Union Of Enemies

Chapter 57

"One, two, one, two........" The Taekwondo Club members wearing their uniforms were having a physical fitness training session on the field and the slender Jia Shao was particularly eye-catching in the crowd.  Excitement was displayed on her face and she was bouncing around with her short hair fluttering in the wind.

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Suddenly, she stopped and looked sharply around her.  Her nose sniffed like a dog and her alert eyes roamed over every corner of the field.


Students were coming and going and everyone seemed to be in a hurry but there was no sign of the person she was looking for.


Perhaps, her sense is wrong?


"Junior Sister schoolmate, follow up!" The senior schoolmate in front called out to her. Jia Shao hurriedly quickened her steps to catch up but she still had a suspicious look on her face.

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She can actually feel that person's presence but can it be she is oversensitive?


When her dashing figure had run far away, the boy leaning against the tree trunk under the cherry tree revealed a faint smile on his face before walking away.


"Zhen Lang!" The handsome figure wearing a white shirt tucked into his pants was neat and clean.  He halted his steps and stood still, then turned around to look towards the voice that called out to him.


Behind him was a woman wearing a long skirt that was fluttering in the wind.  Her black hair was loose like a waterfall and her tall figure was graceful and elegant.


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His habitual gentle smile appeared and he held up his hand in greeting. "Hi!"


Taking small steps, the long skirt lifted up in beautiful waves in the wind faintly outlining her good figure but it was not excessively obscene. The girl's smile was reserved and sweet. "It's rare that schoolmates from the same high school can enter the same university.  I'm here especially to meet fellow townsmen*."


(Townsmen, countrymen, etc., means people from the same place, eg., country, city, town or village.)


He nodded and began to walk slowly. "I know."


The girl's sparkling eyes flashed with shyness and looked up at the tall man beside her. "You know?"

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"Um......" Zhen Lang responded. "The admission list posted at the campus gate has your name listed under my name."


The girl's gaze silently dimmed. "Oh......"


He noticed the disappointment in the girl's eyes and there was no other expression on her face. Gentle alienation is sometimes more terrifying than straightforward hard words.


"Zhen Lang, can I ask a favor from you?" Bai Wei followed up to keep in step with Zhen Lang.  She bowed her head and looked very pitiful.


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Raising his hand, he waved the book he was holding. "I'm sorry. The professor is still waiting for me. Let's talk another day."


The words that were about to spill from her mouth had to be held back and she nodded, watching the handsome figure slowly disappeared from her sight.


In the male dormitory, Zhen Lang's hands were clasped behind his head with his eyes closed as he enjoyed the warm spring breeze blowing through the window and he had a faint smile on his lips.


There was a light knock on his bed and he opened his eyes slightly into slits, at the same time lifting his eyebrows out of habit.


Lin Zi Chen was holding the edge of the upper bunk while he looked down at Zhen Lang on the lower bunk.  He had a sunny, ambiguous smile on his face and narrowed his eyes at Zhen Lang. "I heard that you were together with the Beauty of the Chinese Department."

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