Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 506: Chapter 506

Chapter 506

An emissary from the United Element Sect has arrived?

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Yes, Patriarch.

Did they say what they want?

No, they proclaimed that its an important letter from their leader.

From that man? Let him in, everyone be silent, do not antagonize the messenger, we cant allow anyone to irritate the message-bearer, if they carry the official word of their Patriarch its as good as him coming here themselves!

Every person in this large meeting hall nodded at the words of their leader. It was common knowledge that the people carrying direct orders from sect leaders could not be offended. Even if they were weak in cultivation, if any harm came to them, the other sect had a reason to retaliate or ask for payment in money or blood.

You have my gratitude for accepting me at such short notice.

Greetings, what brings a member from the esteemed United Element Sect to our humble abode? You must be tired from your journey, perhaps you would like to join us

You must forgive me but this matter is of utmost importance, I have been tasked to deliver this scroll with haste.

Is that so?

The group of elders that were sitting on large chairs and the Patriarch that was at the back end of this large hall frowned slightly. The person that they were trying to be cordial with ignored them and just gave the scroll over to one of the retainers that would bring it to the Patriarch before turning away. This display was already sending them a message as he didnt stay for the reply and just left quickly.

Who do they think they are?

One of the old elders slammed his fist into the chair he was sitting in, the armrest immediately gave out and burst into a million splinters.

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Calm down elder, what can we do? We cant offend that Zhang Dong he is in good graces with the Emperor and you have also heard the reports

Aye they are strong, far stronger for any of us to go against.

Why dont we just look at it first before we make a decision? Perhaps they just want payment for patrolling our borders?

How much would they even want

Even though everyone here wanted to be positive they couldnt imagine that this wasnt something bad. They have heard of the monsters roaming the lands of the Empire. The United Elements Sects militaristic might was also increasing at an unfathomable rate. They had apparently secured a far away location further in the north where these monsters had a base.

What does it say?

Read it out loud

The man in charge went through the writing quite fast and quickly threw the scroll over to the retainer that almost letting it fall to the ground. Just as he was ordered, he started reading the content of the message.

We of the United Element Sect request the aid of the Dragon Gate Sect in the coming battle with the demi-humans, The Dragon Gate Sect is required to send out troops to the

The man started to read while sweating along with all the other elders. This was a call to battle that was usually sent out to subservient clans or sects. It was very simple, they needed to send a large portion of their troops to aid the United Element Sects war effort. They were to meet up with a group of other sects where they would be informed about their task.

If you refuse this call to arms it will be taken as an insult to the sect leader, Long Dong the Golden Dragon, brother of the Emperor

In the final statement, they were more or less forced into the battle, if they didnt then they would be offending the Emperor himself. If this happened then they would not be able to hide anywhere, escaping to the middle of the Empire would not be an option as they would be offending the Long Clan by refusing to join.

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W-what will we do?

What can we do?

Replied Xu Qing while rubbing his brows, the leader already knew that similar messengers had been sent out to all the other sects in this area. The United Element Sect were organizing a full-blown offensive against the invaders in the northwest and everyone under them would be required to join.

Send word to everyone, we must agree on the members that will be sent!

Xu Qing made his decision that was not up to a vote. They had also been helped by the United Element Sect that was guarding their borders. If not for them he knew that the Demi-humans would have been at their doorstep.

This might not be a setback but a chance, if we can show our worth then our Sect will prosper!

This Patriarch also had his own agenda, Zhang Dongs faction was strong and it was also part of the Long Clan. If they could show that they are trusted allies then their future would be assured. Other factions like the Demon Subduing Sect or the Limitless Sword Society would be also forced into this but only those that brought results would be rewarded in the end.

Those three sects that were situated around Zhang Dongs core area of influence werent the only ones that were receiving the call to arms. Places like the Divine Fist Sect that he previously helped out were also given the opportunity to return the favor that was granted them in the past.

Is something bothering you?

No, its nothing

Zhang Dong was looking out into the distance where his two children were playing with Bahamut in its small cute form. Next to him was his Wife Liena who had a concerned look on her face. The decision to gather the other sects that were still strong to their aid was posed by the other elders.

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From their point of view, it was natural for them to join this important battle. They had been given protection by the United Element Sect while other grand factions like the Heavenly Crane Sect had taken a more passive approach. They had been saved from having to escape into the center of the Empire.

Its normal for the strongest sects to utilize the weaker ones as their foot soldiers, no one will blame me but it still doesnt feel right

My husband, you have always been too lenient, are you still bothered by the decision the elders came to? As the Patriarch you can go against them if you so desire, I will support your decision but

Yes its the correct decision, we lack the manpower for a decisive strike and have no idea of knowing what the demi-humans are planning.

Zhang Dong gave out a sigh while looking toward his wife. This was one of those hard decisions that he needed to shoulder. People would die because of it but it was something that had to be done to prevent their enemies from slaughtering everyone in their wake.

Then why are you sulking! You are in the right, those bastards are indebted to our Sect, they should be grateful for having this honor!

He wanted to chuckle as from the point of view of his wife there was no problem at all. She was a pure cultivator and was brought up with a certain set of beliefs that could not be changed. Yet her husband wanted to alter some of those beliefs and laws. He did not want the person with the biggest fist to just force their principles on others.

This was quite the conundrum as for this dream of his to come true he required to be the strongest person in the world. Only after getting rid of every enemy and perhaps even the Azure Emperor would he be able to start changing the world. But would that change anything? Even if he was a benevolent dictator, he would still be a dictator. Unless he managed to change the peoples mindset after he was dead they would go back to the ways of old.

Is it even possible to end all this bloodshed or are just humans too flawed?

While contemplating he looked at his wife who was all for the forceful draft. Then his gaze went to his two young children that were now slowly soaking up the culture of this world. Their minds could still be molded into another reality but for this too happen he needed to get through this big hurdle first.

I guess you are right my wife, what has to be done, has to be done, after its all over then the time for change will arrive.

While Liena smiled he slowly leaned over for a surprise smooch which rewarded him with quite a blushing wife. Even after all of this, she was still acting like a schoolgirl whenever he showed her any kind of affection. He wanted to engrave this moment in his mind as it would be the last time in a long time that he would be able to.

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This was a short rest period for his forces, while the other sects gathered their cultivators he had some free time. It was the last time he would be able to see his kids before endangering his own life. If he failed then they would have to retreat to the Azure Palace. While his brother was only interested in the Gold Dragon title, his children carried the same bloodline. This bloodline was probably important enough to grant them access to the floating city.

But would they last against Wang Long or the other Empires?

In reality, he didnt believe that if he failed that this world could be saved. Wang Longs system had already made him one of the most dangerous people in this world. He would only continue to farm points and get stronger. He lacked morals and would not put himself in harms way to save others. It would be hard to kill him and the longer he lived the worse it would become.

If I cant end it then everyone could die or be enslaved

While looking at his lovely wife he recalled the battle with that person. Wang Long had shown an interest in Liena and was worried that he would hold the same perverted feelings for her as previously.

I was truly blessed with such a wonderful wife and two cute kids.

S-stop that.

But its true!

Zhang Dong laughed as he tried to push the worries to the back of his head. There wasnt much time left for him but he wanted to make it count. The next day he would be leaving and Liena would remain in the sect as the main protective force. He had used his position to keep his family safe but it wasnt the same for everyone else.

I will be victorious

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