16. Possession (1)

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The son of the leader of the caravan, Chai Wulang, has thick eyebrows, big eyes, tiger head, and was very popular. Everyone in the caravan is very kind to him in order to give face to their leader Chai.


A robust man like Chai Wulang is undoubtedly also very popular with women. On ordinary times the crowd would also tease him with other women a couple of times, but since he met the two new girls in the team, to be precise, the beautiful Miss Yu, his eyes can no longer see anyone else. In this way, it wasn’t easy for the others to joke around him anymore.


Chai Wulang learned from his father that a lady surnamed Jing had promised a heavy sum of money to follow the caravan to Yanzhou, and then they would leave on their own. The merchants would not have a problem when money was involved, and since they would be passing through Yanzhou anyway, the leader agreed. He was originally full of prejudice against these two troublesome young women, but when he saw Yu Qingjia, he was so amazed that he was no longer against them anymore. He only thinks that his father’s decision was too wise.


The Caravan rested at the inn yesterday, and early this morning they are all ready to depart. When he saw that everything was in order. Chai Wulang immediately made a special trip to Yu Qingjia’s carriage. From a distance, he saw a figure with a beautiful posture standing in front of the carriage, the white curtain hat covering the face and figure of the other person, leaving only a neat skirt.


Chai Wulang cleared his throat deliberately, and couldn’t help but want to talk to the other party from a long distance, “Miss Yu.”


The figure with her back to him slowly turned around, Although the face could not be seen clearly through the curtain hat, but his heart had already sighed in disappointment. It wasn’t Miss Yu, but Lady Jing who was traveling with Miss Yu.

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Chai Wulang is not familiar with this Lady Jing, not only he, but others in the caravan also mentioned her in a more solemn way. It is strange to say that this Lady Jing is also surprisingly beautiful and graceful, but when he saw her, he didn’t give rise to any charming thoughts, but instead gave rise to a same-sex defensiveness and rejection. Chai Wulang was deeply regretful to see that Yu Qingjia was not around, but he was not willing to just return without success, so he started inquiring, “Miss Jing, is Miss Yu in?”




“Then where is she now?”


Murong Yan’s eyes immediately went dark, and he stared coldly at this teenager who didn’t know any better through the curtain hat, “What’s it got to do with you?”


Chai Wulang felt slightly embarrassed, he had always been hailed by the people around him and had never been disgraced like this. He scratched his head and laughed heartily, “It’s nothing… But the caravan will be leaving soon and I’m worried that Miss Yu will miss the time. Do you know where she has gone? I’ll go get her.”


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Murong Yan stared at the other party with a cold look, his body was motionless, the wide curtain hat was also quietly shrouding the outside clothing, only the shell pendant on the brim of the hat swayed gently with the breeze, “Where she has gone? Will you tell me why you are meddling in other people’s business?”


Chai Wulang’s enthusiastic nature was a bit overwhelmed, he secretly sighed, obviously Miss Yu is sweet and delicate, why is Miss Yu’s cousin so difficult to deal with? The two of them, Yu Qingjia and Murong Yan, don’t want to reveal too much of their identities when they are out and about, so they took the name of cousins. Chai Wulang walked back awkwardly. After taking two steps back, he was still uneasy, and leaned forward again. “I bought red bean cakes for Miss Yu, which were just baked this morning. I asked my Father if I could get some, since we have to rush today, we can’t stop mid way. If Miss Yu is not used to eating dry food, she can use these cakes to pad her stomach.”


Murong Yan said quietly, “She doesn’t like red bean cakes.”


“Huh?” Chai Wulang was very surprised, he scratched his head, “But last time Miss Yu clearly said that she likes sweet and soft pastries…”


Murong Yan paused for a moment, and a slender, well-proportioned hand reached out from the cascading curtain hat and spread out flat in front of Chai Wulang. Even with Chai Wulang looking at it, he had to admit that these hands were really good looking.


“Give it to me.”

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Chai Wulang was stunned for a moment, he couldn’t believe that Miss Jing was so kind, he was a little flattered, “Will you hand it over to Miss Yu?”




The surprise came so suddenly that Chai Wulang was a bit confused. He hesitantly handed the hot paper package to Murong Yan, and before leaving, he turned back and instructed, “Please Miss, make sure to hand it over to Miss Yu, the red bean cake should be eaten while it’s hot.”


‘It’s really long-winded.’


Murong Yan cupped the sweet and greasy pastry in his hand and coldly watched Chai Wulang walk away step by step. When the figure was finally out of sight, he stretched out his hand without even looking, and directly threw the oil paper package into the grass next to him.


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At this time, Yu Qingjia finally ran down from upstairs. She was in such a hurry that a corner of the curtain hat was blown up by the wind, and her delicate jaw could be seen faintly.


“I found it, was someone looking for me just now?”


Yu Qingjia stopped in front of Murong Yan and couldn’t even catch her breath before she hurriedly asked. She came running downstairs and realized that she had forgotten a string of bracelets in the guest room, so she entrusted her luggage to him and rushed upstairs to look for them. When she was upstairs, she heard someone vaguely calling her name. So she did not dare to delay, and immediately went downstairs after getting her bracelet.


Murong Yan stretched out his hand to tidy up Yu Qingjia’s curtain hat, and only withdrew his hand in satisfaction when her face and figure were no longer visible due to the cover. As for Yu Qingjia’s question, Murong Yan replied casually, “No.”


“No?” Yu Qingjia looked around strangely, “I heard someone call my name just now.”


“You heard it wrong.” Murong Yan finished and gently nodded his chin at her, and gestured for her to get in the carriage. She didn’t think much about it, held her skirt and slowly boarded.

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