13. Fierce Beast (2)

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After several days of sleeping in the open, Yu Qingjia was indescribably happy to finally see a bed. She ran and touched the bed and found that the bedding was still clean, so she became even more satisfied. She finally put her heart down, and as soon as she turned around, she saw Murong Yan knocking around the room, seemingly looking for something.

She looked at him strangely for a while and finally realized, “Are you looking for concealed weapons and hidden mechanisms?”

It would be naive to expect him to take up the conversation, and apparently she was already used to it. She saw him tapping several points on the wall with his dagger to make sure the sound was not out of place before he took the dagger back into its sheath. She felt a bit curious,

“Where did you learn to do that? We caused so much commotion just now, will it okay?”

“They don’t know where we came from, and besides, we are now just two women.” Murong Yan looked cold and unconcerned, but after saying this, his eyes still squinted a little, his thin lips coldly spit out a few words, “What a bunch of idlers.”

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If they were in Night City, Anyone who dares to look at him like that, would have their eyes gouge out on the spot.

Yu Qingjia looked at Murong Yan’s expression and inexplicably find it very funny. She loosened her legs on the bed and casually said, “That’s a strange thing to say, we are indeed two women. But it’s not very convenient for us to go around like this, so when the shopkeeper buys the curtain hats back tomorrow, we can go out normally.”

Due to the people’s unnatural enthusiasm for beauty, it was useless for them to even dress up as men. Beauty is gender-neutral, and the people in this country holds appearance in the highest esteem, and many men even care more about their looks than women. They would even put on powder and apply rouge on their lips, they would trim their brows and use incense, which is more than common among the upper class.

Murong Yan laughed and bypassed her question, he looked at her with interest, “Didn’t you have a strong repulsion against killing, and now you’re staying with me, a vicious person, aren’t you scared?”

Yu Qingjia snorted coldly, “You can do things like throwing me off the carriage and leave me behind to rush on your own, I won’t be surprised if you do anything to me again.” Yu Qingjia’s expression became solemn immediately, It was an unprecedented look and she stared at Murong Yan, while saying in a serious tone, “I know you attacked that hunter or bandit today because you sensed that something was wrong, and it’s also for our own good, but the way you’re thinking like this is not right. This time we’re lucky because that hunter was a villain, but what if next time it is a warm-hearted innocent person who showed us the way, Will you also want to silence them in order not to reveal our whereabouts?”

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Murong Yan has never thought that killing people is a big deal, the bloodthirsty gene was passed down in his family. In the past, when they were on the battlefield, outsiders only thought that the Murong clan was brave, but when Emperor Mingwu and Prince Changshan ascended the throne, the unusual gene of their family could no longer be concealed. The Mingwu Emperor in his early years were strict when it comes to rewards and punishments, and he was very wise and powerful. Even so he could not control his manic impulses, let alone the others who had weak self-restraint, or does not want to be restrained.

This is the case for Murong Yan, who used to restrain himself from alcohol, lust, and blood for his own restoration plans, not because of his pity for the people. But from the day he saw Yu Qingjia getting injured, the beast in his body showed signs of awakening. Not to mention now during their escape, he personally killed three people. The restlessness in his blood finally broke through its restraint and became uncontrollable. He even gradually fell in love with this subtle feeling of loss. His physical strength, mind and body, will thus climb to an incredible peak because of it.

So Yu Qingjia’s painstaking effort to straighten him up, even racking her brains to pick some ancient and modern classic examples about not hurting people and other warnings was useless. Whatever she said it’s like Murong Yan was passing it from one ear to the other. He’s not even responding to anything she said. It felt like she was playing Qin with a cow, no it’s worse. At least the cow would still listen but Murong Yan wouldn’t!

Yu Qingjia was surprisingly angry, “Are you listening to me?”


Her anger immediately whooshed up to her head. But she still tried her best to calm herself down. She can’t turn her back on the vixen now nor argue with her. The purse was still on the vixen’s hands so she had no way to leave her. She gritted her teeth when she thought about it. That vixen threw the clothes, packages, and other provisions to her, while she took the most important documents, money, and other things. She was inexperienced when it comes to these kind of things, so she let the vixen do as she pleases, and when she finally realized how stupid it was, it was too late.

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Yu Qingjia was angry for a while, and finally bowed her head to give up. When it comes to strength she was nothing compared to the vixen, so she can’t even overpower her. Just then the door was knocked, Murong Yan stood still, so she had no choice but to run over to open the door.

Facts have proved that everyone has a passion for beauty. Even the shopkeeper would run errands faster when you look beautiful. Yu Qingjia took the things from the shopkeeper’s hands, pursed her lips and smiled gently, “Thanks a lot, Shopkeeper.”

The shopkeeper was dazzled by this smile, he rubbed his hands and he laughed, “It does not matter, it does not matter, whatever the lady want, just call this lowly one.”

Murong Yan had no interest with these kinds of useless pleasantries. He heard something seems to be carried in from the outside, then he saw Yu Qingjia closed the door, tinkled something for a while, and came in with a plate, “Your wounds were not bandaged properly yesterday. So I asked the shopkeeper to send in medicine and clean bandages. Let me first help you change your medicine. ”

Murong Yan looked at the things in her hands, and immediately became vigilant, “No need.”

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“You are injured, how can you not take care of your own body? It would hurt you and it’s inconvenient for you to change it with just one hand, so why make a fuss about it?”

Murong Yan lowered his head and coughed. He then pointed to the small table next to him, “Put the things there, and you can go out.”

Yu Qingjia and Murong Yan confronted each other with their eyes for a moment. She eventually gave in and put the tray on the table with a loud thud, and went around behind the screen in anger, “Whatever you want. I’m going to take a bath anyway, so I won’t care about you.”

Murong Yan froze for a moment and reacted violently, “No way!”

The author has something to say.

Murong ‘Virtuous Girl’ Yan

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