4 – The Revolution Begins

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The fat Officer was named Li Tie …

Although it doesn’t matter, he just recently relied on his family’s connection with one of the previous Commanders of this region.

The position is with practically no obligations. The terrorists don’t dare attack the dam because of the large number of soldiers guarding the barracks, which are part of the international force of the New China Federation.

Therefore, Li Tie planned to have here a life of **. Just a few days ago he happened to see ** that took his fancy and abducted. That is ** the male was a bit annoying.

However, after that guy was eached a lesson he won’t come back, right?

Li Tie just wanted to go back ** his night activities … a fully armed soldier suddenly rushed inside in panic to report .

“Reporting to the Officer, the barracks are under an attack!”

“What? How many? Did they stated the name of their organization?”

Real terrorists came to make trouble, ah! The hairs all over his body erected after hearing sounds of explosions coming from the outside.

This barracks is being defended by more than a 1000 soldiers, and terrorists actually dare to come here to make trouble, ah? Everything is going to be alright … absolutely everything is going to be alright.

However, after Li Tie consoled himself.

“It’s only … only one person.”

“One person?” Li Tie opened his small eyes wide as he eyed the soldier: “Are you kidding me? Could it be a Power User?”

Among humans, existed a group of people born with inconceivable abilities …, that by far outmatched ordinary people.

They are existences equally feared as Lu Qiu.

If it’s really a Power User, then one only can escape!

It’s much more scarier than an army, ah!

Just as Li Tie ran out of the barracks, he became completely frightened without being able to move.

“Shoot! Shoot! You’re not allowed to retreat!” Unyielding … yells sounded, as a group of soldiers holding rifles aimed at a distant shadow and pulled the triggers.

Explosions rang all over the barracks, as flames illuminated the night.

The barracks’ aged Sergeant is currently leading the resistance against the enemies.

His vigorous voice **, is the backbone of the entire troops!

Well done! Sergeant! I’ll give you a promotion after you repel the enemy! After Li Tie saw this scene, as the barracks highest ranking Officer, he only wanted to find a safe place to hide, let alone being in charge …

Only …


In the direction at which everyone was shooting, the place where flames were burning, a monster appeared in the middle of the flames and charged at a great speed towards the soldiers that pulled the triggers.

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The humans in front of the monster named The Hunter, by Lu Qiu, are unable to withstand a single blow.

The huge sharp claws easily teared a soldier into three pieces of mincemeat, which fell on the ground, as blood splattered everywhere.

Bullets were pouring down in torrents at the monster, but were unable to injure its ** scarlet skin in the slightest. The monster’s mouth was several times longer than its body **, it bound a soldier and pulled him towards its mouth to bite at, emitting unbearable sounds of crushing bones.

What is that disgusting devil! Li Tie shuddered while seeing that lone monster, like a tiger among a flock of sheep, easily gnawing on the soldiers and tearing them into pieces.

The fatty couldn’t control his body as he sat on the ground.

Eventually that monster noticed the fatty sitting on the ground!

The monster and Li Tie looked at each other for a moment, and Li Tie actually recalled the male that just a moment ago was taught a lesson and was thrown out the barracks.

Is it really him? Li Tie didn’t got an answer, because his head was already severed by that monster. Sharp claws pierced into Li Tie’s body, as his head flew through the air with a fearful expression frozen on his face for all eternity!

“Grrrr!!” It once again roared, as it faced the sky it seemed to be acclaiming its revenge!

While on the other side.

“Despair despair despair.”

Lu Qiu then came in through the barracks’ gate without hiding or concealing himself whatsoever, because the barracks already sank into a sea of fire.

The sounds of humans howling and shrieking felt so sweet in Lu Qiu’s ears.

“That’s it.” Lu Qiu made a beeline towards the dam’s management office in the rear of the barracks.

Not paying any attention towards The Hunter’s slaughter.

“Who are you? Stop right there!” Finally somebody noticed the outsider Lu Qiu in the chaos. A wounded soldier that seemed to be helping his comrades that were wounded by The Hunter, discovered Lu Qiu, then raised his assault rifle and aimed at Lu Qiu.

Lu Qiu, as if not hearing him, continued onward towards the dam management office.

