25. Expose (2)

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Yu Qingya heard this result and couldn’t express her regret.

‘Insufficient Authority! It’s always insufficient Authority!’

Yu Qingya stood where she was, then she suddenly felt ruthless, and quietly turned around and walked towards the direction Yu Qingjia had come from. Since she couldn’t get the answer directly from the system, she had to go and see it for herself.

Yu Qingjia had long since discovered that Yu Qingya had secretly sneaked out again, she laughed in her heart and pretended not to notice. She tiptoed back into the incense room where Yu Laojun was listening to the Buddhist scriptures and sat by the door with her head bowed in a quiet and well-behaved manner. Yu Laojun was so focused on listening to the lecture that she didn’t realize that someone was coming in and out of the doorway. When others saw her, they just assumed that Yu Qingjia had just gone out to breathe some air.

After all, not everyone has the patience to listen to the boring and mysterious Buddhist doctrine, Wives and ladies would often come in and out from time to time, and as long as they do not disturb Yu Laojun, everyone else will tacitly agree to ignore them.

Yu Qingjia sat in a daze for a while, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Yu Qingya coming back. Yu Qingya seemed to be not in her right mind, as if lost in thought, her eyes were looking out from time to time, obviously not finding anyone. Yu Qingjia snickered in her heart, did not bother any more, and continued to seriously stare in a daze.

Yu Laojun was finally in a good mood after learning that the sun was about to set, they started setting off to depart and Yu Qingjia mingled among the many women and walked out with the crowd. Fortunately, they didn’t meet anyone else this time. The flirtatious and fun-loving Prince Yingchuan had probably long since gone outside to set up a banquet for fun, and he’s probably having a good time right at this moment.

Yu Qingjia and Murong Yan boarded the carriage again, but this time, Yu Qingya did not catch up to ask and share with them.

The first thing Yu Qingjia did when she returned to the courtyard was to call out the maid who had followed her out earlier and scolded her severely. The little maid was said to be red at the corners of her eyes and was at a loss for words, she did not seem to know what was wrong with her at all.

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Yu Qingjia felt deeply helpless. She was too lazy to bother wasting any more words, so she waved her hand and sent her away.

Yu Qingjia suddenly missed Bai Zhi and Bai Lian again, but it’s such a pity that they both stayed in the caravan that day, and now she’s afraid that they are still with Yu Wenjun in Pingchang County and recovering from their injuries. However, for them to be safe is already the greatest blessing, and when Yu Qingjia thought about it she finally threw the thought aside. She then called a maid over to boil some water.

Yu Qingjia is on her monthly period these days. So she wouldn’t dare to touch the water casually.

She let the maid prepare a hot towel so she can use it to wipe her body. By the time she finished cleaning up, it was already late. She finally quieted down before feeling a little strange.

‘Why is it so quiet today?’

Ever since she returned, she seems to have not seen the shadow of that vixen anywhere.

Their two rooms are connected so it was just convenient for her to travel in-between, Yu Qingjia put on her coat and went to Murong Yan’s room with a lamp by herself. The autumn sun is getting deeper, the night wind is getting heavier and heavier, and the sky is getting darker and darker. Yu Qingjia carried the lamp and knocked gently on the doorway,


It was silent inside, and Yu Qingjia waited with her ears wide open, but there was still no answer. Yu Qingjia thought that the vixen might have fallen asleep, so she walked down the steps lightly, and did not dare to disturb the other party’s sleep anymore.

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When she was scrubbing earlier, she accidentally wetted a few locks of her hair, and they were not dry enough for her to sleep yet. Yu Qingjia had nothing to do, so she spread her hair out and took a random book to read under the lamp.

It should have been the turn of the little maid who accompanied her on her trip to keep watch tonight, but the little maid was told off by her, so she ran away, leaving Yu Qingjia alone in the room. If Bai Zhi were here, she would be half dead with anger when she saw such a scene, but her current situation right now was worse than other people, and Yu Qingjia didn’t want to cause any trouble, so she didn’t bother to complain and just put up with it. She lazily scrolled through the book, when she was startled suddenly.

She seemed to hear the sound of something falling to the ground, it was not obvious amidst the sound of the wind, but Yu Qingjia was used to the silence at night, so she still heard it.

Yu Qingjia thought of the assassination she had encountered on the road, and a coldness gradually crept up her spine. She sat at the low table, not knowing whether to call out or pretend she didn’t know. She only hesitated for a short moment, and was about to shout with a ruthless heart, when her mouth was suddenly covered from behind,


The other party’s cold and slender fingers covered half of her face. Yu Qingjia froze for a moment and turned back in surprise,

“How is it you?”

Murong Yan changed into the long forgotten narrow-sleeved Hu clothing, she doesn’t know if it was simply the lighting, but his face looked too pale and as white as jade, too exquisite unlike a real person’s. Against the surprisingly white complexion, his eyebrows are even more defined and beautiful.

Yu Qingjia looked at the leaky window, and then looked at Murong Yan, who was dressed in sharp clothing in front of him, and already understood in her heart,

“You went out just now? But why not take the front door…”

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Before Yu Qingjia finished speaking, she suddenly heard sounds of shouting from officers and soldiers coming from the outside, and the moving torches illuminated half of the alley. Murong Yan still remained expressionless after this, and didn’t seem to feel the need to explain.

Yu Qingjia looked at the torches lighting the outside, and then looked at the person in front of her, and suddenly realized…

“Are they here to chase you?”

Yu Qingjia immediately stood up, pulled Murong Yan inside the room,

“I am an unmarried young woman, and the Yu family will not let the officials search my room casually, you stay here and hide for now…”

After finishing speaking, Yu Qingjia raised her hand and looked at the red patches on her fingertips, she finally understood why Murong Yan’s face looked so pale.

“Are you injured?”

“Stop talking, you should know what to do, just pretend you didn’t know anything.”

He said and was about to walk out, when Yu Qingjia yanked his wrist with one hand. She looked flustered, obviously worried but had to lower her voice,

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“Where are you hurt? Is the injury serious? There are bloodstains on your clothes, once someone finds out, it will be impossible to explain. You come with me and change your bloody clothes first.”

Murong Yan’s arm struggled for a while, but finally let her pull himself inside. She quickly put out brand new clothes from the closet, but the movement of the officers and soldiers was even faster than she imagined, so in a moment’s time, they had already gone inside the Yu family compound and started to search one courtyard after another.

Yu Qingjia haphazardly piled the clothes onto the bed, half kneeling on the ground and was about to help Murong Yan undress,

“Hurry up and change clothes, they are about to come in…”

When her fingers touched his collar, her movements suddenly halted. Murong Yan can actually dodge away, but he did not. He sat still on the bed with thoughts he couldn’t explain himself, and looked soberly at Yu Qingjia.

At this time, a courtyard next door had been forced open, and the sound of men cursing and women’s screams were mixed together, but they were no match for the extraordinarily arrogant and rude shouts of the officials,

“Search everywhere for me, Shangshu Liao has been assassinated, and by order of the Prince Yingchuan, we are here to come and arrest the assassin.”

Murong Yan lowered his head and stared at Yu Qingjia without dodging. Yu Qingjia’s eyes were widened, she just tried to help Murong Yan undress and accidentally touched the hard muscles that no woman should have.

Even if a woman is poorly developed, her chest and other places should be soft. I don’t know if it’s because of the close proximity, Yu Qingjia found a lot of details that she hadn’t noticed before. For example, without the cover of the collar, she can clearly see the bulge at the neck of the person in front of her.

The string in Yu Qingjia’s mind immediately snapped with a “Bang”.

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