see the lowlife people standing in her hospital room.

‘Tian Ting, you’re old enough to know you shouldn’t blackmail another person,’ Shang Duan Hua said. ‘I don’t care if you used your life to blackmail me. I won’t fall for your trap. Stop hoping I’ll marry you.’

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‘When did I use my life to blackmail you into marrying me?’ Da Tian Ting asked.

Da Tian Ting thought about what Shang Duan Hua said, and knew that people would have mistaken her accidental fall as her jumping off a bridge.

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‘Think about your own pathetic actions,’ Shang Duan Hua said. ‘If you continue to be this way, I never want to see you again. Ming Sheng, let’s go.’

Da Tian Ting threw a pillow at Shang Duan Hua’s Mr. Know It All head.


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