Chapter 89 – Letter From The Hero

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It became night, and I was making cooking utensils, chairs, tables, etc. at the worktable in the garden. When I was concentrating, something fluttered from the sky――what is it!?

“Wow, a bird?”

In front of me was an “owl”.

It let out a strange cry, and when it saw me, its eyes lit up. …Oh, it’s dazzling!! It’s unnecessarily dazzling. My eyes are going to be blinded.


“Hoo-hoo, it’s not. What are you doing? You’re going to get in the way of my work… Huh?”

This guy has something tied to his leg.

I was curious and untied the tied paper (?). It was a “letter”. Moreover, the addressee was written as “Rasty Vermilion”, my name.

Huh, me?

Why is my name written on the letter? Who sent it?

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The sender is――

“Hohoho, hoho!”

The owl threatened me with its wings as if to say “read it”, or rather, urged me. This owl is not just a bird.

“Do you want me to read this?”

“Yes, read it.”

“Hey, can you talk!!”

“Just a little. Read it quickly, human.”

It seems kind of arrogant.

Well, there are talking birds.

Some birds are smart and can also produce sounds.

“Well, never mind… Let’s see, let’s see.”

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I checked the letter. As I read through it, I was surprised at what was written. Is this… the inside story of the Dvorak Empire? Not only the country…but also the events in the castle in detail. Why such content?


“Knight Commander Ludmila”

The situation in the Dvorak Empire changed rapidly, and an unknown disease spread. Now, the country is in a state of chaos, struggling to respond. The number of able-bodied individuals is decreasing day by day, and the economy is also declining. There is also a growing discontent among the people. If things continue like this, the empire…

“Hey, Knight Commander Ludmila!!”

As I was worrying about the country and pondering for a long time, the second prince, Brahms, appeared in front of me, expressing his indignation at being ignored. As usual, his attitude is big and he treated people roughly. I was even fed up with this situation.

On the third day since the exile of the third prince, Rasty Vermilion, the imperial family, unable to hide their anxiety over the sudden economic decline, quickly changed their stance and issued an ordered for the immediate search for Rasty. It was a command that fell upon me.

I headed to the desert where His Majesty the Emperor exiled Rasty using force teleport, but there was no sign of the third prince there. It’s been three days since then. He may have already reached another city or given up and become a mummy.

However, there were no traces of death or any such signs. So where did he go…?

One day, my friend “Theodore” found out where Rasty was. Theodore is a Tame Master. So he had the ability to control monsters. With Theodore’s pet, we were able to pinpoint Rusty’s whereabouts.

Apparently, he was found to be alive on an “uninhabited island” outside the empire’s territorial waters. I immediately reported this fact to His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty first ordered Holy Knight Johannes.

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However, he went missing. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Next, His Majesty ordered me to launch a ship and head there, but――the first prince, Wagner, came forward. He said he would take Vice Commander Eduardo with him.

Recently, I heard that Edu and the first prince got engaged. The person herself said things like “I want to have a passionate love once in a while~★” and took advantage of the feud between the first and third princes, and stirred up Wagner-sama, saying that she would become the bride of the victor.

…Oh well, Edu. For the past few hundred years, she’s been getting too carried away because she hasn’t been in a proper relationship.

Later, a battleship left the empire. However, it returned in less than half a day. There was no Edu inside, and Wagner-sama had returned alone, reduced to a tattered rag. It turned out that the first prince had been teleported by Edu and ended up falling into the empire’s fountain.

When His Majesty saw this――

“Wagner, what a sight… you look terrible.”

His Majesty looked at his son, who had changed beyond recognition, with a perplexed expression. He had lost his confidence and was like a different person. What happened on the island? And why hasn’t Edu returned?

“…Oh, father. I’m sorry, I lost to that sc*m Rasty… Just thinking about it…d*mn it, it’s frustrating!! Frustrating!! Why do I have to lose to that small fry!! I’m the “Ice Emperor”!!”

“And what about Vice-Commander Eduardo? Weren’t you engaged?”

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“I don’t know! She betrayed me and sided with Rasty!”

The pathetic sight seemed comical to the guards, who struggled to suppress their laughter.  Wagner-sama noticed this and glared at the guards.

“Hey, you…you just laughed, didn’t you?”

“N-no, not at all. I was just…”

“Don’t laugh at meeeeeee!!”

Wagner-sama finally snapped and froze five guards at once. This was a complete act of venting his anger without restraint.

In this state, the empire is only getting worse. Recently, there have been unsettling movements… Some even whispered that it was finally “war”. It seems that war might be the only path left to escape poverty.

But I am against war.

While I may hold the position of the Knight Commander of this empire, it has been more of a circumstance rather than a choice… I have always been willing to abandon this country if necessary. … I just want to reclaim the “World Scriptures”, that’s all.

I decided to write a letter.

To Rasty-sama and Eduardo on the uninhabited island. I’m sure you’ll be surprised when you read this letter. I will be heading there soon.

“――From the Hero Ludmila”

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