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Realizing something, Liu Shan's eyes popped to the floor. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish with no water.

This god like man... is no ordinary man! He is China's most eligible bachelor and the ruthless king of the business world!

Dear Heavenly Father, why is the well known and mighty Lu Tian sitting on his boss's couch?!

Wait, how come these two people look like a ruthless Emperor and a fairy Empress? Like, husband and wife....

Suddenly, Liu Shan inhaled an intense amount of air, 'Oh god! I just witness my boss being shameless with the man she called rude!!!'

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"Ahem!" Yue Ling clear her throat. Any longer and she was sure Liu Shan would faint from his own thoughts.

Liu Shan blinked countless times. Still seeing Lu Tian sitting next to Yue Ling, he cried inside, 'Boss, how can you do this to me?'

He crawled his way from the ground and sluggishly sits on the couch.

Yue Ling leaned back on the couch and cross her arms. However, she slightly jumped when her back touched Lu Tian's arm.

'Shit! How can this shameless man be so relaxed?!'

Obvious to Yue Ling's thoughts, Lu Tian smiled happily inside while maintaining a poker face, 'Hmmf, want me to hide? Alright, I'll hide right here!'

Yue Ling sneer at the man next to her. Ignoring him, she looks at Liu Shan,

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"Why are you here so early in the morning?"

Liu Shan glance nervously at Lu Tian then back at his boss. His eyes narrowed in suspicion for a short second, then back to normal.

"I came to report to you and give you a rough draft of the new design."

He hands a thin black folder to Yue Ling.

Yue Ling frown at the folder, but she still took it. Scanning through it, she nod her head in approval and close it.

"You could have handed it to me at work."

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Embarrassed, Liu Shan scratch the tip of his nose, "I planned to, but... I have to pick up Inu and the rest of your things. Remember?"

Yue Ling's eyes lit up like the first star in the sky, "Inu is here? Bring him here after you pick him up. No, buy him the things he needs then bring him here."

She clasped her palms together in excitement, "Oh, my baby is finally here. I can't wait to see him!"


Liu Shan looked at his boss and his shoulders rose, until he looked like a turtle who just went back inside its shell.

'Boss, can you not act that way? Can't you see that the man next to you has turned into Asura? Sob* your assistant here still wants to live. I'm not even married yet!'

Yue Ling was in a wonderful mood, she had the urge to go shopping! However, unlike her, Lu Tian was in a very foul mood. He was eating a jar full of vinegar!

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He didn't know who this Inu was. His woman is overjoyed by another man, so as her man, it was natural for him to feel this way!

Thinking of something, Lu Tian sat up and lean his head to Yue Ling. He pecks a kiss on her cheek and stands up.

"Love, I'll go set the table."

Yue Ling: "....."

Liu Shan: "....."

Both their eyes widen at the same time. (

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