“Stop right there! Stop right there, otherwise I’ll open …”

Before the soldier said the word ‘fire’, his comrade that he was helping wrap the wounds just a moment go, suddenly pulled him with blank eyes, opened his mouth and bit at the soldier’s neck.

What the fuck! The soldier watched the comrade that turned strange and felt pain in his neck. Being a well trained soldier, he immediately pointed the muzzle of his gun at the madness-stricken comrade and pulled the trigger!


A shooting sound rang as blood splattered …

“Wi … wicked! It’s you’re fault!” The soldier on the ground watched Lu Qiu’s back as he indifferently continued onward and suddenly realized something. Seeing that all around the place his comrades were turning into monsters, the soldier greeted his teeth and gathered the rest of his strength to aim the muzzle at Lu Qiu’s head.

“It’s you who made them like this!”

But the trigger was never pulled.

“Grrrrrrrrrrr!!” The Hunter with a wave of its claw turned the soldier into several pieces mincemeat.

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<Received 1 Despair Point.>

At the same time Lu Qiu received a warning in his mind.

Receiving Despair Points’ reminders became slowly more common, which signifies that humans dying in despair has became more common, consequently, the corner of Lu Qiu’s mouth rose higher in excitement.

It is precisely this kind of feeling … the collapse of the social order, humans despairing in death, it still is far from sufficient to make this city … this world to sink into despair.

Humans, doomsday is nigh.

At last, Lu Qiu arrived safely in front of the dam management office’s entrance, pushed the door open and went inside.1

Compared to the outside noisy environment, it was somewhat more quiet inside the management office, as the outside sounds gradually diminished.

The sound of Lu Qiu’s footsteps reverberated – there were a lot of pipes on the wall that transported some necessary energy – as he walked along the pipes into the dam’s innermost.

At last he saw a small pool.

It’s a testing pool with flowing water, where the water is checked whether it meets the required standards. And the clean water is connected to … if not mistaken, it’s connected to the whole city’s water supply channels.

Introducing the virus into it will lead to the city’s collapse, much like the barracks! Falling into despair and darkness!

Lu Qiu was getting impatient as he took out the crimson container, and just like Pandora’s box … with the wondrous **.

Just as Lu Qiu wanted to open the container.

“Put down the container in your hands!” A rough-sounding yell came from behind Lu Qiu.

“Tch!” Lu Qiu turned to look at the shadow walking out of the corridor, wearing a green uniform, with large amounts of blood flowing from the abdomen – from his determined appearance and temperament, he seems to be a veteran.

The Sergeant that just a moment ago was in command luckily escaped from the attack, then saw the suspicious looking Lu Qiu and followed him until now.

After he saw the dangerous-looking container in Lu Qiu’s hands, he had a slight feeling that it was the reason why the barracks had been turned into hell.

Virus? If the same scene that happened in the barracks would happen in the city, then the consequences would be disastrous!

The Sergeant fought against the pain in his abdomen, raised a pistol in his hand with some remaining bullets – being in close proximity, he aimed at Lu Qiu’s forehead.

“Regardless of your goal, now … put down the container in your hand.”

“Oh my, I was caught in the end.”

Lu Qiu’s scarlet eyes watched the Sergeant, as he slowly lifted his hand – not surrendering, but rather moving the container in his hand to above the water’s surface.

“You!” The Sergeant holding the pistol **, suddenly became unable to keep his calm.

“Don’t get too excited.” Lu Qiu jokingly said to the Sergeant: “This small bottle will fall into the water in case you shoot me, oh. A good soldier’s priority should be the protection of the civilians, right? If you’re careless, the civilians you protect will turn into monsters just like the people outside, ah.”

The Sergeant clenched the pistol in his hand as he sweated in torrents, not daring to blink his eyes observed Lu Qiu.

Lu Qiu was also the same, although he looked relaxed, yet inside he was somewhat fearful. He didn’t have a resilient body like The Hunter and could still be killed by a head-shot.

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He can be killed by the Sergeant!

Lu Qiu doesn’t intend to die before completing his objective.

Lu Qiu calmly faced the Sergeant.

“Don’t fool around or you will bring a disaster upon humanity, youngster if you have any demands, I’ll try my best to comply!”

The Sergeant spoke in a slightly gentler tone – as Lu Qiu’s outward appearance was very young, adding his pale skin, he gives people a sense reminiscent of a junkie.

If one has even a bit of common sense, one will immediately realize the danger that this kind of character poses.

