Episode 265 – Connections

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Author’s Note: This chapter is written from the POV of Tobias, the reporter from the Laudungeon Company.
With an unfamiliar hand, the Vice Guild Chief placed a mug of black tea in front of me as he had done for her. The mug was adorned with exquisite decorations that made it look more expensive than everything that I owned combined.

“So… what matter did you guys come here to speak with me about?” the Vice Guild Chief asked after he had finished laying out the refreshments and returned to his seat. When we heard the question, Juno and I made eye contact. She gave me a big nod.

“To tell you the truth, we got our hands on a certain piece of information via our sources, and we came to receive your cooperation in spreading that information.” (Juno)
“Information… Is that news about the Demon King’s Army attacking?” (Paul)

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Our eyes grew wide in surprise at the Vice Guild Chief’s question. Did he perhaps read the newspaper we’d released just the other day? Though it would make sense for him to have read it given our sales on that edition, I’d never thought that the Vice Guild Chief of the Merchant’s Guild would read our newspaper.

“Did you read our newspaper?” (Tobias)
“Of course. I’m a fan of [Sun Strelka], so I make sure to keep tabs on the Laudungeon Company’s newspaper.” (Paul)
Huh, so we were helped out by Lewin once again. The benefits I had received because of him were disproportionate to that small favor I paid him at the beginning.

“So that’s what it was. I didn’t know that even the Vice Guild Chief of the Merchant’s Guild was a fan of [Sun Strelka].” (Juno)
“Well, I’ve been doing some personal business transactions with their leader, Lewin-kun,” Paul declared proudly, his chest puffed up with pride. I had no idea, but it turned out that Lewin was close to the Vice Guild Chief of the Merchant’s Guild. Based on his reaction, it seemed that the reason why Juno was welcomed in despite having barged in here without an appointment was also thanks to Lewin.

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“It really is a troubling piece of news. I would have liked to interview you on another topic, but… I came to ask for your assistance with spreading the information about the Demon King Army’s attack.” (Tobias)
I bowed my head to express my request, but the Vice Guild Chief’s good-humored expression changed drastically into a gloomy look. With the original flow of things, I was thinking of asking for his cooperation, but it wasn’t looking so good.

“To be honest, I had allowed you into this reception room because I thought you were here to talk about [Sun Strelka]. I’ve heard a lot about the attacks of the Demon King Army from my other acquaintances, but the situation is not as dire as what you’ve written in your newspaper, is it?” (Paul)
“It might be true that the sources for the article weren’t disclosed, which could make it hard for you to trust in its contents, but we’ve only written the truth and no lies. Would you please lend us your assistance?” (Juno)
At Juno’s entreaty, which showed no signs of taking even a single step back, the Vice Guild Chief’s expression looked extremely conflicted. If I were the one in his shoes, I would have refused outright. I could understand how the Vice Guild Chief probably felt behind that troubled expression.

“Even if you tell me this, there isn’t a whole lot I can do. Besides, I can’t afford to lose credibility by giving out uncertain information.” (Paul)

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“The information is true beyond doubt. I was in the Western Forest just now, and I saw some guys who looked like they were from the Demon King’s Army. I was probably the only one who saw them, but the monsters in the Western Forest were rampaging earlier. Soldiers were deployed in the dozens, so we should be able to hear from them about the bizarre events happening in the forest.” (Tobias)
“Umu. I don’t think you’re lying, and it’s true that we could probably hear about it from the soldiers… Why are you two going so far to try and spread this information? Even if you didn’t try this hard, the information would eventually end up in the hands of those soldiers, and before long the information would become widespread.” (Paul)
“Well, part of it is due to the nature of my job as a reporter, so of course I’m moving to earn profit, but…” (Tobias)
When I spoke to that point, I held out my hand to the Vice Guild Chief. His head slightly tilted in curiosity, and the moment he was about to timidly grasp my hand for a handshake… I tried to relax my tense thoughts, and the image of the serpent and the demon came flashing through my mind.

“O-Oh…?!” (Paul)
“You can see just from this trembling. After I witnessed those guys from the Demon King’s Army, I was only able to stop trembling by forcing myself to not think of it. It shook me right down to my core, to the point that I feel like I’m going to go crazy. I’ve seen a lot of adventurers in my time as a reporter…. But I’m not sure if they would be able to defend the city from those guys even if all the adventurers teamed up. That’s how urgent I think it is.” (Tobias)
I laid my feelings out bare to the Vice Guild Chief, conveying my fear in the process. I could tell that the Vice Guild Chief realized my fear was genuine. As if the fear was gradually infecting him as well, I felt his hand become clammy with sweat, and he gradually began to tremble as well.

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“….I get it. You’re the newspaper company that interviews Lewin-kun. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get on good terms with you guys. Leave it to me to spread some information. I’ll tell my acquaintances and fellow merchants.” (Paul)
“Thank you. Really.” (Tobias)
“Well, we’re all in this together. If the city falls, the one who will be in the toughest spot will be me after all… Give Lewin my regards.” (Paul)
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to tell him.” (Tobias)
“Thank you so much, Vice Guild Chief-san.” (Juno)
Juno and I bowed deeply, then left the reception room. Although we had half-forced him into it, and it had had a lot to do with the Vice Guild Chief’s amiable nature, in the end we managed to get him to promise us to spread the information.

I wasn’t sure just how far it would spread, but if the people he could inform could make preparations for the Demon King’s Army, we might be able to avoid the worst case scenario. But we still needed to go around and ask for help from many other people, not just the Merchant’s Guild.

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