Feng Kai Ze drove the Bugatti to the Feng Mansion. The guards bowed, and opened the front gate for him. Outsiders looking at the extravagant world his father pulled him into would wish his father was their father while he wished his father never knew of his existence.

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Feng Kai Ze walked into the Feng Mansion, and a row of servants greeted him.

‘Young master Feng,’ the servants greeted.

In front of the servants, Feng Kai Ze put on a cold front.

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‘Kai Ze, you’re finally home,’ Yang Fei said. ‘Boss is waiting for you.’

‘I’ll go see him,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

Feng Kai Ze walked straight to the dining room. His father, step-mother and a young heiress sat at the dining table waiting for him.

Feng Kai Ze had a bad feeling, because his father rarely invited guests for dinner at the Feng Mansion.

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Feng Kai Ze casually sat on a chair, and didn’t beat around the bush.

‘Father, why did you call me home for dinner tonight?’ Feng Kai Ze asked.

‘What did you learn studying abroad?’ Feng Jia Yong asked. ‘Where are your manners? Don’t you know how to greet guests?’

‘She’s your guest, not mine,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘I don’t need to greet her.’

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‘You!’ Feng Jia Yong said.

‘Kai Ze, it’s good you’re home,’ Dai Fang Dung said diplomatically. ‘Don’t fight with your father. This young lady here is Hong Shi’s company’s heiress, Hong Shi Na.  Kai Ze, you and Shi Na met when you were children. Do you remember Shi Na?’

‘I don’t remember,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

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In Feng Kai Ze’s memories there was only Da Tian Ting. He wasn’t interested in remembering irrelevant women.

Hong Shi Na was disappointed Feng Kai Ze didn’t remember her. They met at a birthday party. At that time he was thirteen and she was nine.

Hong Shi Na met Feng Kai Ze again. His good looks were dreamy like how she remembered.


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