27. Bloodstains (1)

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Murong Xu smiled secretly when he saw the blood stains, and he did not make any sound. He paced a few times in the next room, and talked to Yu Qingjia casually,

“When I saw the young lady today, she seemed to be like a heavenly being. I didn’t expect to see her again so soon. This prince was vulgar and acted recklessly, did he disturb the little lady?”

Anyone who was suddenly knocked on the door in the middle of the night and had their inner courtyard barged into, would definitely be disturbed. Yu Qingjia didn’t want to talk to Murong Xu, so while still hugging her cloak, she nodded coldly,

“I won’t dare.”

It’s already in the middle of October, and the wind in the middle of the night is very cool, Yu Qingjia was up so late into the night, and the clothes she was wearing are thin, she was feeling very cold now, but with these men around her, she wouldn’t be able get and wear an extra layer of clothing, so she can only fold her arms, hug herself and breathe slightly.

Murong Xu smiled and did not say anything, his eyes slowly swept around the room. This room is not very gorgeous, but every flower and everything is meticulous.

It may look ordinary, but the details are elegant and fine. It can be seen that the people who were in charge of the house were extremely attentive.

Murong Xu smiled inwardly, it seems that this little beauty is still very favored. But when he went to the other courtyards, even though he was unscrupulous, at least there were people in charge in the courtyard, but Yu Qingjia’s place, he had been standing for so long, except for a few old and weak servants, there was no man who came forward, even in the next room.

None of his uncles or brothers came. It can be seen that although the little beauty is loved by her parents, her family situation is not simple.

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Murong Xu sized it up for a moment, and he didn’t have the heart to go around in circles with the beauty anymore, so he asked bluntly,

“Little lady, seeing you made me happy, and I really don’t want to embarrass a beauty like you in my heart. After all a Beauty is always better than the others. This Prince will give you one last chance, have you seen any outsiders with strange movements tonight?”

Yu Qingjia showed a thoughtful look, knitted her brows and thought for a while, and finally shook her head frankly,

“No, I fell asleep as soon as I came back , I haven’t seen any strange people.”


Murong Xu even smiled, but instead his heart’s suspicion became even more obvious. His cousin was extremely outstanding in appearance. Whenever he appeared on any occasion, all the seats were amazed by the light shining half the hall, even the temperamental Emperor Mingwu would also praise him. Murong Xu is the third son of the Prince of Changshan, he was not the son of the main wife nor the eldest son, he has nothing special about him. He is unremarkable among the many Murong sons and grand sons, so if one does not look hard enough you won’t be able to notice him.

But Murong Yan is different, he is the youngest son in the Eastern Palace, the most valued grandson of Emperor Mingwu, he has the literary talent, he was agile, and strong in martial arts. He had the identity, status, looks, and outstanding talent, no matter where he appears, no matter if he dressed up to attend or just pass by casually, as long as he shows up, he is bound to gather everyone’s attention.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that Murong Yan’s name just happens to have the word “Rong Yan”, which can mean “Appearance”, and his own style is extremely outstanding, so it’s inevitable that someone will take his appearance as an issue. Since Murong Yan dealt with those two unlucky people who made a casual remark about his looks, no one in the Night City would dare mention this matter in front of him anymore, but he couldn’t stop it from circulating in private.

After all, this is an era where appearance is everything, even Emperor Mingwu couldn’t help but stare at Murong Yan’s face when he had nothing to do.

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Therefore, when Murong Xu’s father, who is now the current emperor and the former Prince of Changshan, heard that it was Murong Yan who escaped, he was really indescribably mad.

They started looking for him in the seventh year of Zhang Wu, and they are still looking for him, after two and a half years without any news.

But now, the news of Murong Yan is very likely to fall into the hands of Murong Xu, which makes his blood boil even more. It’s really strange, not only the former emperor, his grandfather, and the courtiers favor Murong Yan, but even a little beauty who has never met him before is willing to cover up for him.

Murong Xu suppressed the violence in his heart, then smiled,

“I have already given the little lady a chance. Since the lady didn’t take it, don’t blame me for not understanding amorous feelings, and destroying flowers with my own hands.”

Murong Xu’s face suddenly became gloomy and cold, pointing at the blood stains on the edge of the floor, he then shouted coldly,

“Search carefully for me, and don’t miss any corners.”

The officials have no choice but to rummage through the boxes and draw out the knives to pick up everywhere in the house. Murong Xu smiled and looked at Yu Qingjia, his tone was calm and certain like he was watching a good show,

“Little beauty, you tell me, why is there blood in the room of an unmarried lady?”

Yu Qingjia’s eyebrows twisted, she looked at the corner of the bedroom, and at the blood stains, her expression immediately turned ugly, but she still pursed her lips and refused to speak.

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When he first saw Yu Qingjia hesitating and not talking to him like she did. The speculation in his heart was already confirmed.

Many officials were called back, and concentrated in Yu Qingjia’s courtyard alone. They almost turned the whole place upside down. Yu Qingjia’s face was even more pale, while Murong Xu looked at her leisurely with a malicious smile.

Although the room is noisy, the temperature is gradually freezing, making one suspect that a drop of water alone would immediately freeze. Yu Qingjia was at a standstill, then a voice suddenly came from behind her.

“Wait a minute.”

Murong Xu was surprised and turned around, just to see a woman wearing a red cloak holding a lamp in her hand, quickly rushed into the room, she then held Yu Qingjia’s hand tightly,

“Sixth sister, don’t be afraid. What are you doing!? How can we, the Yu family of Yanzhou, let others bully us?”

These officials held the prince’s order in their hands, so of course they would not pay attention to a woman’s scolding. On the contrary, it was Murong Xu who looked at the visitor with great interest,

“And who might you be?”

“I am the fourth daughter of the Yu family, Yu Qingya.”

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Yu Qingya said and bowed to Murong Shu,

“Prince Yingchuan, if our family had failed to receive you, I would apologize to the Prince on behalf of the elders. I know the difference between my rank and the prince’s is like heaven and dirt, but I can’t just sit back and watch the prince humiliate my sister. Please tell the elders of the Yu family tomorrow if you have anything to say, and let my sister go for now.”

Murong Xu suddenly felt that the Yu family was very interesting, first there was an amazingly beautiful lady, and tonight he met an exemplary lady who loved her sister dearly. When he first came to Yanzhou, he didn’t take the Yu family seriously at first, but now he has changed his mind. He wants to know how many surprises the Yu family can bring him.

Murong Xu smiled and looked at the two of them. Yu Qingya pushed Yu Qingjia behind her with force, blocking Murong Xu’s line of sight while inevitably exposing her appearance and figure to everyone.

Murong Xu looked at it for a while, but he was still not interested in this kind of bodhisattva-like virtuous saint-like behavior. Instead of moving away, he looked at Yu Qingjia from a different angle.

It’s better for beauties to be lively and fragrant, and the natural and lively beauty like Yu Qingjia is even better. Yu Qingya noticed that he had shifted his position, and walked around vaguely, blocking the figure of the little beauty behind her.

Murong Xu was a little annoyed, his heart was not pleased, but he didn’t show it on the surface, he still smiled and said,


“So Little lady, tell me, where did the blood come from?”

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