07. Betrayal (3)

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“Yes, Jing Huan is your elder, I am very relieved as a father to entrust the safety of the backyard to him.”

Look at this standard dim-witted statement, no wonder everyone says that with a stepmother comes a stepfather. She’s afraid that in the eyes of a man, the woman he loves is a thousand times better, even if someone puts the facts in front of him, he’ll think it’s someone else persecuting his beautiful concubine.

“Father, she is meeting outside men in private and even transfers the belongings of our family to outsiders at will, and you still put her in charge of the inner court? Besides, she is just a concubine. What kind of family would let a concubine manage the backyard. The Yu family is not a prestigious family, but it is still one of the most prestigious families in Yanzhou, so where does this leave me and where does it leave my mother?

“Jiajia.” Yu Wenjun did not expect Yu Qingjia to say such a thing. Of course he knew that concubine-born children and concubines have a very low status. Although scholars regard giving away concubines as a trend no one would take a concubine as their wife.

When people talked about marriage, they would often marry a lady of a decent family. Things like carrying on the family line, serving the parents, and presiding over the gifts for friends and relatives are also regarded as the main functions of the wife, not a concubine. Concubines were for fun, and if someone let a concubine take over the family matters, I’m afraid they would be ridiculed by the same class of scholarly families.

But Murong Yan was not a concubine, he was not even a woman. Yu Wenjun didn’t know how to explain this matter, he tried to pacify his daughter, “I know what you meant. As a father, I already had it in my mind, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

These words were so perfunctory that even Yu Qingjia could not be fooled. Her eyes were dark and fiery, and because of her anger, her whole face was bright, and stunning to the point of being unforgivable.

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Murong Yan began to find the scene in front of him amusing, and he also stood on the sidelines watching the drama with a faint smile. But at this moment, Murong Yan suddenly realized that this daughter of the Yu family was really very beautiful. Dark hair like clouds, eyebrows and eyes were startling, while her lips were an exquisite shade of red. As if it was coated with a layer of glaze, and blood. Such beauty is most likely to make men have the desire to conquer and destroy.

Yu Qingjia’s eyes were burning with rage, she pointed one hand at Murong Yan, while her eyes forced to stare at Yu Wenjun, “Since she came, you always do some inexplicable things. I originally thought that you had a clear mind father, but now, you don’t even care about principles anymore. In your heart, is she more important than me, your daughter?”

Murong Yan was not annoyed by her gesture, instead he swept a glance towards Yu Wenjun with a half-smile. He was waiting for Yu Wenjun’s reaction like watching a good show.

Yu Wenjun looked at his daughter who was raised like a jewel and a treasure since she was a child, and then at his Young Master, Prince Langya who had an ambiguous smile on the corner of his lips. For the first time in his life, he felt a throbbing pain in his brain. He was thinking that his life was unbearably difficult.

What did he do wrong and why did he make this choice?     

Yu Qingjia stared at her father relentlessly, like all daughters would who lost their mothers and their father suddenly brought a new one back. She was obsessively wondering who is more important in her father’s heart.

Yu Wenjun secretly glanced at Murong Yan, and found that he was looking at Yu Qingjia with a smile as if he secretly found something interesting. Yu Wenjun felt an inexplicable headache. One was his precious daughter, and the other was the young master who he would be serving to in the future. How can he choose?     

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Yu Wenjun struggled and said, “Jiajia, you and Jing Huan are different, you two can’t be compared.”

Yu Wenjun originally meant to say that his daughter and his Young lord have their own importance and cannot be compared in the same category. However, when these words fell on Yu Qingjia’s ears, they changed completely. Yu Qingjia blinked her eyes, and her black moist eyes immediately diffused with a glistening luster, “You actually favored her! You would even take her side?”

After Yu Qingjia finished speaking, she fiercely turned her head and ran away. Murong Yan could no longer hold back, and lowered his head and let out a chuckle.

This is probably the only time he genuinely laughed during the two years of his fleeing career.

Murong Yan just went to discuss a serious matter with Yu Wenjun, and when she appeared, the matter had already been roughly finished. After her interruption, the two of them were even less in the mood to talk about it anymore. Murong Yan maintained a rare good mood, and walked towards the residence at a leisurely pace. When he stepped on the corridor that he must pass through to return to his courtyard, his footsteps were invisibly halted.

On the winding corridor, there was a woman standing with her back to him.

Murong Yan found himself laughing inadvertently again. He walked up the corridor as if he didn’t see the figure. He also wanted to know what this “Daughter” of his was up to.

As expected, when they brushed past each other, Yu Qingjia’s voice rang out coldly from behind, “Stop.”

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She tried to make her voice sound cold and majestic, but her tone had a delicate nasal sound, which sounded like she wanted to Let people continue to bully her to cry.

In a rare moment Murong Yan actually stopped. He swept a glance back towards her eyes, “Crying?”

The corners of Yu Qingjia’s eyes were red, she tried her best to hide the tear marks. She thought she was able to hide it well, but the result was still seen through by the other party at a glance. Yu Qingjia said viciously with wide eyes, “No.”

The Fourteen-year-old girl was crying out of anger, and now she still came here to find him. He is now at his most mischievous teenage years and he does not shy away from saying heavy words. However, feelings like pity and sympathy do not exist in Murong Yan’s dictionary. The corners of his lips hooked lightly. His eyes are rippled with light because of his smile. The androgynously beautiful boy smiled like an angel, but the words he spoke were extremely malicious, “Just a simple matter can make you cry. It’s really useless.”

“What’s more, what’s the use of crying?” Murong Yan admired the pitiful appearance of his defeated general, and slowly stabbed a knife into the heart of the person, “You can’t even fair well in both civil and martial arts, and now you are also abandoned by your father. What you should do now is to surpass me, or expose me in front of Yu Wenjun. Hiding and crying by yourself, What is the use of it except to give me one more reason to laugh at you?”

Yu Qingjia looked at Murong Yan, her eyes blinked and wanted to cry again. How could there be such a vicious woman in the world?

Murong Yan harvested the spoils of war, and then left with satisfaction. Yu Qingjia lowered her head and dried her tears immediately. The wicked woman is right, what is the use of her crying? However, she knew in her heart, the crying in her voice was still uncontrollable, she shouted at Murong Yan’s back, “Stop.”

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Yu Qingjia was furious and quickly went after him to tug his arm, “Stop for me.”

Yu Qingjia didn’t know why Murong Yan was so strong for a woman, they were only a year apart, but she couldn’t match him at all. After a few shakes, Murong Yan realized that he could not shake this piece of cowhide. So he ignored it and continued to walk forward. Yu Qingjia tugged Murong Yan’s arm with both hands and was actually pulled forward.

Yu Qingjia was so anxious and angry that when she saw the pillar next to her in panic, she had a flash of inspiration in her mind. She quickly pounced on it, wrapped her hands around the thick wooden pillar, and trapped Murong Yan’s hands firmly, “I’ll see how you can run now!”

Murong Yan felt the unusual softness on his arm, and his face changed violently.

“Let go!”



I’m sorry but they’re so cute!  I really love the interaction between the two.

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