Da Tian Ting’s father’s hometown was called Gu Wen, because it looked like an ancient province. There were food carts on the roads, and life was simple. The locals fought over small things, reconciled, fought again and reconciled again.

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‘Miss, here are the dishes you ordered,’ a waitress said.

‘Thank you,’ Da Tian Ting said. ‘Which road do I take to get to Gu Wen’s primary school?’

‘Walk down that road, take a left and you’ll see a bridge,’ the waitress said. ‘Take a right, and you’ll see Gu Wen’s primary school. It sounds complicated, but it’s a ten minute walk from here.’

‘Thank you,’ Da Tian Ting said.

Da Tian Ting gave the waitress a ten dollar tip by habit.

‘Miss, you don’t need to give me money,’ the waitress said. ‘It’s my pleasure to help a customer.’

‘Take it,’ Da Tian Ting said ‘It’s a tip.’

‘Miss, you rented a room here,’ the waitress said. ‘You don’t need to tip too.’

The waitress went to serve another customer, and Da Tian Ting put the ten dollar note back in her bag. Da Tian Ting wasn’t use to the country way of life yet after living in the city for years.

‘Look over there,’ the first customer said. ‘There are people filming.’

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‘What’s there to see?’ the second customer said. ‘People come here to film every year.’

‘Let’s go take a look,’ the first customer said. ‘It’ll give us something new to talk about. I heard the actress is a former beauty queen. I want to take a look at her.’

Da Tian Ting quickly ate the bowl of noodles and soup. Then she followed the crowd to the filming location, because she was curious if the actress was Mac Kai An, because Ding Xiao Ran once told her the actress Mac Kai An was a former beauty queen.

Da Tian Ting wasn’t surprised Gu Wen was a popular filming site for ancient films, because of the ancient buildings and the untouched natural landscape. She squeezed through the crowd, took one look at Mac Kai An to satisfy her curiosity then she walked to the primary school.

Mac Kai An was sitting on a chair. There was disdain in her eyes, because of the country bumpkin crowd. Her assistant held an umbrella over her head, and a fan to cool her face.

Mac Kai An’s management team were scolding the crew.

‘Stop delaying the shoot,’ a manager said. ‘How dare you make Mac Kai An wait this long?’

The director sat next to Mac Kai An and apologised.

‘Miss Mac, I’m sorry,’ the director said. ‘The lead actor is stuck in traffic. He’s an unknown, and doesn’t understand time is big money on a film set.’

‘How can the casting director cast a newbie to star opposite me?’ Mac Kai An asked. ‘I’m not starring in your film anymore.’

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‘Miss Mac, be patient a little longer,’ the director said.

‘Director, everyone knows I don’t like filming with new lead actors because they become enamoured and obsessed with me,’ Mac Kai An said.

‘Miss Mac, the casting director couldn’t schedule a known lead actor,’ the director said. ‘But I can assure you that you’ll be satisfied with this new lead actor.’

‘I’ve seen pretty boys before,’ Mac Kai An said. ‘Unless he’s better looking than the actor Tian Huang, I don’t need to see him.’

Mac Kai An walked off the set. Her eyes were drawn to a tall man with a mysterious aura, and who was more handsome than Tian Huang. She remembered the director’s praise, and smiled. If the mysterious man was the lead actor, she wanted to get acquainted with him so she walked back to the set.

‘I’ll star opposite the new lead actor,’ Mac Kai An said to the director.

Feng Kai Ze arrived at Gu Wen. He was on his way to the primary school, but the crowd obstructed his way. He parked a car nearby the crowd, and walked to the crowd. There was a film set, and he understood why people were curious.

Feng Kai Ze turned around, and walked toward the primary school.

‘You!’ Mac Kai An called. ‘Come back here!’

Mac Kai An couldn’t believe the new lead actor was such an irresponsible man. How could he arrive late then walk off the set?

The director chased after Feng Kai Ze, because he thought it was someone from Mac Kai An’s management team.

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‘Miss Mac, is calling you!’ the director said.

‘She didn’t call my name,’ Feng Kai Ze said. ‘Besides, I don’t need to stop if she tells me to stop.’

‘If you offend me, you’ll never find work in this industry again!’ Mac Kai An said.

‘You belong in a mental hospital,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

Feng Kai Ze walked around Mac Kai An and the director.

‘Guards!’ Mac Kai An called. ‘Take him back to the set!’

The security guards were scared to approach Feng Kai Ze.

‘You shouldn’t offend me,’ Feng Kai Ze warned.

‘Sir, do you know you offended Mac Kai An?’ a guard asked.

‘She offended me so she’ll no longer be a star,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

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‘If you apologise to me right now, I’ll forgive you,’ Mac Kai An said. ‘I have ways to make a nobody like you disappear forever.’

Feng Kai Ze called Ju Feng’s phone.

‘I want you to change the lead actress who is filming in Gu Wen right now,’ Feng Kai Ze said.

The guards were scared of the way Feng Kai Ze smiled at them, and they let him walk away.

‘If you take another step, I’ll replace the lead actor!’ Mac Kai An said.

Feng Kai Ze dismissed the nutty actress, and walked to the primary school to find his fierce apple.

The casting director ran to Mac Kai An.

‘Miss Mac, he isn’t the lead actor,’ the casting director said.

‘What?’ Mac Kai An asked.


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