Episode 90 – The Second Gathering Site

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It was the next day after putting in my request at the Adventurer’s Guild for [Iron Gear] and doing some preparatory shopping for the quest commission. I was departing for the gathering expedition today, so I woke up a bit earlier than usual. Our meeting time this morning was really early, so, even without doing my morning training, I only had time to eat my daily Dumbbell Weed curry before heading out.

Not doing my morning training reminded me― I’d noticed that, during my daily sword practice in the past month, the armored Knight of Royal Order woman’s gazes had been getting more and more apparent. Until recently, I had been the only one of us looking when she passed by. But lately, she had been looking in my direction as well, so I couldn’t afford to look at her anymore without her noticing. Well, I suppose that if there was a guy swinging his sword every day for an entire month, it would attract attention.

―Wait… instead of thinking of such trivial things, I should be heading to our meeting place at the Adventurer’s Guild.

After donning my Lightmetal Chestplate, I attached the steel sword that I could now wield properly to the left side of my waist. Then, I placed the Angry Wolf Knife that I’d had made at Iron Will into the holder on my waist. Finally, picking up the bag filled with the provisions I bought yesterday, my preparations were complete.

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Since [Iron Gear] always showed up earlier than the appointed time, if I didn’t leave soon I would keep them waiting. I made my way to the Adventurer’s Guild with haste.

Even though I arrived considerably earlier than our meeting time, the members of [Iron Gear] were already there in front of the Adventurer’s Guild. Somehow, I felt like I would always be showing up after them every time.

“Yoo! Lewin!! Over here, over here!” (Lyra)
When Lyra noticed I had arrived, she called out to me loudly while smiling and waving at me energetically. While thinking that she was cheerful as always in the morning, I ran up to the four of them.

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“Sorry, I’m late again.” (Lewin)
“You’re not late at all! You’re still a lot earlier than the appointed meeting time, aren’t you?” (Lyra)
“That’s right. It’s just that we came here way too early.” (Porta)
Lyra and the normal Porta that I knew — that is, the one that wasn’t caught up in my muscles — consoled me. Byrne came up between them and called out to me with a serious expression.

“Excuse me, I know this may be kind of sudden, but, if you don’t mind me asking, is there any particular reason that today’s collection site is Nava Forest?” (Byrne)
“Yeah. Yesterday, I had heard from the receptionist lady that there was a chance that Mount Cornello hadn’t returned to its former state yet. Plus, I’ve been wanting to go to Nava Forest, so I decided to set the destination for today’s request there.” (Lewin)

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After answering Byrne’s question, he seemed to have a troubled expression. When I started to think his reaction was rather odd, Nina spoke up.

“…Just in terms of general level of risk, Nava Forest is lower than Mount Cornello, but… if there’s one concern, it would be the monsters called Brutal Kongs that live in Nava Forest.” (Nina)
“Hmm… Judging by your tone, these Brutal Kongs are dangerous, is that what you’re saying?” (Lewin)
“…Yes, that’s right. Since they’re classified as B-rank monsters, Brutal Kongs are considered even more dangerous than Angry Wolves. I know it seems contradictory, but because the Brutal Kongs have boundaries to their territory, Nava Forest is considered to have a lower risk level.” (Nina)
I see. What Nina was saying was that Nava Forest was safer than Mount Cornello if we were paying attention to the Brutal Kong’s territorial boundaries. But if we ended up encountering one and got attacked, we would be in bigger danger than if we were to run into an Angry Wolf on Mount Cornello. I heard from the receptionist lady that the threat level in Nava Forest was lower, so I decided on this place, but… this was a difficult problem.

“In all of your opinions, which one is less dangerous?” (Lewin)

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“Honestly, it’s hard to say! As you know, Angry Wolves are monsters that typically move in packs, so, while they may be C-rank monsters on their own, the danger level shoots up if you’re being attacked by a pack. I think it’s fine to go where you want to go, Lewin!” (Lyra)
“Unlike Lyra, I’d recommend Mount Cornello. If it’s Angry Wolves, I could envision us still being able to handle it somehow.” (Byrne)
“I agree with Byrne’s opinion. If we encountered a Brutal Kong, we would really have no choice but to run.” (Porta)
I made the destination of the quest commission Nava Forest because I thought it would be safer, but, if Byrne and Porta were both saying so, it would be better to go with Mount Cornello. The contents of the quest commission would change, but it would probably be fine if both sides agreed.

“Then, let’s go with Mount Cornello! I only picked Nava Forest because I thought Mount Cornello would be more dangerous. But if you think Mount Cornello is the safer option, let’s go with that.” (Lewin)
“I’m glad to hear you say that. Then, let’s head off right away.” (Byrne)
With that, we decided on changing the gathering site to Mount Cornello. Although I did want to try going to Nava Forest, since I already knew what I could gather on Mount Cornello, I would probably be able to gather more efficiently there. It’d been a long time since I had gone plant and herb gathering, so I was looking forward to it. I wanted to gather more Glutamate Herb, which could sell for a high price, and discover new types of spices. I also wanted to collect a large amount of Magical Grass, and, if I could manage to find some Dumbbell Weed, I’d be able to have some magic power to spare in the coming days. While thinking about the various plants and herbs I could gather, we departed from Grezesta

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