Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 11.1

11.1 – The First Time Setting off Fireworks

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Finally escaped!

Sun Qi just wanted to cheer! When he arrived at the roof, there was a rescue helicopter dispatched by the government on the roof.

Now the helicopter was hovering over the hospital.

On the helicopter, Sun Qi looked at the hospital down below, there was a helicopter rising, if he wasn’t remembering wrongly, the chief officer’s wife should have embarked that helicopter.

Although he didn’t know where the chief officer had gone to, but right now, Sun Qi was happy from the bottom of his heart and couldn’t help but giggle.

Damn it, I can finally escape this hell …

Sun Qi looked down from the helicopter, at the zombies wandering around as well as the humans fleeing in the streets, there was a sense of superiority arising within him.

I’m saved …

This was his only thought.

I’ve survived! I finally escaped from that monster!

Sun Qi swept his gaze over the unbearable chaotic scenery of the city down below – suddenly, he caught sight of a pitch-black figure appearing on the roof of the hospital.

What was that? Which idiot didn’t came in time to be rescued?

As Sun Qi was feeling some sense of schadenfreude … his smile froze on his face.

Because he met the sight of a pair of pupils.

Lu Qiu, while wearing the hoodie, arrived at the roof of the hospital – he looked at the city and heard the sound of helicopters flying all over, there were around several dozens of them – they continuously carried survivors, helping them escape this city.

That, however, isn’t right, ah.

You can’t escape.

Lu Qiu stood on the edge of the hospital, he raised his head and looked towards the two helicopters that were just above, in one of those helicopters was precisely Sun Qi, Lu Qiu’s prey.

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When Sun Qi’s gaze met Lu Qiu’s bizarre pupils, the entire person froze and the sense of fear incessantly spread from the bottom of his heart.

But … so what?

Even if that monster was even more powerful, but how could he attack somebody that was high in the sky?

I’m saved!

“I’m saved! Damn monster! Can’t you see that I was saved?! You can’t kill me!”

Sun Qi became complacent – he opened his mouth and yelled loudly at Yang Feng, which included a mixture of all kinds of curses, yet it was covered by the loud noise from the helicopter’s engine.

But Lu Qiu could vaguely guess what he was saying from looking at Sun Qi’s mouth.

Saved? How could that be … even if it were a dream there should also be a limit, ah, human …

Lu Qiu spread his hands, his pupils dilated under the shadow of the hoodie – he gave a cruel smile while facing Sun Qi.

Can … not, I’m now on a helicopter, he cannot hurt me, he cannot!

Sun Qi comforted himself like this, but … but …

What’s that? Sun Qi suddenly discovered a large pitch-black torrent appearing beside Lu Qiu .

Constantly issuing all kinds of perturbing noises!

Those were crows’ cries!

Suddenly, large amounts of crows appeared beside Lu Qiu, pitch-black feathers continuously scattered beside him.

Along with Yang Feng’s command, these crows issued sharp cries and then rushed towards Sun Qi’s helicopter!

‘The Summon of a Flock of Crows’

It summons large amounts of crows from the Underworld.

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A single use could be exchanged for 5,000 Despair Points.

This skill could be exchanged for 5,000 human lives.

Lu Qiu wasn’t going to just simply kill Sun Qi.

The crows numbered hundreds and thousands, with a few of them being under Lu Qiu’s control. They didn’t feared for their live and directly headed towards the helicopter’s propeller, blood sprayed everywhere and the helicopter immediately lost its balance.

Sun Qi sitting in the helicopter also lost his balance!

Impossible … it’s obvious that I escaped, ah! When the helicopter was falling down, Sun Qi’s heart was then immediately filled with despair.

It’s obvious … escaped …

Boom! The helicopter hit a building, triggering a violent explosion, illuminating the night sky.

<Received 5 Despair Points>

After Lu Qiu received the notifications, he was able to confirm the death of Sun Qi.

But he still wasn’t done playing.

