Episode 212 – Words of Gratitude

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I reached out my hand for the next ingredient to try to make the next potion other than the Recovery Potion when I suddenly felt my field of vision begin to sway. I held my hand over my eyes for a bit, and the dizzying sensation quickly subsided.

“You finally stopped. I was talking to you, but you didn’t look my way at all. It was a bit scary.” (Juno)

When I lifted my head, Juno was examining me with a somewhat concerned expression on her face.

…Right. I totally forgot that I took that Focus Herb.

I had only taken that Focus Herb a few minutes ago, but that fact had long vanished from my mind, and it seemed that I had been solely focused on brewing potions. I was so concentrated that I didn’t even know that Juno was talking to me. This effect might be more than I could’ve imagined.

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“You were making such a scary face while making potions, and now you’re smiling? Tobias really brought along a weird one.” (Juno)
“Ah, that’s not it! I was trying something out, but the effect was so good that I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.” (Lewin)
“…Either way, you’re still weird.” (Juno)
Today alone, I was called weird by not only Aruna, but also Juno. Hmm. Even though both of them are definitely weirder than me.

“Ara, it seems he’s returned.” (Juno)
“Huh?” (Lewin)
Juno unfolded her arms and pointed behind me. I turned my head to follow the direction her finger was pointing, and saw Tobias walking in our direction.

“You’re here early, Lewin.” (Tobias)

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“Yeah. I wanted to express my gratitude so I thought I’d come. Thank you so much for letting me use the space on the 1st floor!” (Lewin)
“Heheh. You’re young but you’re still so polite, aren’t you? Juno should follow your example.” (Tobias)
“Mind your own business. In the first place, the place you lent out is the company’s, isn’t it? What’re you acting all high and mighty for?” (Juno)
“Lewin, you see what I mean? …Well the thing is, it’s just as Juno said. It’s the company president who lent out the place, so you don’t need to thank me.” (Tobias)
“It may have been the president who lent me the place, but it was still you who did the negotiating. Thank you, Tobias-san!” (Lewin)
“Hehehe. I knew you were a good guy at heart, Lewin. So… today, are you going to be making potions for a while?” (Tobias)
Well, Tobias is even more of a good guy than me, though. I wanted to rebut with that, but Tobias scratched his head bashfully and abruptly changed the subject.

“Yes, that’s what I was planning… But first, I wanted to talk to you, Tobias-san. Do you have time after this?” (Lewin)
“Yeah. Of course I’m free. Well then, as usual, we’ll be borrowing the reception room. Let’s go.” (Tobias)

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“Okay, thank you!” (Lewin)
Before we go to the reception room, I should probably say something to Juno. Because of what happened with the Focus Herb, there was a weird atmosphere in the air.

“Thank you for accompanying me today. I’d be glad to talk to you again some other time.” (Lewin)
“I just followed you on my own accord, so I should be thanking you instead. This is the most interesting thing I’ve seen in a while. If you ever get tired of Tobias, just let me know. I’ll take his place in being responsible for you.” (Juno)
“I don’t think I will, but… if that ever happens, please take good care of me.” (Lewin)
Even if Tobias were to give up on me, I wouldn’t ever come to dislike him. At any rate, I’m relieved to see that she wasn’t too bothered by the fact that I disregarded her invitation.

I gave a bow then immediately went to the reception room and took a seat on the chair that Tobias had set out for me. I had thanked him briefly back when we discussed where to put the brewing table, but I wanted to thank him properly today.

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“Tobias-san, once again, thank you for the matter with the brewing stand. It was a big help that you were able to secure a spot for me so quickly.” (Lewin)
“It’s fine, it’s fine. it was just that the 1st floor happened to be empty, and as I said before, it’s the president lending the place to you.” (Tobias)
“Not only the place for the brewing stand, but also the information has been incredibly helpful. If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I would have even been able to do anything. Thank you so much!” (Lewin)
I bowed deeply and sincerely conveyed my gratitude.

“As I said before, the reason I’m being so good to you is out of my own self-interest. Even if I was the one who gave you the information, it’s not like you would have automatically reached the 10th floor immediately after starting. But I can understand if you want to thank me for my discerning eye though!” (Tobias)
“Even so, my feelings of gratitude haven’t changed!” (Lewin)
“…You’re really too much of a genuinely good guy, I’m already starting to feel my skin crawl out of embarrassment! That’s really enough thanking me for today, so let’s have a meaningful conversation. We should start by sharing some information.” (Tobias)
After that, I talked with Tobias about the accuracy of the information he gave me, and I shared what I had noticed about the Dungeon. I also shared my impressions about the Two-Mino, and a portion of the information about the plants that I had gathered on the 10th layer. And lastly, after we talked about the characteristics of some of the plants in the Dungeon, our discussion reached an end.

I gave him all the information I had on the Dungeon except for the part about the Pound Herb, but I still wondered if this was enough material for him to write an article. Tobias was lightly laughing to himself as he listened to me speak, and even now he was frantically writing things down in his notebook, so… I’d like to think I was at least a little bit helpful.

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