Union Of Enemies

Chapter 30

Zhen Lang rushed home.

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Zhen Lang got out of an elevator and he saw his nosey neighbours from downstairs.

Zhen Lang smiled politely. ‘Hello aunty Li, hello aunty Zhao and hello big sister Zhang.’

‘Doctor Zhen, are you renovating your apartment?’ Mrs Li asked.

On the inside Zhen Lang guessed what happened and he nodded his head. ‘Yes aunty Li, I hired a renovation company. Did they come today?’

Mrs Li smiled politely. ‘Um. Can you ask them not to make a racket while I’m eating dinner? Dust from my ceiling fell onto my bowl of rice. I thought there’s an earthquake.’

‘That’s right. Did you find an inexperienced renovation company? My TV I hung on a wall nearly fell down,’ Mrs Zhao said.

Zhen Lang apologised to his neighbours and they left.

Zhen Lang opened his front door and it looked like an earthquake renovated his home. All his chairs lost a leg and they were thrown into a corner. The TV hung on a living room wall was thrown onto the sofa. A line marking from the kitchen floor to the living room floor matched the thickness of the TV screen and he understood the TV needed to be replaced.

Zhen Lang weaved through the clutter on the floor toward Gu Jing’s bedroom. He opened her bedroom door, as he expected her cupboards were bare.

Zhen Lang walked to his bedroom and he saw on his bedroom door a knife pinned a photo of his face on the door. The knife scratched out his eyes and it made a line mark across his neck.

Zhen Lang laughed and he opened his bedroom door. His renovated bedroom matched the renovated living room, dining room and kitchen.

Zhen Lang understood something big triggered Gu Jing’s fury otherwise she wouldn’t destroy his home. He felt she went easy on him because she destroyed his home but she didn’t beat him into a pulp.

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Zhen Lang saw a wrinkled newspaper on the floor. He picked it up and he saw an altered photo of Gu Jing was used to endorse lingerie and he fumed.

Gu Jing carried her suitcases to the studio. She felt everything at the studio looked beautiful after she moved out of Zhen Lang’s home.

Gu Jing laid on a sofa and she thought about the photo shopped photo of her and she felt frustrated. But her fear of facing Zhen Lang frustrated her the most. She felt like a wimp who ran away after committing a crime even though it was Zhen Lang who wronged her.

Gu Jing cursed Zhen Lang – ‘What engagement? What taking care of each other? You played me! You proposed to me as a distraction tactic while you use my photo to publicly ambush me.’

Gu Jing berated herself for putting her guard down. Zhen Lang didn’t change, he always looked for her weaknesses and he exploited them since they were children.

Gu Jing slept on the sofa and she cursed Zhen Lang in her sleep.

In the morning Gu Jing brushed her teeth and washed her face. She strode outside the studio and she bumped into Peng Cheng Gui.

‘Where are you going?’ Peng Cheng Gui asked.

Gu Jing waved a newspaper in her hand. ‘I’m going to this newspaper’s headquarters to even the score.’

Gu Jing didn’t dare face Zhen Lang, but she didn’t fear the company who owned the newspaper franchise which used her image without her consent.

At ten in the morning inside Wang Shao Huang’s office, she laughed at Gu Jing’s ridiculous claims. ‘How are you going to prove this is a photo of you?’

Gu Jing sat on a chair opposite Wang Shao Huang and she propped her legs on Wang Shao Huang’s desk.

Wang Shao Huang felt intimidated by Gu Jing’s confident aura. Although she spoke arrogantly, she didn’t dare look straight into Gu Jing’s eyes.

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Wang Shao Huang felt humiliated at the studio by Gu Jing and Peng Cheng Gui. After her assistants investigated more about Gu Jing’s background she felt happy Zhen Lang’s lover wasn’t a young man but a tomboy. She didn’t see Gu Jing as a worthy rival, but she wanted to take revenge on Gu Jing and Peng Cheng Gui. So she stole a photo from their studio and photo shopped it for a lingerie advertisement.

Gu Jing stood and she towered over Wang Shao Huang’s desk. She saw Wang Shao Huang’s chair moved backward and she laughed coldly. ‘I stored the original photo in my camera. You have an impressive big company, I don’t want this photo incident to adversely affect your company.’

Wang Shao Huang put documents she received from her lawyers on her desk in front of Gu Jing. ‘I consulted my lawyers already. I suggest you look over these documents before you do anything pointless.’

