Chapter 77 – Uninhabited Island Lv.20

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After finishing the conversation, I showed Eduardo to her room.

“Please make use of this second-floor room.”

“The corridor is spacious. It’s well-maintained and it’s impressive that you’ve built such a large mansion on this island. What kind of power did you use?”

“I have the ‘Uninhabited Island Development Skill.’ With this power, I can do anything. Not just a house, I can create lakes and fields too. It’s easy to make various tools too.”

Eduardo nodded silently, but she seemed curious.

“I would appreciate it if you could tell me more when you have the time.”

“Okay. I’ll let you know if I have time tomorrow.”

“Thank you.”

She bowed her head politely.

She has good manners.

“Well then, this is Eduardo’s room.”

“It has a feeling of cleanliness. But… there’s no bed.”

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“Sorry about that. There’s not even a mat. I couldn’t get the crucial ‘Thread’, which, if I remember correctly, I could obtain after defeating either the monster ‘Pink Netherland Dwarf’ or ‘Mandragora’. But now I’m trying to make do with coconut fibers… There were various things that happened.”

Yes, there were too many things that happened.

Especially with Wagner’s invasion, island development was out of the question. However, we succeeded in repelling them, and the Empire should remain quiet for a while.

“That’s interesting. Let me help as well.”

“Really? That would be helpful. Well then, I should get back soon. Goodnight.”


I lightly waved my hand and left the room.

-Next day-

I woke up to the cries of a mysterious bird. …What was that “Nuwaa” just now? I wonder if there are bird-type monsters on this island. …It’s possible. Considering there was that “Cave Dungeon”, there might be “Harpy” or “Griffin”, or even “Dragon-types” in the deep hole.

When I left my room and went down to the first floor, I saw Alfred cleaning from early in the morning. In his hand, he had the “Golden Broom Goltblum”. It was shining brightly and dazzling!

And there was the figure of Skor wiping the windows.

The agile figure moving with small hops was cute like that of a cat.

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“Good morning to both of you.”

“Good morning, Rasty-sama. You got up early this morning, which is unusual.”

“I can’t just laze around all the time.”

That’s right, from today onward, I’ll prioritize development. To do that, I need to start with an emergency meeting. Since the number of people has increased, we need to discuss things.

“Good morning, Rasty-san…”

“Oh, you don’t seem energetic. What’s wrong?”

“…well, actually…”

Skor fidgets and turns red, looking like she’s having a hard time talking. Her eyes are darting around, too. What’s wrong? Does she have a fever or something?

“Did you catch a cold?”

“No, it’s not that! Um, you see, I was cleaning the window just now.”

“Oh, I see… So, what about it?”

She showed me a “piece of cloth” …Wait a minute, I haven’t obtained any cloth as an item yet. Where did she get it from?

“I can’t say it out loud, but… this, um, it’s a part of my skirt.”

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“But, but, but… there are no rags or anything. I had no choice but to cut it from my clothes…”

Come to think of it, Skor is boldly exposing her thighs today. Originally, she wore a long skirt as part of the elf’s ethnic costume, but now it’s a miniskirt. I didn’t notice it because it looked so natural.

“You didn’t have to go that far! But, you’re even cuter now, Skor.”


Her face turned even redder and she looked down. Somehow, she has become even more attractive… It’s hard to know where to look. However, she is attractive with her energetic presence.

“Oh, um, yeah. More importantly… I feel bad for making you do that. I have to buy you new clothes.”

“No, it’s fine as it is! I want Rasty-san to see it.”


But I feel bad for turning her clothes into a rag. I want to get her clothes somehow.

I got up early but Havamar and Eduardo didn’t get up. So I decided to work on development in the meantime.

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I went out to the garden and appreciated the fine weather today.


Wood x2447
Stone x1079
Soil x8
Torch x1
Iron x122
Sword (Unidentified) x2
Blunt weapon (Unidentified) x1
Candle x20
Improved stamina recovery potion ×25


First, I used wood and stone to add two “huts” using my Island Development Skill. I placed them in the backyard of the house. With this, our food storage has increased, and we can also store other items in the future. It’s important to keep things organized.

Uninhabited Island Lv.18 → Uninhabited Island Lv.20

Now, what should I make next――.

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