19. Cousin (1)

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When Yu Qingya heard that “Fourth Sister”, the corner of her mouth immediately twitched, obviously showing a sense of mockery. Yu Qingjia’s smile remained unchanged, as if she didn’t see anything. She secretly shook her head, she thought that she would see a different Yu Qingya when she came back this time, at least she wouldn’t easily let people see what she was thinking. But as she can see now, the extra years of living in her previous life did not let her become any wiser. She was still the same conceited and narrow-minded person she knew.

Yu Qingjia just finished thinking, when she suddenly saw Yu Qingya’s stunned expression, her eyes glanced up, as if listening carefully to what someone was saying, and then immediately restrained her expression. She looked again with a gentle and generous smile, “Since the last time we parted, I have not seen the sixth sister for a very long time. I never thought that I just talked about it, and then I immediately saw Sixth Sister as soon as I entered the hall. I really miss my sister so very much. After so many years of separation, Sixth Sister looked so different, and I almost couldn’t recognize her.”

Yu Qingjia raised her eyebrows with interest, if she guessed correctly, the system should have said something to Yu Qingya just now. She couldn’t help but cast her gaze on Yu Qingya’s head. Who would have thought that looking at the same head, which looked nothing different from usual, had a second life living inside it. It was even able to use Yu Qingya’s eyes and five senses, and directly communicate with Yu Qingya in her mind. It can even directly monitor her emotional thoughts. Yu Qingjia suddenly felt curious, in this way, who exactly is standing here talking to her? This person’s mind is being manipulated, is she alive, or is she dead.

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Yu Qingjia subtly kept looking towards Yu Qingya’s head again and again. Which made Yu Qingya feel uncomfortable, she secretly frowned, and her tone could not be described as good, “Is there someone behind me? What is Sixth Sister looking at?”

Only then did Yu Qingjia realize that her gaze were too blatant, she withdrew her eyes calmly, and smiled sweetly at her, that smile was bright and straightforward, completely indistinguishable, “I am looking at Fourth Sister’s head Ornament. From which store did the Fourth sister bought that Hairpin from? I’ve never seen such a novel pattern before.”

Yu Qingya subconsciously touched the silk flower on her temples, and it turned out that Yu Qingjia was looking at her this flower. It is also true that she just returned from a poor countryside, so she probably hadn’t seen the world, not to mention that this is a high-quality hair accessory produced by the system, the material and technology alone is far from what this current era can reach. Yu Qingya immediately felt relieved, she just felt uncomfortable with how Yu Qingjia was looking at her, and there was a chill creeping down her spine for no reason. Now if she thinks about it she felt ridiculous, perhaps she was too tense after her rebirth, and she became a little too suspicious of everything.

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Yu Qingya smiled and did not say anything, but the maid behind her added in time, “Our fourth young lady made it herself, from color matching, to production, all done by the young lady herself, it is also the only one in Gaoping County. How can it be easily achieved by any jewelry store outside? The lady’s craftsmanship is amazing. Now the daughters of officials and ladies from other noble families in Gaoping County are all vying to imitate Fourth Miss’ style, and whenever Fourth Miss comes up with a new pattern, it becomes the most popular style in town.”

The servant girl was obviously very proud of the fact that Yu Qingya was a trendsetter. Yu Qingya turned her head and gently said, “Hongluan, the sixth younger sister had just returned, don’t scare her.”

The pupils of Yu Qingjia’s eyes were filled with a clear smile of understanding, and she suddenly gave an “Oh” of realization, “So it was fourth sister who came up with the pattern herself, this is really impressive.”

Yu Qingjia’s smile was clear and sweet. When a person seriously looked at her smile, it was as if the sky was lightened immediately, the rain was cleared, the clouds blooming, and a beam of light pass through the clouds which spread across the surface of the lake. It was almost like the human heart was also illuminated. Even though Yu Qingya was full of scorn and hostility, she couldn’t get angry now, and Yu Qingjia took the initiative to praise her, which gave her a sense of comfort like winning over the female lead. She nodded perfunctorily and said, “It’s not a big deal, it’s not worthy of such praise from my sixth sister. Great Grandmother is still inside, so I won’t accompany Sixth Sister to reminisce about the old days.”

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Yu Qingjia nodded and watched her gently and slowly swayed towards the inner courtyard. As soon as Yu Qingya showed up, a flurry of greetings came inside the room. She immediately knelt down with a dignified smile, and went to the side of Yu Laojun’s hand and personally took the porcelain cup from the maid, to serve Yu Laojun’s medicine.

It was also a coincidence that Yu Qingjia just saw Yu Qingya shake off her long sleeve when she received the porcelain cup, and when she raised her hand again, the soup medicine took on a different and transparent color.

Yu Qingjia’s heart moved. Did Yu Qingya used the system again? She remembered that in her dream, Yu Qingya had exchanged a colorless and tasteless poison with the system in order to silently kill her. Since the system can easily exchange with anything that can poison and kill people, it makes no sense that it can’t exchange an elixir that can strengthen the body.

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She thought about it carefully, even without deliberately inquiring, she had heard along the way that Yu Laojun valued the fourth young lady extraordinarily. If Yu Qingya purposely exchanged an elixir with the system and quietly put one or two drops every time she came to visit her. Then if every time Yu Laojun saw Yu Qingya, she would be free of illness and pain and her spirit invigorated, then she will, unknowingly, and subconsciously feel that Yu Qingya was blessed and that good things would happen when she was around her. If things go on like this, won’t she become even more dependent on Yu Qingya, and even form a reflex?

She was already full of deep thoughts when she was looking at Yu Qingya’s back, thinking about things in her mind, when suddenly a voice rang in her ear, “What are you looking at?”

Yu Qingjia looked up and saw Murong Yan standing not far away and had been watching her for a long time. She hurriedly gathered up her messy thoughts and shook her head with a smile, “It’s nothing, let’s go and pay our respects to grandmother first.”

Murong Yan nodded quietly. Yu Qingjia took the lead and walked outside, Murong Yan followed behind her, and when he turned around, he quickly and calmly casted a cold glance at the direction where Yu Qingjia was staring at.

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