But it’s a pity that the reason Lu Qiu is like this is because he isn’t a human.

“Humanity?” Lu Qiu opened his eyes wide, as if looking at an idiot, and said to the Sergeant: “I do not care about this kind of thing.”

“Do you know how many people will die? People will lose their family, their lives and their happiness! Could it be that you lack any kind of compassion?”

The Sergeant roared.

Lu Qiu listened to the Sergeant’s speech … but then suddenly lowered his head, making it so that the Sergeant couldn’t see his expression.




‘Ji’er, ah … you like your ge-ge the most …’2

‘Ji’er, after you grow up, you must become ge-ge’s bride!’

‘Ge-ge is the only man for me, oh …’

‘They seem to have found us, why do humans loath us so much? Is it because we belong to a different race?’

‘Ge-ge Daren … there’s only us, its most fortunate that we can keep on living!’3

The last scene was of a young girl swallowed by flames. The young girl’s suffering expression, as if a brand, was deeply carved in Lu Qiu’s heart.

Lu Qiu laughed, a heartfelt laughter arose and reverberated in the entire corridor.

“What’s so funny?”

“Compassion? Ha ha ha ha!” Lu Qiu clenched his face: “Do you humans have it? Do you?! That child also hadn’t harmed anyone! Not what so ever! But you still pushed it’s young body to burn at the stake, ah! We are monsters! Monsters are being hunted down by humans without any compassion! Therefore … expect the same treatment from us!”

Lu Qiu’s eyes bloomed brightly, so that the Sergeant couldn’t help but take a step back.

This male … he’s already crazed!

“Put down the container in your hand!” The Sergeant put his hand on the trigger, but the beautiful and translucent crimson virus in Lu Qiu’s hand was already poured into the pool.

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After several hours, the ignorant humans will drink the liquid that’ll bring despair upon them!

“You madman!” The Sergeant roared, wanting to pull the trigger, yet a sharp pain arrived at his heart!

The Sergeant dropped the pistol from his hand, as he sank to the ground while clutching his chest.

“I’ve had enough of being humanity’s prey.”

Lu Qiu stared at the pathetic Sergeant groveling on the ground, as his left hand spilled a scarlet radiance, the hand as if ** holding a beating heart.

“Now I’m the one hunting … you are my prey.”

Lu Qiu became more and more blurred in the Sergeant’s line of sight, and he became aware of where the pain in his heart came from.

This male has a Power! The thing in Lu Qiu’s hand ** couldn’t be anything else than the Sergeant’s heart!

“Thanks to me, you’ll die and become an ordinary corpse.” Lu Qiu’s squeezed the Sergeant’s ** beating heart, as his left hand clenched it more and more.

“And won’t become one of those zombies, that would kill its so-called relatives, ah.”

The Sergeant’s final memory is of the smile on Lu Qiu’s mouth **.

A dull bursting sound arose from the Sergeant’s chest, as Lu Qiu’s left hand also finished **.

Indicating that the heart in Lu Qiu’s hand was clenched until bursting.

Seeing as the Sergeant had already become a corpse, strength left Lu Qiu’s body and he sat on the ground. He then checked his current Despair Points in his mind while gasping.

The value displayed was zero.

Lu Qiu all along had been waiting for more soldiers to die outside, and consequently gain more Despair Points, finally exchanging them for a Vampire’s basic skill.

‘Heart Squeezing’

Within a 3m scope, capable of using the Vampire’s instinctive blood manipulation ability to squeeze an ordinary person’s heart.

Only, Lu Qiu currently doesn’t has enough Despair Points, and could only exchange for a one time use skill with an approximate deduction of 1,000 Despair Points.4

It’s easy for Lu Qiu to collect Despair Points, therefor, it worthwhile to have them fall in such a fashion.

Because tomorrow … there will be tens of thousands of Despair Points pouring towards Lu Qiu.

The revolution … has already begun.

Lu Qiu as a Vampire, doesn’t know why, but he looks forward to tomorrow’s dawn.

1 – Idiom: 安然无恙 – safe and sound2 – ge-ge – older brother3 – Daren – title of respect towards superiors4 – In the raws, 10,000 was mentioned instead of 1,000. But, as Fucking Akart seems to gain at most 1 point per person, and with around a 1,000 soldiers….

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