42. A Sinking Boat (1)

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A woman dressed in red scoffed at Yu Qingya’s statement as she took the initiative to stand up to meet her head on.

Everyone around the woman immediately shouted in approval when they saw it, and the eyes of the other people in the banquet hall were also drawn over.

They were all looking at the scene in front of them with a smile.

Music is an elegant thing, and competing for the sake of music, will always attract everyone’s attention.

Especially since the two women who wanted to compete are both women with great looks, and family background.

They are not ordinary women, and this type of lively scene can’t be seen during ordinary times.

Just as the woman in red stood up, a maid immediately vacated an open space, and set up a zither platform.

When the woman in red sat down on the platform, everyone’s eyes were immediately drawn on her.

The woman in red took a deep breath, raised her hand to test the tone, and the movement of her hand suddenly accelerated.

The sound of the zither soon poured out from between her fingers.

The woman in red dared to dismantle Yu Qingya’s posturing in public, naturally she had something to rely on, and it was her zither art.

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Her music piece Is fast and intense, it was loud and cut like a sudden rainstorm clanging into one’s ears.

Many people on both sides showed their approval.

They were whispering and commenting on the red woman’s zither skills.

Yu Qingjia was listening intently when her sleeve was suddenly tugged by someone.

She turned her head back and saw the woman who had questioned Yu Qingya many times before looking at her curiously,

“Are you the Sixth Young Lady of the Yu family?”


Yu Qingjia then said with a straight face,

“I lived in Qingzhou with my father for the past two years and have just returned recently.”

“So you just came back, no wonder.”

Young Miss Zhou nodded and said fervently, “I knew it! You were so good-looking, I would have remembered you immediately once I saw you. So you just came back, no wonder I didn’t recognize you.”

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It was an era where people are passionate about beauty, and good-looking people can even be exempt from the death penalty.

Yu Qingjia grew up accustomed to the attention of others, but this is the first time she was praised by someone of similar sex straightforwardly.

She was slightly embarrassed, then said with a smile,

“I am embarrassed to hear you say that, Young Miss Zhou.”

“What’s wrong with that? You’re indeed good-looking. Not only those boys, but I am also willing to get close to you.”

Miss Zhou waved her hand indifferently and suddenly moved closer again and said,

“People kept calling me Miss Zhou, or Young Miss Zhou, it’s too rusty. My name is Zhou Suzhi, what about you?”

A woman’s name is not usually something you can reveal to others, so Zhou Suzhi taking the initiative to reveal hers, really showed her sincerity. Yu Qingjia smiled and said,

“My name is Qingjia.”


Zhou Suzhi chewed on these two words inside her mouth, and found that the beauty’s name was just as beautiful as her.

She then sat next to Yu Qingjia, with a smile at the corner of her lips.

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She then gestured at her with her eyes,

“This piece is fast, but it has little emotion. It’s rare for her to be able to play it with one finger. Do you think your fourth sister can play such a fast tune?”

Yu Qingjia glanced lightly towards the middle of the hall.

The woman in red offered her own masterpiece, playing fast and steady, and she can be considered a genius.

Especially since she was able to remember a whole piece of notes at such a fast speed.

If she wanted to play it without missing a beat, I’m afraid it was impossible.

The crowd exchanged pleasantries, apparently thinking that the woman in red had already won steadily.

But Yu Qingya still sat firmly despite everyone’s vague scrutiny, her head didn’t even shake a bit.

There was a smile on her lips, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth was always just right, as if it had been carefully calculated to the most perfect position, it doesn’t even have any sort of stiffness or laxity on it.

Although a lot of people think Yu Qingya was simply spouting nonsense. After seeing her acting like this, they also did not dare to underestimate her.

Zhou Suzhi saw Yu Qingya’s posture, and curled her lips in disdain,

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“So pretentious. She actually thinks she’s a genius, what kind of genius would act like that? If she really has the ability to remember everything she hears and see, then how come she has remained unknown for so many years?”

Zhou Suzhi’s voice was full of disdain.

She obviously did not think that Yu Qingya could really replicate this song.

Not only Zhou Suzhi, but also the other people in the lobby thought the same thing.

How is it possible for her, to remember all the note changes after listening to them once, and to play them out intact, with only her own strength?

However, Yu Qingjia slowly shook her head, her face was solemn.

Zhou Suzhi was surprised to see Yu Qingjia’s reaction and said,

“What’s wrong with you, do you really believe her words? She just put gold on her own face and told everyone she can never forget anything she hears and sees. She actually dared to spout such lies.”

Yu Qingjia shook her head and reached out to stop Zhou Suzhi’s words,

“That girl had finished her performance, so whether it’s true or not, you will know after listening to it.”

The woman In red stood up, gave Prince Yingchuan who was sitting on top a salute, then picked up her skirt and walked down.

When she passed by Yu Qingya’s side, she glanced at her contemptuously out of the corner of her eyes.

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