09. Night Attack (1)

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Yu Wenjun had always been negligent when it came to getting acquainted with his colleagues and superiors, and he didn’t bother to use the usual way to move around his official position. How could he be discovered by the governor of Yanzhou and get promoted to a Secretary of State?

If it is said that there are no artificial manipulations, he definitely would not believe it.

He sighed deeply when he thought about the old Yu family Mansion in Yanzhou, his domineering grandmother, and the deep-rooted family traditions.

He thought that if he insisted on going his own way, his elders would be displeased, but now that he had entered his thirties, and his daughter is fourteen years old. Yu Wenjun really did not expect that his family would even disregard his own wishes and intervene in his official career without even asking him.

However, right now, Yu Wenjun’s dissatisfaction with being manipulated by his family is not his main concern but his entire mind was focused on worrying about Prince Langya’s affairs.

The reason why Prince Langya came to Guangling County was to avoid the prying eyes and ears of people. If Yu Wenjun was transferred back to Yanzhou, and went back to the ancestral home which was crowded with people, his disguise might not be good enough…

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He wrote a letter to his friends and family asking for advice, but the responses he received were not optimistic. If the transfer order hadn’t been issued yet, it would have been possible for them to ask for favors from their connections to deny it… But the official transfer order had already been issued and filed at the Ministry of Personnels in the capital. So at this point there’s no way to reverse it.

His friends were very puzzled by Yu Wenjun’s actions. The transfer order from a remote County Governor to the Secretary of State was a very good thing, so why fuss about it?

(T/N: Hello I’ll be using Yu Laojun or Laojun to address Old Madam Yu/Old Madam from now on. Old Madam Yu is too long. Lel )

Yu Qingjia sat on her knees on the couch while listening to her father’s worried sigh, “I really didn’t expect that Laojun would be so tyrannical that she would even make a decision for me without even asking my opinion about such a big matter. I feel ashamed to still be under my grandmother’s control at this age. I really don’t have a face to show everyone anymore.”

Yu Wenjun sighed for a long time, and Yu Qingjia couldn’t take it anymore and said gently, “Father, you are also a victim of the family’s reckless manipulation of power. They would even disregard your political aspirations, so you don’t have to blame yourself.”

Yu Wenjun shook his head, he was already in his thirties, he didn’t care about himself. He only felt sorry for his daughter and the Little Prince. Murong Yan, who was also present, slowly poured a cup of buttermilk and said, “The transfer order has already been issued, and it will be suspicious if you forcefully evade it. After all, there are more prominent politicians in Yanzhou, and it is probably better that we live in seclusion there.”

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Yu Wenjun understood Murong Yan’s meaning. The matter has already come to this point, and this is the only way to go on. Perhaps the Prince is right, Yanzhou has a lot of prominent families with deep heritage, which is more conducive to cultivating his influence and accumulating strength. The problem was, Murong Yan’s Identity and disguise needs to be more elaborate. For Prince Langya who hates people talking about his appearance the most, it is undoubtedly a kind of masochistic restraint.

Yu Wenjun suddenly contemplated a lot of things. He looked at Murong Yan with deep concern. He wondered how this child could bear what ordinary people couldn’t bear. Such a person would either become a wise king through the ages, or a tyrant who would cause harm for thousands of years.

Yu Wenjun took a long sigh and said, “Things have come to this point, this is the only way.” He looked at his obedient daughter, who was just 14 years old. She is fresh and lively as a willow bud, but she was about to go back to the deep house that ate people without spitting out bones.

“Jiajia, my daughter, I’m sorry. I promised Azi when she died that I would protect you well, but now, you have to go back to face the First Household and Laojun again.”

Yu Qingjia shook her head. The first time she heard that her father had received a transfer order back to Yanzhou, she was shocked and wanted to resist, but when the initial surprise passed, she accepted the matter calmly. She even had a feeling of the dust settling in her heart. Sure enough, what should come will always come, Yu Qingya is still running amok in the ancestral house. Her reborn cousin and the system seemed to be having a lot of fun, so she should come and join them.

“They are also my Elders, avoiding and not seeing them is not an option. Since they will come sooner or later, it is better to come earlier instead.”

Yu Wenjun was not comforted with his daughter being so sensible, and instead he felt a strong sourness in his heart. Without setbacks and harsh treatment, whose children would understand human affairs early on?

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When he saw them like this Murong Yan couldn’t help thinking about Yangzhou as well. After hearing the conversation between Yu Wenjun and Yu Qingjia, his eyes moved and gently glanced towards Yu Qingjia. He hadn’t noticed it before, but it seems that the situation inside the Yu family is also very complicated? According to their words, Yu Qingjia did not have a very good relationship with the first household and her great grandmother.

Murong Yan retracted his gaze, he was not surprised that Yu Qingjia would be bullied with her temper.

However, he was still a little bit displeased. It’s like when you own a toy, and it has always been you who ravages it, but suddenly someone else wanted to do it as well.

Yu Wenjun’s return home is a foregone conclusion. The successor to the governor of Guangling County is still on his way, but Yu Wenjun had to pack his luggage first, leaving the governor’s residence and the related handover matters to the new governor, while he himself takes the lead on the long journey home, with his few servants and his daughter, as well as his beautiful concubine.

Ever since the end of the Han Dynasty, the country had been in chaos for more than two hundred years. during which the North and South were briefly unified, but oftentimes it wasn’t enough for people to breathe, so it fell apart again into the endless conquest of the chaotic world. After nearly three hundred years of turmoil, the population of the country has dwindled sharply, the land has become barren, and even the roads had become particularly dangerous.

From Qingzhou to Yanzhou, you need to cross two mountains and countless wilderness, which is a total of nearly 1,000 miles. Yu Wenjun doesn’t dare to take a little risk now, preferring to take the long way and following the official road, but in troubled times, there is no official road.

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Official roads had been left unattended for a long time, and the carriages were full of potholes. Due to limited manpower, Yu Qingjia and Murong Yan shared a carriage. One of Yu Qingjia’s maid stayed with her to take care of her, while the other stayed at the back to watch over her delicate luggage.

Going on a long journey is really not an easy feat. The carriage was bumpy all the way, and Yu Qingjia’s back was sore from the upheaval. She had a pain on her back and wanted to ask Bai Zhi to massage it, but seeing that the vixen closed her eyes and rested her mind from the moment she got on the carriage, and no matter how bumpy it was, her back was always straight, if she was as soft as a puddle of mud, she would have fallen behind and be considered inferior.

So she gritted her teeth and endured, refusing to lose to the vixen. Fortunately, Yu Wenjun also knows that the road is not good. He is now taking his daughter and Prince Langya with him. He is more afraid of encountering gangsters and robbers than anyone else. Even though there were so many guards in the caravan, Yu Wenjun prioritized safety first, and would rather move slowly than in a hurry at night.

When it was finally time to stop for a rest, the people in the caravan breathe a sigh of relief. They stretched their legs and arms on the side of the road, and went to the woods to solve their personal problems. Yu Qingjia’s face had turned pale since early in the morning. Bai Zhi looked distressed and said, “Miss, why don’t I push away the idle people and you go outside a little bit to get some air?”

Yu Qingjia shook her head, “No need, The carriage is stable now, so I’ll lie down for a while.”

Bai Zhi agreed. She untied the cumbersome silk ribbon for Yu Qingjia, and was just about to pour water for her when she found that the kettle was already empty. She picked up the teapot and bent down to lift the carriage curtain, “Miss, I’ll go get a pot of water and come back, you can rest by yourself for now.”

“Mm.” Yu Qingjia nodded her head and answered.

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