Chapter 69 – Former Prince, Come Back

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We headed towards the beach and observed the situation from the bushes.

On the other side of the sea, the “battleship” of the Dvorak Empire was anchored as if glaring at us. Most likely, they had dropped anchor in that position.

I could see a small boat approaching. There were two figures in it. But it wasn’t Johannes…

For now, I gave the order to Skor and the others to wait. I decided to go to the beach by myself.

“Listen, don’t move no matter what.”


“It’s okay, Skor. It seems they don’t intend to attack right away. But if things get dangerous, you run away.”

“No… I will share my fate with Rasty-san until the end.”

To say that much――Then I will definitely protect you.

――I went to the beach alone.

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A boat arrived from the sea to the beach.

Two people disembarked.

These guys…

A man with a refreshingly fluttering golden hair and an expression that looks like he’s in a good mood. His attire is clearly imperial. That slender, feminine appearance――there is no doubt.

“Rasty! My little brother, I didn’t know you were on such a damp and uninhabited island!”

“First Crown Prince Wagner.”

“Call me ‘big brother’ like you used to, Rasty. We’re brothers, aren’t we?”

With a grin on his face, Wagner looked at me with those blue eyes.

“What big brother? Your old man exiled me. Don’t tell me you’re asking me to come back now! I refuse!”

“Oh, come back. The Dvorak Empire needs you. Please, just be obedient… and return to the castle.”

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The empire needs me?

Return obediently?

You’ve got to be kidding me!

Who are you to say that? I was expelled from the homeland where I had lived for a long time and lost everything, and ended up stranded on this uninhabited island. I struggled desperately and finally got a new life. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say it’s my second life.

What’s important to me is now.

“Wagner, you should be the one to shut up and leave. Tell your old man this for me—go to h*ll!”

However, Wagner just laughed coldly. Ah, he’s always been like that. He was like that when he was beating up Skor. He looks down on commoners and thinks of them as nothing but slaves. He’s a heartless bstad with no blood and tears.1

He is a demon devoid of human emotions.

“Tell such nonsense with your own mouth. My only goal is to take you back, even if I have to freeze you. Don’t interfere, Vice Captain.”

Come to think of it, there was a person wearing a deep robe next to Wagner. I can’t see their face, so I don’t know if they’re male or female. Oh, I see, that must be the Vice Captain.

The person in the robe nodded silently.

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And Wagner approached me alone. Is he planning to fight?!

“Are you ready, Wagner!”

“Rasty, I heard you repelled the Holy Knight Johannes multiple times. That could be seen as an act of hostility towards the Dvorak Empire. The justification is on our side.”

“What do I care? It’s you who’s the invader. You arrogantly barged into the island without permission.”

“This island is the territory of the Dvorak Empire. It was merely abandoned because it’s an uninhabited island with no value. However, it seems that it is rich in resources and has several dungeons. Isn’t that right?”

Wagner asked the Vice Captain.

“…That’s correct, Your Highness. There is high-level ‘Random Dungeon’ here. If we conquer them, we can get all kinds of rare items. It would greatly benefit the empire’s finances.”

It was a quiet female voice.

Is the Vice Captain a woman?

“I’ve heard something good. Then, let’s take this island again…! Rasty, I will take everything from you!”

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“Wagner, you!!”

I won’t forgive him for that. I absolutely won’t forgive him for that.

This island belongs to me.

If he wants to take it away, I will fight to protect it.

I have no choice but to do it.

No, I must do it.

I bared my hostility and aimed Gale Tulle at Wagner.

“Oh, so you’re aiming your weapon at me, the First Crown Prince of this empire and the strongest mage, Rasty. Let me tell you, things are different from ten years ago. I was careless with my chanting then, but not now. Prepare yourself.”

“Is that so? I’ve grown a lot since then too. I’ll use this ‘pickaxe’ to show you that you’re not the only special one.”

Before he could use magic, I initiated a preemptive attack――!

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