06. System (2)

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Yu Qingya thought very simply, that letter on the desk had Yu Wenjun’s reply on it, and looking at the Old Madam’s depressed look, she knew Yu Wenjun refused to return home again. Her expression became gloomy immediately. Her main goal now after her rebirth is to become the Empress, and she doesn’t care what means she must take to achieve it. If her own father is a dirt that can’t support the wall1, she won’t bother to care about him, as long as he doesn’t regret coming to beg her in the future. However, although Yu Wenjun is not important, Yu Qingjia is.

After all, she is the heroine of the story, and the Mary Sue Halo she has is very strong.

When did she meet the Male lead, Prince Langya?     

(T/N: I’d be using Female Lead and Male lead instead of Hero and Heroine from now on for convenience. XD)

Yu Qingya quietly called out to the system in her head, “System, when did the Male Lead and Female Lead meet?”

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The system is silent for a moment, its database and knowledge is based on the history books. So obviously the meeting between Emperor Qi Xiang and Empress Ming Xi is not something that would be written casually in the history books.

The system then said sternly, “The host has insufficient authority to access it.”

Yu Qingya sighed, indeed, now she does not have enough points to do anything at all. In her previous life, she and Yu Qingjia were not close, and they ignored each other every time they met. She really did not pay attention to her movements at all. It is reasonable that she also had a little encounter with Prince Langya, and then he got affected by her Mary Sue Halo and had no choice but to marry her.

Yu Qingya disdains her. She really is a brainless Mary Sue, and men all over the world love her, even the male protagonist is not exempt. It is clear that she is better than her, but she was only a female supporting role. Although Yu Qingya thought that way. She still did not dare to take the slightest risk. After all, the plot revolved around her. In case Yu Qingjia had some strange encounters in advance that she does not know about, then it would be bad for her. So, it’s still safer to put the female lead where she can see her.

Therefore, Yu Qingya must let Yu Wenjun come back to Gaoping County. She had previously reminded the Old Madam Yu about it, but it seems that the system’s ploy still failed. A wave of displeasure surged through her heart. Ever since her rebirth, and with the system’s help, she had rarely gone against her own will. She wanted to persuade Old Madam Yu again, but just as she was about to open her mouth, a needle-like pain suddenly came from her mind, “Host, you violated the rules.”

Yu Qingya forcibly endured the headache and argued in her head, “But Great Grandmother had already been persuaded. As long as we add fuel to the fire and have her write another letter to urge him, Yu Wenjun will not be able to hold back sooner or later.”

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The mechanical electronic voice in her mind seemed to sneer lightly. She immediately froze hard and thought she probably heard wrong. The system is just an emotionless intelligent body, how could it have such a humane reaction?

The system quickly resumed its original cold voice, without a trace of emotion, “Host, your behavior just now had exceeded the female-matching system’s limit. I have the obligation to warn you and take corresponding measures if necessary.”

Yu Qingya is still not convinced. Obviously she’s only a foot away from the goal, why did she have to stop halfway? She still wanted to open her mouth and urge the Old Madam, when a sharp pain suddenly came from her mind, and for a moment it seemed as if it even penetrated through her bones. She could not help but scream in pain, and the teacup in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Old Madam Yu was startled by Yu Qingya’s sudden movement. Seeing her terrible expression, she immediately spoke in a solemn tone, “Fourth Miss, what happened to you?”

Yu Qingya tried to ignore the searing pain in her head, and then smiled at Old Madam Yu, “I’m fine, I just didn’t sleep well in the afternoon, and now I’m a little dizzy.”

“Didn’t sleep well?” Looking at Yu Qingya’s reaction, Old Madam Yu could not believe that it was just because of dizziness. However, Yu Qingya firmly insisted that she was fine. Then she quickly excused herself and withdrew.

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After leaving Old Madam Yu’s courtyard, the system spoke using the same flat electronic voice, but also because of its calmness, that it sounded even more chilling, “The host had violated the rules. According to the contract, we have the right to take appropriate disciplinary action against the host. if necessary, It can be punished by force. The host only made a primary violation today, so only a first-level punishment will be imposed.”

“This is only the first level?” Yu Qingya still felt her heart palpitating when she thought of the pain that almost conked and devoured her bones just now. This was only the lowest level?

The system coldly admitted it. A chill slowly crept up Yu Qingya’s spine, “Then what is the highest level?”

“Total Extermination.”

The system’s voice sounded as conscientious as ever, but Yu Qingya felt cold. It was obviously spring, but she seemed to be in the coldest winter. The cold weather turned into needles and seeped into her bone marrow, “You would endanger my life? Why didn’t you say anything about such an important matter before?”

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“You didn’t ask.” She didn’t know if it was just her illusion, but the system’s voice seemed to take on some hint of mockery, “Host, you have already signed a soul contract with us. If you regret it midway, you will also be obliterated according to the contract.”

Yu Qingya suddenly regretted the fact that she signed the contract in a hurry that day. She had been so happy in the past few months especially since everything she does had gone smoothly. In her heart, she already regarded the system as a tool for her to use. She never thought that her status and the system’s may be reversed.

The System seemed to read her inner thoughts, and its speech slowed down a little, and Its attitude almost felt kind, “Don’t worry, as long as you follow our terms, you won’t be obliterated.”

Yu Qingya grew up having slaves and maidservants on her beck and call. She had always looked down on commoners. Only she can order others around, when had she ever been ordered by anyone?

But she didn’t dare to offend the system. What’s worse, the system is now inside her mind, a little thought can not be hidden from it. After she was reborn, she had always been relying on the system for everything. So she could only give in and admit her mistakes, “I was wrong. But we can’t just let her roam around to other counties. She is the female lead after all, aren’t you afraid?”

“Your move is too stupid. Find another way to force them back, I have my own way of dealing with them after that.”1

Dirt that can’t support the Wall [烂泥扶不上墙]: It usually implies that the said person is totally hopeless and incompetent that any effort trying to teach him or groom him for that position/skill is better spent on any other less useless activity.

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