Chapter 102 – First Voyage by Ship

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Skor, who had finished changing, came back.

Somehow, the atmosphere is different from usual. It’s natural since she’s wearing the one-piece dress I gave her. Her impression has completely changed.

How pure and elegant.

How adorable.

The floral one-piece dress brought out her girlishness. How delicate and lovely. Like an angel. The elf’s ethnic costume was cute too, but this is on a different level.


I couldn’t help but be amazed.

Furthermore, I applauded with overwhelming emotions.

“This is……wonderful. Like a single flower, even I, who am of the same sex, feel my heart pounding”

Havamar’s eyes were sparkling at the sight of Skor. It was like a look of envy. Could it be that Havamar also wants to dress up in such a feminine manner?

“I-it’s kind of embarrassing.”

“No, it suits you, Skor. Yeah, you’re the cutest”

“Ehehe……. Rasty-san, don’t praise me like that. I’ll get embarrassed.”

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Skor was already embarrassed. Yeah, it was worth making it. I’m also grateful for Havamar’s sewing skills.

Well, finally everyone is gathered.

After breakfast, we all gathered in the living room.

“Everyone, today is the day of departure. It’s our first voyage by ship. As planned, Skor, Havamar, and I will head to the Elven country. Blair will be taken to the Republic. So, I ask Alfred and Edu, who will remain behind, to look after the island.”

First of all, I asked Alfred and Edu, who were staying behind.

“Yes, of course. I will protect the island no matter what.”

“I’m counting on you, Alfred. Just in case, I’ll grant you access to the defense equipment”

Regarding the island’s defense equipment, I can transfer or grant activation authority to specific members. Those who I approve can handle the defense equipment. For example, the crossbow. Others can also handle it. This time, I entrusted it to Alfred, whom I trust most.

“Thank you, Rasty-sama. I will also borrow the power of the great sage Eduardo-sama, so I hope to meet your expectations.”

“Ah. That’s why, Edu”

I shift my gaze to Edu.

“That’s right. I also have the power of ‘barrier’.”

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“Yes, it only lasts for three days due to its high output, but it can protect the island from external enemies for a while.”

“That’s amazing. So, it’s like a shield.”

Edu nodded.


[Support Skill]



Deploy a barrier within a certain range. Protects from physical and magical attacks. Also has the effect of preventing intrusion from recognized enemies and monsters. If the durability value of Luminous is exceeded, this skill will disappear. The basic durability value is 30,000. After activation, there is a three-day cooldown period.

Level.1: Durability +10000

Level.2: Durability +10000

Level.3: Durability +10000

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Level.4: Durability +10000

Level.5: Durability +10000

Level.6: Durability +10000

Level.7: Durability +10000

I didn’t know there was such a skill.

But, only for three days. It would be good if we could return by then, but there is a possibility that we will exceed the deadline. We don’t even know how many days it will take to get to the Elven country from here. But, it’s better than nothing. Let’s rely on Edu’s power.

“I will also protect and watch over, so please rest assured.”

“Sorry for always causing trouble.”

I leave the island to the two of them, and I turn to Skor and the others.

“Skor, Havamar, Blair, let’s go”

“Yes, Rasty-san. We can finally go to Borodin!”

Skor, who had completely gotten used to her one-piece dress, was bouncing with excitement. Physically too……!

“I’m looking forward to visiting a foreign country after a long time. I hear the food in Borodin is delicious too.”

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Havamar, who was unusually tense, was moving her cat ears without care. It’s the first time for both me and Havamar to leave the island. I can understand the feeling of being excited.

“I’m sorry, but I wonder if we can stop by Glaznov Republic…”

That’s right. We have to take care of Blair’s matter too. We have to send her to the Republic. Of course, after that she should become a cooperative ally.

“Of course, Blair. I’ll negotiate with Strelka to take you there.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

Usually she has a resolute attitude, but now Blair was speaking in a princess-like tone and was glamorous. Huh, she can make that kind of face too.

We left the house with Alfred and Edu seeing us off. We waved our hands until the end, and it became a brief separation…. It feels a little lonely.

We walked along the beach and headed for the cliff where Strelka’s Tethys was anchored. There were no encounters with monsters and we arrived safely. It’s going too smoothly, it’s scary in a way.

“Here we are. Now we just have to cross this bridge. Skor, give me your hand.”

“R-Rasty-san. Is that okay!?”

“Uh, yeah. Because if you fall down, you’ll go straight into the sea.”

“……Y-Yes. But I’m still happy.”

Holding Skor’s hand, we finally boarded the Tethys――!

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