Gu Jing glanced at the stack of documents and Wang Shao Huang laughed triumphantly. ‘It appears you don’t know about a PS clause. I can easily find a model who resemble the person in the PS photo and dress the model in the same set of lingerie, no one will notice a difference…’ She pointed at Gu Jing’s flat chest. ‘Are you certain if you sue my company you will win in court?’

Wang Shao Huang leaned her back against her chair. ‘Who would believe an established and reputable company like Wang’s company would steal an ordinary photo from an ordinary studio for a lingerie advertisement? Miss Gu, I suggest you go home. If you’re determined to sue my company and lose in court, I’ll sue you for defamation. It’ll take your ordinary studio several years to pay the compensation.’

Gu Jing doubted she could win against a big company, but she stared at Wang Shao Huang’s fake big breasts and the shape of Wang Shao Huang’s breasts looked like the same bra photo shopped in her photo.

‘This photo belongs to Wang’s company. Miss Gu, I suggest you don’t make any false accusations. I won’t give you even one Yuan,’ Peng Cheng Gui said.

Gu Jing understood Wang Shao Huang’s threat. She knew Wang Shao Huang’s company used her image illegally and she wouldn’t receive compensation from Wang Shao Huang’s company.

‘You… you did this on purpose!’ Gu Jing said.

Wang Shao Huang’s whole body shivered, because the anger in Gu Jing’s tone of voice sounded like Gu Jing would attack her. ‘If you dare injure me, I’ll call the police and report you for assaulting me and you can spend time in jail.’

Gu Jing glared at Wang Shao Huang and she laughed coldly.

Wang Shao Huang’s shaky hands pushed Gu Jing outside her office. She ordered her employees. ‘Call… call security.’

A crowd surrounded Wang Shao Huang and Gu Jing.

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Wang Shao Huang pointed a finger at Gu Jing. ‘She claims she’s the model in the lingerie advertisement. She wants to extort money and assault me.’

Gu Jing took out her video camera from her pants pocket and she recorded the crowd’s faces. ‘Tell me, do I look like the model in the lingerie advertisement?’

The crowd compared ‘the young man’ in a wrinkled shirt and baggy pants to the lingerie advertisement. Everyone in the crowd shook their head and they sharpened their tongues.

‘Hehe… you think with your looks you can advertise lingerie? What a joke,’ the first employee said.

‘You look nothing like the model in the photo. Whose money do you want to extort?’ a second employee said.

‘Someone call security to escort this scammer to the police station,’ a third employee said.

Gu Jing silently recorded the crowd’s faces and she recorded her face and outfit too.

Wang Shao Huang pointed at the front door. ‘I told you this photo belongs to Wang’s company. You’re welcome to sue Wang’s company. Wang’s company’s lawyers will be happy to oppose you. If you’re smart then you should hurry up and leave otherwise I’ll call security.’

Gu Jing turned off her video camera and she put it in her pants pocket. ‘Ok, I’ll leave.’ She wiped dust off her pants and she laughed coldly. ‘If you say I’m not the person in the photo then I’m not the person in the photo.’

Gu Jing left Wang Shao Huang’s company, but she returned to Wang Shao Huang’s company within half an hour.

Gu Jing wore a mini dress over a pair of heels, which showed off her long slender legs. She wore makeup and a wig that fell to her shoulders.

The same crowd salivated at Gu Jing’s luscious body and praises flowed out of their mouths.

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‘Isn’t she the lingerie model?’ the first employee said.

‘That’s right. She’s more beautiful in person than in the photo,’ the second employee said.

‘She’s stunning. I wonder what her name is,’ the third employee said.

‘Ask PR to contact her model agency and you’ll know,’ the first employee said.

Gu Jing barged into Wang Shang Huang’s office and she slammed the door shut. She turned on her video camera and she recorded Wang Shang Huang’s face and body.

Wang Shang Huang thought the beautiful woman in front of her looked familiar. ‘You… ah!’

Gu Jing punctured Wang Shao Huang’s water bra and water flowed down Wang Shao Huang’s legs.

‘Do you want me to help you call the police? I didn’t assault you. You accidently bumped into me and your water bra leaked. Didn’t you say I’m not the lingerie model? Then you have nothing to worry about if you call the police. It’ll be convenient if the police come here so I can report your company for using my image without my consent,’ Gu Jing said.

Wang Shao Huang’s face turned bleach white.

Gu Jing laughed coldly. ‘Since you used my photo without my consent, I’ll post this video of you on the internet and we can be famous together.’

Gu Jing walked triumphantly outside Wang Shao Huang’s office.

Inside Wang Shao Huang’s office she screamed loud enough for everyone on the ground floor to hear. ‘Ah! Why did it turn out like this?’


End of Chapter Thirty

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