50. Model (3)

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Yu Laojun looked at the young girl in front of her, and could not help but feel a complication in her heart.

The young girl is not covered with make-up, her clothes are also plain like everyone else, her body has no extra decorations, but even so, she is still beautiful enough to dazzle people.

Yu Qingjia is quite similar to Madam Yu, but more beautiful than her.

She has inherited Madam Yu’s talent for music, and at the same time has Yu Wenjun’s air of nobility, she has gathered the advantages of both her parents, and at only fourteen years of age she has blossomed into a radiant light.

She had the beauty favored by the heavens, and was endowed with outstanding talents.

Yu Laojun also heard about what happened at Prince Yingchuan’s banquet even though she has been sick these past few days.

She heard tht Yu Qingjia played the song she composed in advance without any prior preparation, she had also astonished everyone, and became famous overnight.

There were so many girls in the Yu family, but Yu Qingjia was the only one who was known as the ‘Yu Beauty’.

Because of the title, ‘Yu Beauty’, everyone in the Yu family became her backdrop.

Yu Qingjia was madam Yu’s daughter, and madam Yu was one of the rare people who dared to disobey her.

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Madam Yu was the reason why Yu Wenjun quarrelled with her for the first time in years, and she was also the reason why Yu Wenjun gave up everything, even his own family, and decided to move to Qingzhou.

In the northern Qi, where the older generations ruled, this was like a blatant break of the family law.

After Yu Wenjun left, he didn’t reply to her letters or pay his respects, completely ignoring her as his grandmother, but only taking Yu Qingjia with him.

If Yu Qingjia’s appearance was mediocre, it would be fine, but she was so outstanding that even though Yu Laojun was prejudiced, she had to admit that Yu Qingjia was the most outstanding one in this generation of the Yu family.

Her very appearance was the reason behind these subtle and complex entanglements, Yu Laojun was feeling towards her.

It was also the reason why it was so difficult for Yu Laojun to develop some sort of love and affection towards her.

Yu Qingjia’s lack of enthusiasm also confirmed Yu Laojun’s conjecture, and in comparison, she was certainly more inclined to support Yu Qingya, who was obedient and whom she could rely on.

So Yu Laojun asked indifferently and impatiently,

“Did my grandson send a letter to the second household?”


Although everyone said that Yu Wenjun sent a letter to the family, everyone knew that he also wrote a letter to Yu Qingjia specifically.

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In Yu Wenjun’s letter, although Madam Li was also his wife, he never mentioned anything about her in the letter.

When it was Yu Qingjia’s turn, he even sent a letter specially for her, showing his partiality.

Obviously, Madam Li also thought about it, her eyes showed her self-pity, but she still asked,

“What did he say in the letter? Did he say anything about the family?”

It is obvious that the ‘Family’ she was referring to was the people of their first household, Yu Qingjia managed to resist the urge to roll her eyes, and said coldly,


Madam Li bit her lips, her eyes immediately welled up with tears.

She picked up a handkerchief and bowed her head to sob.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became very awkward, Yu Qingjia inwardly gave her a side glance.

‘Does Madam Li not know of the occasion?’

Yu Laojun’s expression also turned very ugly.

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She lowered her head and said,

“If you’re away from home, you only write a letter to your elders to report your safety, not to your juniors. There are no elders in the second household, so it’s only right for me to help you keep this letter. You must bring it to me.”

Yu Qingjia’s eyes immediately turned cold and her tone was distant,

“This younger one, does not mean to reject the elders good intentions, but not to mention it’s my father’s own letter, before I left my courtyard, I had already burned incense to pray for his safety, and kept my father’s letter away into the letter box, so I don’t have it with me right now.”

Yu Qingjia’s uncooperative attitude is very clear, Yu Laojun is an ancestor who is four generations above her.

Once she opens her mouth slightly, any younger generation would immediately rush to bring her things, now Yu Qingjia even said that the letter was already kept away, how could Yu Laojun still ask her to make a special trip to pick it up?

Yu Laojun’s expression also became extremely gloomy, her face stretched long, and she was silent.

Yu Qingya was kneeling by the bed, after seeing this action in her heart, she turned her eyes between Yu Qingjia and Yu Laojun.

She suddenly smiled and said,

“Sixth sister is young and speaks freely, Yu Laojun is willing to keep the letter for you. It is her own pity for the younger generation, this should be considered a blessing that many people can’t ask for, why is the sixth sister still acting spoiled?”

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“Your sixth sister is dull, not as exquisite as the fourth sister, who serves Yu Laojun every day. It seems that Yu Laojun’s condition has improved a lot, due to my fourth sister’s credit.”

Yu Qingya was originally smiling, but her smile froze when she heard this.

It is obviously a normal flattery, and she has heard it many times from the mouth of the maids, but why does it always make Yu Qingya feel that Yu Qingjia is mocking her when she says it?

After thinking of the deal she made with the system, Yu Qingya’s expression immediately twisted.

If she didn’t know that it was impossible for Yu Qingjia to know anything, she almost thought that Yu Qingjia had discovered something, and she was mocking her for it.

Yu Qingya forced out a smile, while secretly laughing at herself.

‘How could Yu Qingjia know of the existence of the system?’

So Yu Qingya continued,

“It’s my good fortune to be able to serve Yu Laojun, but it’s a pity that I’m clumsy, not as smart, and as good as my sixth sister. I can’t play a melody casually, and make everyone fawn over me. If my sixth younger sister stays to serve Yu Laojun to help with the medicine, I’m afraid it would have been far more effective than the one, a stupid one like me, could make.”

After Yu Qingya finished speaking, she pursed her lips and smiled. She looked at Yu Qingjia with a venomous snake-like light in her eyes,

“Sixth sister is so dexterous, she can even play such complicated zither music well, and she must be able to do other things. Yu Laojun is seriously ill now. Smart people are needed to help her, and in my opinion, letting my Sixth sister do it will be far more effective than us stupid people. What do you think, sixth sister?”

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