“Escape is futile, everyone …” Lu Qiu spread his hands, the flock of crow under Lu Qiu’s command repeated the same trick – they shot at the propeller of the helicopter, at the expense of their own lives made so that the several dozen helicopters lost control and crushed in the midst of buildings or braved the black smoke while dropping to the ground.

The sound of the explosions sounded all over the city, adding a bit of liveliness to the silence of the night.

Fireworks? Lu Qiu slanted his head.

“It should be counted as a magnificent firework.”

Lu Qiu once again spread his hands, the remaining flock of crows proceeded to search for airborne helicopters that attempted to rescue the survivors.

Along with the repeated explosion, Lu Qiu’s Despair Points began to rise steadily.

Simultaneously, those humans that originally were full of hope, they fell into despair and died.

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The number of crows was limited and several helicopters still managed to fly to the edge of the city.

Was there one that took off from the hospital?1

Lu Qiu didn’t had time to take care of so many.

After enjoying the magnificent fireworks – Lu Qiu’s line of sight was at the height of the hospital and he began to survey the edge of the city.

As a Vampire, Lu Qiu was rejected by the humans, naturally he didn’t dare to live in the city center, therefore, he was in a district at the edge of the city.

Lu Qiu was quite clear that what he’d actually be able to see at the edge of the city would be the barricade erected by New China Federation.

A Tall fence – with a Vampire’s eyesight, Lu Qiu was barely able to see clearly the 10m tall fence made of steel – large amounts of lamps shined from above the fence, the several swaying shadows should be the armed soldiers, it seemed that there were several heavy duty armored vehicles guarding at the bottom.

Any approaching infected would be promptly shot by firearms.

“Tch …”

That obstruction was precisely the reason the Blacklight Virus couldn’t proliferate outside of the city, Lu Qiu somewhat impatiently pointed with a finger.

The surviving crows suddenly gathered into a flock and attempted to break out of the city.

But just before they could fly outside the city – this mass of crows forming a black cloud – just when they were approaching the fence – the cloud was penetrated and resembled a honeycomb.

The sound of bullets being shot sounded in an instant as large amounts of firearms shot at the crows in the sky.

These were merely ordinary crows and nothing more, they simply couldn’t withstand the rain of bullets – after a moment, the remaining several hundred crows were all shot down.

There’s no choice but to admit that at times human’s military might was truly very formidable.

Especially when they were united.

But … that fence, Lu Qiu needs to destroy it and break through that line of defense, the sooner the better!

As long as the blockade was broken through … then the Blacklight Virus could spread out, then he’d have even more Despair Points pouring into him.

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Currently Lu Qiu had ‘10,073 Despair Points’.

Lu Qiu was standing in a passageway of the hospital, he had been watching the fence that blocked his way out, blocking the virus from spreading.

Afterwards, Lu Qiu expectantly looked tonthe streets.

After diluting Blacklight Virus, the infection caused …

A large number of zombies were chasing a human that survived the helicopter crash – he wanted to escape, but the zombies instantly caught up to him – they pressed him to the ground and teared apart his body, chewing on him until the bones.

Roars of zombies rang through all of the city.

A bullet could make them lose their physical abilities.

That’s the infection caused by a small dosage of Blacklight Virus.

Lu Qiu recalled the scene of when The Hunter was infected and completely overturned the barracks, the firearms simply couldn’t hold that guy.

Then … what if the entire Black Light Virus were to be injected into the body of a living being?

An idea emerged in Lu Qiu’s mind …

Without any dilution nor reducing the dosage … injecting the entire bottle of the virus.

“I found something interesting …” Lu Qiu raised his hand – suddenly, a surviving crow flapped its wings and landed on Lu Qiu’s finger.

“System … I want to exchange for one more portion of Blacklight Virus.”

Lu Qiu planed to once more make some monsters.

The zombies right now, in regards to humans, were far from being sufficient to be a disaster.

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